/percolation.py (a32ff93ffd1cfd5603eb93aa4bd63b921c93ee66) (10925 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

import graph_tool.all as gt
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import visualization

### NOTE: We use the largest component, not ###
### the entire graph for the calculation    ###

### functions used by all percolation modes ###
def percolation(percolated_graph,intact_graph):
  return 100.0*(1.0-float(percolated_graph.num_vertices())/float(intact_graph.num_vertices()))

def print_info(flc, glc):
  print 'filtered graph - vertices: '+str(flc.num_vertices())+' / edges: '+str(flc.num_edges())
  print 'percolation: '+str(percolation(flc,glc))+'%'

# the function below was needed in previous versions of CoRiA because the set of set members was nested within another set
#def read_redis_smembers(redis,key):
 # s = redis.smembers(key) #read set
  #return [i.strip() for i in [l.strip('[]').split(',') for l in s][0]] #write list and strip of useless characters

####### percolation modes #######

# These percolation modes take as input the mode name and n - a dictionary of
# numbers of nodes to take out (as keys) and corresponding percentages.
# They return a dictionary of percentage keys and percolation values.
# Advanced percolation modes nest this dictionary within a dictionary of groups.
# Therefore, they require a loop over these groups, which can be e.g. metrics or countries.

def failure(self, mode_name, n):
  print 'Calculating percolation due to random failure'
  # initialise
  counter = 0
  results = {}

  # take a random sample from the largest component
  for v in np.random.choice(list(self.glc.vertices()),size=max(n.keys()),replace=False):
    self.exclusion_map[self.g.vertex(v)] = 0
    counter += 1
    if counter in n.keys():
      print counter,'nodes removed'
      # graph without the excluded vertices (i.e. those that have value 0 in the exclusion map)
      f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map)
      # largest component of graph f
      flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f))
      results[n[counter]] = percolation(flc,self.glc)
      # visualize deterioration
      # visualization.draw_deterioration(self,self.sfdp,mode_name+'_'+str(int(n[counter]))+'_pct')

  return results


def random_walk(self, mode_name, n):
  print 'Calculating percolation due to random walk'
  #first vertex for random walk
  start = self.glc.vertex(np.random.randint(0,self.glc.num_vertices()), use_index=False)

  #do random walk
  alternate_list = list(self.label_map.a)
  results = rw(self,start,n,alternate_list,mode_name)

  #return dict(zip(percentages,percolations))
  return results


def target_list(self, mode_name, n):
  print 'Calculating percolation due to targeted attack , i.e. taking out top nodes from a target list'
  # instantiate results dictionary and target lists
  results = {}
  nodes_max = {}

  #loop through all metrics
  all_metrics = list(self.base_metrics.keys() + self.advanced_metrics.keys())
  for metric in all_metrics:
    #get nodes with highest value of metric
    nodes_max[metric] = self.redis.zrange(self.metric_prefix+metric+self.normalization_suffix, -max(n.keys()), -1, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float).reverse()
  #loop through all scores
  all_scores = list(self.scores.keys() + self.advanced_scores.keys())
  for score in all_scores:
    #get nodes with highest value of score
    nodes_max[score] = self.redis.zrange(self.score_prefix+score, -max(n.keys()), -1, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float).reverse()

  #loop through all metrics and scores
  for metric in all_metrics+all_scores:
    print 'Taking out top nodes for metric',metric

    # initialise variables and exclusion map
    counter = 0
    self.exclusion_map.a = 1
    results[metric] = {}

    for node in nodes_max[metric]:
      vertex = gt.find_vertex(self.g,self.label_map,node)[0]
      self.exclusion_map[vertex] = 0
      counter += 1
      if counter in n.keys():
        print counter,'nodes removed'
        # graph without the excluded vertices (i.e. those that have value 0 in the exclusion map)
        f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map)
        # largest component of graph f
        flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f))
        results[metric][n[counter]] = percolation(flc,self.glc)
        # visualize deterioration
        # visualization.draw_deterioration(self,self.sfdp,mode_name+'_'+metric+'_'+str(int(n[counter]))+'_pct')

  return results


def hybrid_mode(self, mode_name, n):
  print 'Calculating percolation due to random walk starting from node with highest value of metric'
  # instantiate results dictionary and alternate lists for random walk
  results = {}
  alternate_lists = {}

  #loop through all metrics
  all_metrics = list(self.base_metrics.keys() + self.advanced_metrics.keys())
  for metric in all_metrics:
    #get nodes with highest value of metric
    temp_list = self.redis.zrange(self.metric_prefix+metric+self.normalization_suffix, 0, -1, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float)
    alternate_lists[metric] = [node for node in reversed(temp_list)]

  #loop through all scores
  all_scores = list(self.scores.keys() + self.advanced_scores.keys())
  for score in all_scores:
    #get nodes with highest value of score
    temp_list = self.redis.zrange(self.score_prefix+score, 0, -1, withscores=False, score_cast_func=float)
    alternate_lists[score] = [node for node in reversed(temp_list)]

  #loop through all metrics and scores
  for metric in all_metrics+all_scores:
    print 'Starting from node with highest value of metric',metric
    #initialise exclusion vertex property map
    self.exclusion_map.a = 1

    #first vertex for random walk
    start = gt.find_vertex(self.g,self.label_map,alternate_lists[metric][0])[0]

    #do random walk
    results[metric] = rw(self,start,n,alternate_lists[metric],mode_name+'_'+metric)

  return results

def russian(self, mode_name, n):
  print 'Calculating percolation due to shutting off the Russian network from the internet'
  # instantiate results dictionary and target lists
  #results = {}
  #nodes_max = {}
  self.exclusion_map.a = 0
  counter = 0
  results = {}
  for v in self.g.vertices():
    if self.g.vp.country_code[v] == 'RU':
      print 'Shutting off node',int(v),'because it\'s Russian!'
      self.exclusion_map[v] = 1
      counter += 1
#      if counter in n.keys():
#        print counter,'nodes removed'
        # graph without the excluded vertices (i.e. those that have value 0 in the exclusion map)
#        f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map)
        # largest component of graph f
#        flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f))
#        print_info(flc,self.glc)
#        results[n[counter]] = percolation(flc,self.glc)
        # visualize deterioration
        # visualization.draw_deterioration(self,self.sfdp,mode_name+'_'+metric+'_'+str(int(n[counter]))+'_pct')

  f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map)
  flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f))
  #results[max(n.values())] = percolation(flc,self.g)
  # visualize deterioration
  print 'Creating visualization #1 of the deterioration.'
  print 'Creating visualization #2 of the deterioration.'
  print 'Creating visualization #3 of the deterioration.'
  #return results
############## Random Walk for the RW deletion modes ################

# takes as input a start vertex, the number of vertices to take out
# and an alternate list of vertices if the random walk reaches a dead end

def rw(self, vertex, n, alternate_list, mode_name):
  # initialise
  results = {}

  self.exclusion_map[vertex] = 0 #take out start vertex
  # initialise graph filters
  # graph without the excluded vertices (i.e. those that have value 0 in the exclusion map)
  f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map)
  # largest component of graph f
  flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f))
  if 1 in n.keys():
    print '1 node removed'
    results[n[1]] = percolation(flc,self.glc)
    # visualize deterioration
    # visualization.draw_deterioration(self,self.sfdp,mode_name+'_'+str(int(n[1]))+'_pct')

  for i in range(max(n.keys())-1):
    neighbours = list(vertex.all_neighbours())
    flag = 0 #decision flag

    # choose a random neighbour
    if len(neighbours) > 0:
      for neighbour in neighbours:
        if self.exclusion_map[neighbour] != 0:
          vertex = neighbour
          flag = 1

    # to be executed if no neighbours exist - choose the next node out of an alternative list
    if flag == 0:
      # create a list of already used list members
      used_list = []
      for node in alternate_list:
        vertex = gt.find_vertex(self.g,self.label_map,node)[0]
        if self.exclusion_map[vertex] != 0:
      if len(used_list) > 0:
        for used_node in used_list:
          # remove used members from alternate list. This reduces calculation time in next iteration

    self.exclusion_map[vertex] = 0 #take out vertex
    f = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = self.exclusion_map) #update graph (filtered)
    if i+2 in n.keys():
      flc = gt.GraphView(self.g, vfilt = gt.label_largest_component(f)) #update largest component
      print i+2,'nodes removed'
      results[n[i+2]] = percolation(flc,self.glc)
      # visualize deterioration
      # visualization.draw_deterioration(self,self.sfdp,mode_name+'_'+str(int(n[i+2]))+'_pct')

  return results

########## THE END ###########

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