/confec.cpp (57b6db7a29b51185c9a01ac5536783c3e1a7aa0a) (187046 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

#include <stdio.h>
// fopen override declaration.
FILE *FileOpen( const char* filename, const char* modes );

#include <cstring>

// Trick cute_sound.h into thinking stb_vorbis.c is included here.
// This avoids a stupid conflict with a macro called "R" in Bullet.

// Implementations defined in libs.cpp.
#include <stb_image.h>
#include <stb_truetype.h>
#include <cute_sound.h>
//#include <ne.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <tm_json.h>
#include <ini.h>
#include <micropather.h>

// Platform-specific headers.
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
	#include <emscripten/websocket.h>
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		#include <steam/steam_api.h>
	#include <Poco/Exception.h>
	#include <Poco/Timespan.h>
	#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
	#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
	#include <Poco/Net/HTTPClientSession.h>
	#include <Poco/Net/HTTPSClientSession.h>
	#include <Poco/Net/WebSocket.h>
	// Asio and Beast stuff takes a long time to compile.
	#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
	#include <boost/beast/ssl.hpp>
	#include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
	#include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
	#include <boost/asio/connect.hpp>
	#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
	#include <boost/asio/ssl/stream.hpp>
	#include <boost/asio/ssl/rfc2818_verification.hpp>
	#include <mutex>
	#include <thread>
	#include <regex>

// OpenGL wrapper.
#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
	#include <fg2/fg2.h>
	#include <fg2/linalg.h>
	#define fgl fg2
	#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
	#include <fg3/fg3.h>
	#include <fg3/linalg.h>
	#define fgl fg3

#ifndef __LIGHT__
	// The 3D dungeon engine is not included in the Confectioner Engine source release due to
	// an ongoing rewrite. Code to fetch and build the Bullet physics engine has been removed
	// from the makefile for the same reason. The 3D stuff is now a separate project.
	// Code in this file (the #ifndef __LIGHT__ parts) preserved for posterity.

	// Perlin noise.
	#include <stb_perlin.h>
	// Bullet physics.
	// Use doubles to match the version of Bullet produced by
	// build_cmake_pybullet_double.sh
	#include <btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
	#include <BulletCollision/Gimpact/btGImpactCollisionAlgorithm.h>
	#include <btrapVertexBuffer.h>
	// These 2 headers are not included in this source release.
	// glTF loader.
	#include <fgltf.h>
	// 3D dungeon engine.
	#include <fdungeon.h>

// General-purpose game headers.
#include <en_to_zh.h>
#define DIALOGUE_FOPEN FileOpen
#include <dialogue.h>
#include <fseq.h>
#define FWORLD_FOPEN FileOpen
#include <fworld.h>

// Headers specific to Confectioner Engine.
#include "include/flora.h"
#include "include/civilian.h"
#include "include/fighter.h"
//#include "include/wolf.h"

// For _mkdir/mkdir.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	#include <direct.h>
	#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <locale.h>

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#define DBL_INF std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()

double lerp( double a, double b, double f ){
	return f * ( b - a ) + a;

double ease( double a, double b, double f ){
	f *= 2.0;
	if( f < 1.0 ){
		f *= f * 0.5;
		f -= 2.0;
		f = f * f * -0.5 + 1.0;
	return f * ( b - a ) + a;

fgl::Texture loadImage( std::string fileName, bool mipmap, bool filter ){
	int imgWidth = 0, imgHeight = 0, imgChannels = 0;
	unsigned char *imgData = nullptr;
	FILE *file = FileOpen( fileName.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( file ){
		imgData = stbi_load_from_file( file, &imgWidth, &imgHeight, &imgChannels, 0 );
		fclose( file );
	fgl::Texture imgTexture = fgl::loadTexture( imgData, imgWidth, imgHeight, imgChannels, mipmap, filter );
	stbi_image_free( imgData );
	return imgTexture;

void drawImage( fgl::Texture &tex, float posX, float posY, float angle, float scaleX, float scaleY ){
	double screenWidth = fgl::getDisplayWidth(), screenHeight = fgl::getDisplayHeight();
	double textureWidth = tex.width, textureHeight = tex.height;
	fgl::setTexture( tex, 0 );
			linalg::translation_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>(
				( textureWidth * 0.5 * scaleX + posX ) / screenHeight * 2.0 - screenWidth / screenHeight,
				( textureHeight * 0.5 * scaleY + posY ) / screenHeight * -2.0 + 1.0,
			) ),
				linalg::rotation_matrix( fgl::eulerToQuat( 0.0, 0.0, angle ) ),
				linalg::scaling_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>(
					textureWidth / screenHeight * scaleX * 2.0,
					textureHeight / screenHeight * scaleY * 2.0,
				) )
		linalg::scaling_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>( screenHeight / screenWidth, 1.0, 1.0 ) )

dialogue::Talk convo;

fgl::Font font_vn, font_mono, font_inventory;

fgl::Texture shadeBox, button_n, button_p;

// VN variables.
long long health = 0, day = 0, money = 0, multiplayer = 0, mainmenu = 0;

struct Image {
	std::string imgName;
	fgl::Texture imgTexture;

std::vector<Image> backgrounds;
std::vector<Image> foregrounds;

int bgIndex = -1, fgIndex = -1, choiceIndex = -1;

int findBackground( std::string imgName ){
	if( imgName.length() > 0 ){
		for( int i = 0; i < (int)backgrounds.size(); i++ ){
			if( backgrounds[i].imgName == imgName ){
				return i;
	return -1;

int findForeground( std::string imgName ){
	if( imgName.length() > 0 ){
		for( int i = 0; i < (int)foregrounds.size(); i++ ){
			if( foregrounds[i].imgName == imgName ){
				return i;
	return -1;

// Global sound volume.
float global_volume = 1.0f;

struct SoundSpec {
	cs_loaded_sound_t *loaded_ptr;
	float volume;
	int reverbEchoes;
	float reverbVolumeFactor;
	float reverbDelay;
	float reverbDelayFactor;

std::string sound_spec_name;

std::map<std::string,SoundSpec> sound_specs;

std::map<std::string,cs_loaded_sound_t> sound_loaded;

cs_context_t *csctx;

// Loads a sound and associates it with sound_name.
void csLoadSound(
		std::string sound_name,
		std::string file_name,
		float volume,
		int reverbEchoes,
		float reverbVolumeFactor,
		float reverbDelay,
		float reverbDelayFactor ){
	// Load the sound file if it does not exist in sound_loaded.
	if( sound_loaded.find( file_name ) == sound_loaded.end() ){
		void *memory = nullptr;
		size_t length = 0;
		FILE *file = FileOpen( file_name.c_str(), "rb" );
		if( file ){
			// Adapted from cs_read_file_to_memory.
			fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
			length = ftell( file );
			fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
			memory = malloc( length );
			(void)(fread( memory, length, 1, file ) + 1); // Discard return value
			fclose( file );
		// Process the in-memory file into a playable audio clip.
		cs_loaded_sound_t sound = { 0, 0, 0, 0, { nullptr, nullptr } };
		if( file_name.length() >= 4
			&& file_name.substr( file_name.length() - 4 ) == ".ogg" ){
			cs_read_mem_ogg( memory, length, &sound );
			cs_read_mem_wav( memory, length, &sound );
		free( memory );
		sound_loaded[file_name] = sound;
	// Cancel loading if the sound file failed to load. The unplayable
	// sound stays in sound_loaded and prevents future loading attempts.
	if( sound_loaded[file_name].sample_count < 1 ){
		fprintf( stderr, "Failed to load %s\n", file_name.c_str() );
	sound_specs[sound_name] = {

void csPlaySound( std::string sound_name, bool loop ){
	// Find the cs_loaded_sound_t.
	auto it = sound_specs.find( sound_name );
	if( it == sound_specs.end() )
	SoundSpec *spec = &it->second;
	// Skip null sounds.
	if( spec->loaded_ptr == nullptr )
	cs_play_sound_def_t def = cs_make_def( spec->loaded_ptr );
	// https://web.archive.org/web/20160414075412/http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/Oct01/articles/advancedreverb1.asp
	// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5318989/reverb-algorithm
		volume = spec->volume * global_volume,
		delta = 0.0f,
		deltaFactor = 1.0f;
	for( int i = 0; i < spec->reverbEchoes + 1; i++ ){
		def.volume_left = volume;
		def.volume_right = volume;
		def.delay = delta;
		def.looped = loop;
		cs_play_sound( csctx, def );
		volume *= spec->reverbVolumeFactor;
		delta += spec->reverbDelay * deltaFactor;
		deltaFactor *= spec->reverbDelayFactor;

bool csSoundIsPlaying( std::string sound_name ){
	// Find the cs_loaded_sound_t.
	auto it = sound_specs.find( sound_name );
	if( it == sound_specs.end() )
		return false;
	// Skip null sounds.
	if( it->second.loaded_ptr == nullptr )
		return false;
	// Determine if the sound is playing.
	bool is_playing = false;
	cs_lock( csctx );
	cs_playing_sound_t *sound = cs_get_playing( csctx );
	while( sound ){
		if( sound->loaded_sound == it->second.loaded_ptr ){
			is_playing = true;
		sound = sound->next;
	cs_unlock( csctx );
	return is_playing;

void csStopLoadedSound( cs_loaded_sound_t *loaded_sound ){
	// Return if loaded_sound is nil or not playing.
	if( !loaded_sound || loaded_sound->playing_count < 1 )
	// Stop all instances of the sound.
	cs_lock( csctx );
	cs_playing_sound_t *sound = cs_get_playing( csctx );
	while( sound ){
		// Let cs_mix() remove the sound.
		if( sound->loaded_sound == loaded_sound )
			sound->active = 0;
		sound = sound->next;
	cs_unlock( csctx );

void csSetLoadedSoundVolume( cs_loaded_sound_t *loaded_sound, float v ){
	// Return if loaded_sound is nil or not playing.
	if( !loaded_sound || loaded_sound->playing_count < 1 )
	// Apply the global volume.
	v *= global_volume;
	// Lower the volume of all instances.
	cs_lock( csctx );
	cs_playing_sound_t *sound = cs_get_playing( csctx );
	while( sound ){
		if( sound->loaded_sound == loaded_sound ){
			sound->volume0 = v;
			sound->volume1 = v;
		sound = sound->next;
	cs_unlock( csctx );

void csSwitchSound( cs_loaded_sound_t *from, cs_loaded_sound_t *to ){
	if( !from || !to || to->playing_count > 0 )
	cs_lock( csctx );
	cs_playing_sound_t *sound = cs_get_playing( csctx );
	while( sound ){
		if( sound->loaded_sound == from ){
			sound->loaded_sound = to;
			sound->sample_index %= to->sample_count;
		sound = sound->next;
	cs_unlock( csctx );

typedef fworld::mesa<std::string,std::string> IniSection;

struct IniSettings {
	IniSection global;
	fworld::mesa<std::string,IniSection> sections;
} settings;

// Default value for empty settings fields.
std::string settings_none = "none";

// Category to display in the current settings menu.
std::string settings_category = "";

struct Recipe {
	bool unlocked;

std::map<std::string,Recipe> recipes;

struct Popup {
	fgl::Texture *texture;
	std::string s1;
	std::string s2;
	double countdown;
	bool visible;

std::vector<Popup> popups;

double popup_countdown = 5.0, popup_scale_speed = 4.0;

struct SpecialItem {
	fgl::Texture icon;
	std::string name;
	int id;
	int count;

int32_t special_item_result = 0;

// App variable definitions.
std::string app_version = "v0.5.0";
#ifdef __DEMO__
	app_version += " demo";
	std::string app_name = "Confectioner Engine Demo";
	std::uint32_t app_steam_id = 1319170;
	std::vector<int> inventory_service_generators = {};
	std::vector<SpecialItem> special_items;
	std::string app_name = "Confectioner Engine";
	std::uint32_t app_steam_id = 1181900;
	std::vector<int> inventory_service_generators = { 20, 10 };
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		std::vector<SpecialItem> special_items;
		// Give DRM-free users essential special items.
		std::vector<SpecialItem> special_items = {
			{ fgl::newTexture, "Cake Pan", 100, 1 }

// Default to English.
std::string language = "en";

// Whitelist these languages. Generally, every game should support these.
std::vector<std::string> language_whitelist = { "en", "zh" };

// Use these mods. The "game" folder is layered on top of the base data.
std::vector<std::string> mod_paths = { "game" };

bool recipes_display = false, trading_display = false,
	sequencer_display = false, cake_display = false,
	settings_display = false, character_select_display = false;

std::string character_selected = "", character_next_screen = "",
	sequencer_name = "";

fworld::Entity *trading_entity;

fgl::Texture tex_circle_grey, tex_circle_orange, tex_cursor,
	tex_net_notification, tex_notification, tex_recipe_overlay,
	tex_boxes, tex_box_select, tex_character_select;

fgl::Framebuffer framebuffer;

double circleX = DBL_INF, circleY = DBL_INF;

int bumpIndex = -1;

std::vector<bool> item_selected, partner_item_selected;
bool somethingSelected = false;

int landscapeScreenHeight2D = 384;
int landscapeScreenHeight3D = 439; // Looks good at 768p.
int portraitScreenHeight2D = 480;
int portraitScreenHeight3D = 549; // Supposed to look good at 960p.

// Adjusted at runtime.
int simScreenHeight2D = landscapeScreenHeight2D;
int simScreenHeight3D = landscapeScreenHeight3D;

fgl::Color ambient_colors[] = {
	{ 0.4f,  0.5f,  0.8f, 1.0f }, // Night.
	{ 0.6f,  0.5f,  0.8f, 1.0f }, // Morning twilight.
	{ 1.05f, 0.96f, 0.9f, 1.0f }, // Morning.
	{ 1.15f, 1.06f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, // Day.
	{ 1.0f,  0.7f,  0.9f, 1.0f }, // Sunset.
	{ 0.6f,  0.5f,  0.8f, 1.0f }  // Evening twilight.

fgl::Color ambient_light = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };

	bloomSizeX     = 3.43f,
	bloomSizeY     = 2.74f,
	bloomThreshold = 0.56f,
	bloomAmount    = 0.25f;

fgl::Pipeline bloomPipeline;

std::string fadeTo = "";

// Keeps track of the server's world time, translates to time of day.
double world_time = 0.0;

// These numbers should feel balanced for the game.
int max_health = 100, threshold_health = 26, inventory_slots = 8;

// Time of day from 0-1. Assumes noon by default.
double default_time = 0.5;
double player_time = default_time;

// These variables control day/night transitions.
	day_duration = 18.0 * 60.0, // 18 minutes.
	sleep_duration = 6.0 * 60.0, // 6 minutes.
	campfire_duration = 3.0 * 60.0, // 3 minutes.
	plant_grow_period = 9.0 * 60.0; // 9 minutes.

// Possibly switch to sprite batching so 50+ FPS can be maintained everywhere.
double minFps = 20.0;

// The analog dead zone and speed zone for the joystick.
float dead_zone = 0.1f, speed_zone = 0.6f;

// For movement, actions, and menus.
float stickX = 0.0f, stickY = 0.0f, moveX = 0.0f, moveY = 0.0f;
int moveXInt = 0, moveYInt = 0, moveXDown = 0, moveYDown = 0;
	actionButton = false, actionButtonDown = false,
	recipesButton = false, recipesButtonDown = false,
	meleeButton = false, meleeButtonDown = false,
	entityButton = false, entityButtonDown = false,
	jumpButton = false, jumpButtonDown = false,
	sleepButton = false, sleepButtonDown = false,
	pauseButton = false, pauseButtonDown = false,
	mouseLeft = false, mouseDownLeft = false,
	mouseRight = false, mouseDownRight = false;

#ifndef __LIGHT__
	fdungeon::Dungeon dungeon;

fworld::World world;

// Remember the last zone for pre-save cleanup.
int last_zone = -1;

// For plant growth, AI, and procedural generation.
std::mt19937_64 mt;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> seed_dist;
uint32_t zone_seed = 0;

std::vector<flora::Plant> plants;
std::vector<civilian::Civilian> civilians;
std::vector<fighter::Fighter> fighters;
//std::vector<wolf::Wolf> wolves;

// Number of save slots.
size_t save_slots = 3;

// List of fworld player names.
std::vector<std::string> save_names = {};

// The folder containing data for the current saved game.
std::string save_path = "";

// The folder containing the user data.
std::string user_data_path = "";

// The folder containing the base game data.
std::string data_path = "base";

// The file containing a list of the user's currently unlocked recipes.
std::string user_recipes = "recipes.txt";

// Used by the text input prompt.
std::string *inputTarget = nullptr;
std::string inputPrompt = "";

// Enabled if logged into Steam.
bool use_steam = false;

// Enabled if logged into Steam and Steam Cloud is enabled.
bool use_steam_cloud = false;

// Enabled if Steam China is used.
bool is_steam_china = false;

// Enabled if mouse controls are to be used.
bool show_cursor = true;

// Enabled if the pause menu is activated.
bool paused = false;

// Enabled if the player character is sleeping.
bool sleep_mode = false;

// The name of the target entity to be displayed on the screen.
std::string target_name = "";

// Needs to be a global due to VN global state. :/
std::string vn_callback_file = "";

// Rain is produced when enabled.
bool raining = false;

// Maximum number of raindrop particles.
size_t max_raindrops = 1000;

struct Raindrop {
	bool visible;
	double x, y, z, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z;

std::vector<Raindrop> raindrops;

size_t max_gibs = 500;

double gib_floor = -7.6;

struct Gib {
	bool visible;
	double x, y, z, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z;

std::vector<Gib> gibs, gibs_on_floor;

// Variables for calculating framerate.
double timeCount = 0.0;
int frames = 0, showFrames = 0;

// WebSocket globals.
// Not thread-safe but safe to use if you know what you're doing.
std::string ws_chat_message;
std::string ws_out;
std::vector<fworld::Entity> ws_entities;
void (*ws_callback)(std::string);

// A record of the last known state of a network entity.
struct PeerState {
	double last_x;
	double last_y;
	int task;

std::map<unsigned long long,PeerState> ws_peer_states;

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	EM_BOOL wsOnClose( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketCloseEvent *e, void *userData );
	EM_BOOL wsOnError( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketErrorEvent *e, void *userData );
	EM_BOOL wsOnMessage( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketMessageEvent *e, void *userData );
	// Client session may be HTTP or the HTTPS derived class.
	Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession *ws_client_session = nullptr;
	Poco::Net::WebSocket *ws_socket = nullptr;
	bool ws_socket_active = false;
	const int ws_buffer_size = 65536;
	char ws_buffer[ws_buffer_size];
	void wsHandleException( Poco::Exception &e );
	namespace ws_net = boost::asio;
	namespace ws_websocket = boost::beast::websocket;
	// The io_context is required for all network I/O
	ws_net::io_context *ws_ioc;
	// The SSL context holds SSL/TLS certificates
	//ws_net::ssl::context ws_ctx{ ws_net::ssl::context::tlsv12_client };
	ws_net::ssl::context *ws_ctx;
	// These objects perform I/O
	ws_websocket::stream<boost::beast::ssl_stream<ws_net::ip::tcp::socket>> *ws_ssl;
	ws_websocket::stream<ws_net::ip::tcp::socket> *ws_plain;
	ws_net::ip::tcp::socket *ws_tcp_sock;
	// This buffer holds incoming messages.
	boost::beast::flat_buffer ws_buffer;
	// This queue holds outgoing messages.
	std::vector<std::string> ws_write_queue;

	// TODO: Put this in the settings or something.
	std::string ws_win32_pem = "openjdk.pem";

	bool ws_ready = true, ws_socket_active = false, ws_use_ssl = false;
	std::mutex ws_mutex;
	std::thread ws_thread;

	std::smatch wsParseAddress( const std::string &uri );
	void wsHandleRead( boost::system::error_code ec, size_t n );
	void wsHandleWrite( boost::system::error_code ec, size_t n );

std::vector<std::string> chat_buffer;
size_t chat_buffer_capacity = 6;

void wsConnect( const std::string &uri, void (*f)(std::string) );
void wsDisconnect();
bool wsSendString( const std::string &str );

void vnDataUpload();
void vnDataDownload( const std::string &data_path );
void vnDraw( double sw, double sh );

double SEval( std::string expression );

void LoadSettings( std::string file_name );
void SaveSettings( std::string file_name );

void InitSettings();

void InitCloud();

void DeleteAllUserFiles();

void HitCallback( fworld::Entity *ent_a, fworld::Entity *ent_b, int damage );

void Notify( fgl::Texture *texture, std::string s1, std::string s2 );

void AddRecipe( std::string name );

void Achieve( std::string id );

void AddEntity( fworld::Entity &ent, double x, double y, int idx = -1, bool recalc = true );

int GetEntityAt( double x, double y );

int GetItemHealth( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item );

int GetItemPayPrice( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item );

void Eat( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item );

void KillEntity( fworld::Entity &entity );

void RegenerateZone( int zone, uint32_t seed );

void SyncSaveData( size_t slot );

void SoundSpecLoad( std::string sounds_path, std::string spec_path );

void SaveGame( size_t slot );

void LoadingScreen( std::string text, fgl::Font &font, float scale );

void Warp( std::string param );

void LoadMap( std::string file_path, bool autosave );

fworld::Entity GetMapSpawn( std::string dataPath, std::string filePath );

void PauseMenu( std::string fileName );

void OpenSettings( std::string category );

void OpenCharacterSelect( std::string next_screen );

void TextInputPrompt( std::string *target, std::string prompt = "" );

std::string StringSanitize( std::string str );

int GetButtonState( std::string *button );

bool WorldInteract( int ent_index );

int GetTradingTotal();

void BeginTrading();

void FinishTrading();

void BeginSequencer( std::string param );

void FinishSequencer();

void BeginCake();

void FinishCake();

void Tick();

void TurboSleep();

void UpdateRichPresence();

void UpdateSpecialItems();

void PollSpecialItems();

void UpdateInventoryService();

void ModUpload( std::string title );

void Render();

void MakeGibs( double x, double y, linalg::vec<double,3> vel, int n );

void SimulateParticles( double d );

void DrawFloorParticles();

void DrawParticles();

void DrawSettings();

void DrawCharacterSelect();

void DrawPopups( double d );

void DrawInventory(
		fworld::Inventory &inventory,
		float pos_x,
		float pos_y,
		float scale,
		std::vector<bool> &selections );

void DrawSpecialItems(
		float pos_x,
		float pos_y,
		float scale );

void GameLoop( double d );

void FirstPersonLoop( double d );

bool PlayerUnderwater();

void Quit();

#ifdef __STEAM__
	class SteamTextHandler {
		// Steam Big Picture text input callback.
		STEAM_CALLBACK( SteamTextHandler, OnTextInputDismissed, GamepadTextInputDismissed_t );
	void SteamTextHandler::OnTextInputDismissed( GamepadTextInputDismissed_t *pCallback ){
		if( inputTarget && pCallback->m_bSubmitted ){
			char text[256];
			SteamUtils()->GetEnteredGamepadTextInput( text, sizeof(text) );
			// Update the text in the game.
			fgl::textInputString = std::string( text );
	SteamTextHandler *steam_text_handler;

	class SteamModCreateHandler {
		// Steam Workshop mod create callback.
		STEAM_CALLBACK( SteamModCreateHandler, OnModCreate, CreateItemResult_t );
	void SteamModCreateHandler::OnModCreate( CreateItemResult_t *pCallback ){
		uint64_t file_id = pCallback->m_nPublishedFileId;
		std::string url =
			"steam://url/CommunityFilePage/" + std::to_string( file_id );
		if( pCallback->m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement )
			SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( url.c_str() );
		UGCUpdateHandle_t update =
			SteamUGC()->StartItemUpdate( app_steam_id, file_id );
	SteamModCreateHandler *steam_mod_create_handler;

	class SteamModUploadHandler {
		// Steam Workshop mod upload callback.
		STEAM_CALLBACK( SteamModUploadHandler, OnModUpload, CreateItemResult_t );
	void SteamModUploadHandler::OnModUpload( CreateItemResult_t *pCallback ){
		//SteamUGC()->StartItemUpdate( steam_app_id, file_id );
	SteamModUploadHandler *steam_mod_upload_handler;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
	// Steam setup.
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		// The app ID for the game.
		if( SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary( app_steam_id ) ){
			return 1;
		// Initialize the Steam API.
		if( SteamAPI_Init() ){
			// Check if the Steam user is logged in.
			if( SteamUser()->BLoggedOn() ){
				use_steam = true;
				// Asynchronously download Steam achievement data.
				if( SteamUserStats() )
				// Determine if Steam Cloud is used.
				if( SteamRemoteStorage()->IsCloudEnabledForAccount()
					&& SteamRemoteStorage()->IsCloudEnabledForApp() )
					use_steam_cloud = true;
				// Determine if Steam China is used.
				if( SteamUtils()->IsSteamChinaLauncher() )
					is_steam_china = true;
				// Determine language.
				std::string game_lang = SteamApps()->GetCurrentGameLanguage();
				if( game_lang == "schinese" || game_lang == "tchinese" )
					language = "zh";
				// Register the text handler.
				steam_text_handler = new SteamTextHandler();
				fprintf( stderr, "Error - Steam user does not appear to be logged in (SteamUser()->BLoggedOn() returned false).\n" );
			// The extra newline is needed as it is missing from Steam's error output on Linux.
			fprintf( stderr, "\nError - Steam does not appear to be running (SteamAPI_Init() failed).\n" );
		// Determine language. Reset locale to deal with "unholy things" in GCC.
		std::string loc = setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );
		if( ( loc.length() >= 2 && loc.substr( 0, 2 ) == "zh" )
			|| ( loc.length() >= 7 && loc.substr( 0, 7 ) == "Chinese" ) ){
			language = "zh";

	bool windowed_mode = false;

	for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ){
		std::string arg( argv[i] );
		if( arg.length() >= 2 && arg[0] == '-' ){
			if( arg.length() >= 3 && arg.substr( 0, 2 ) == "-m" ){
				// Push the mod path to the front of the vector.
				// This gives it a higher priority than other mod paths,
				// such that later -m parameters override earlier -m
				// parameters.
				mod_paths.insert( mod_paths.begin(), arg.substr( 2 ) );
				printf( "Using mod: %s\n", mod_paths[0].c_str() );
			}else if( arg == "--window" ){
				windowed_mode = true;
				printf( "Starting in windowed mode.\n" );
					"Unrecognized argument. Valid arguments are:\n%s\n",
					"-mModPath --window"
			// The argument is the game data path.
			data_path = arg;

	// Default to a local path if there is no system user data folder.
	user_data_path = data_path + "/userdata";

	// Make a user data path based on platform and app name.
	#ifdef _WIN32
		// Windows.
		char* localappdata = std::getenv( "LocalAppData" );
		if( localappdata ){
			user_data_path = std::string( localappdata ) + "/" + app_name;
	#elif defined(__APPLE__)
		// MacOS (and iOS?)
		// This does not work with MacOS sandboxing.
		char* home = std::getenv( "HOME" );
		if( home ){
			user_data_path = std::string( home ) + "/Library/Application Support/" + app_name;
	#elif !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		// Other POSIX (Linux, Android, etc.)
		char* xdgdatahome = std::getenv( "XDG_DATA_HOME" );
		if( xdgdatahome ){
			user_data_path = std::string( xdgdatahome ) + "/" + app_name;
			char* home = std::getenv( "HOME" );
			if( home ){
				user_data_path = std::string( home ) + "/.local/share/" + app_name;

	// Create the user data folder if it doesn't exist.
	#if defined(_MSC_VER)
		// MSVC.
		_mkdir( user_data_path.c_str() );
	#elif defined(_WIN32)
		// MinGW and other (hopefully POSIX-compatible) non-MSVC
		// compilers.
		mkdir( user_data_path.c_str() );
		// POSIX compiler on a POSIX system.
		// Same default permissions as set by most file managers.
		// User: read, write, and execute
		// Group: read, write, and execute
		// Others: read and execute
		mkdir( user_data_path.c_str(), 0775 );

	fgl::verbose = false;
	fworld::verbose = false;

	//fgl::Display display = fgl::createDisplay( 378, 672, app_name, 0, false );
	//fgl::Display display = fgl::createDisplay( 720, 576, app_name, 0, false );
	//fgl::Display display = fgl::createDisplay( 1280, 720, app_name, 0, false );
	fgl::Display display = windowed_mode
		? fgl::createDisplay( 960, 540, app_name, 0, false )
		: fgl::createDisplay( 0, 0, app_name, 0, false );
	if( !display.success ){
		return 1;

	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		fgl::showMouse( false );

	// Load only the mono font to display the loading screen quickly.
	font_mono = fgl::loadFont( data_path + "/ui/Confectioner.ttf", 27.6, 2, 2 );
	fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } );
		fgl::getDisplayHeight() / (float)simScreenHeight2D

	// Create default settings.

	// Override settings with settings.ini.
	LoadSettings( user_data_path + "/settings.ini" );

	// Set the global volume.
	IniSection &misc = settings.sections.get( "Misc" );
	char* p;
	global_volume =
		std::strtof( misc.get( "global_volume" ).c_str(), &p ) * 0.01f;
	if( *p ) global_volume = 1.0f;

	// Get the user-specified language code.
	std::string lang_override = misc.get( "language_code" );
	// Check the language whitelist and only use valid language codes.
	for( std::string &code : language_whitelist ){
		if( lang_override == code ){
			language = lang_override;

	// Load the other fonts.
	// Use a higher-resolution texture atlas for non-English.
	int res = ( language == "en" ) ? 1024 : 4096;
	font_vn = fgl::loadFont( data_path + "/ui/" + language + ".ttf", 34.95, 2, 2, true, res, res );
	font_inventory = fgl::loadFont( data_path + "/ui/Confectioner.ttf", 21.0, 1, 1 );

	// Download all user files from the cloud.

	// Load special item icons for DRM-free users.
	for( auto &item : special_items ){
		item.icon = world.getTexture(
			"special/" + std::to_string( item.id ) + ".png",

	// 1024 samples keeps audio latency below 45 ms.
	csctx = cs_make_context( nullptr, 44100, 1024, 10, nullptr );

	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		cs_spawn_mix_thread( csctx );
		cs_thread_sleep_delay( csctx, 5 );

	// Load the initial sound specifications.
		data_path + "/sounds",
		data_path + "/sounds/sounds.json"

	// Set up graphical effects.
	std::string frag_path = data_path + "/glsl/postfx.frag";
	FILE* file = FileOpen( frag_path.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( !file ){
		fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", frag_path.c_str() );
		return 1;
	std::string text = "";
	char buf[4096];
	while( size_t len = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), file ) ){
		text += std::string( buf, len );
	fclose( file );
	bloomPipeline = fgl::loadPipeline( fgl::unlitVert, text.c_str(), { "u_texture" } );
	framebuffer = fgl::createFramebuffer( fgl::getDisplayWidth(), fgl::getDisplayHeight() );
	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::colorModPipeline );

	GLubyte shade[] = { 0x02, 0x02, 0x10, 0x7F };
	shadeBox = fgl::loadTexture( shade, 1, 1, 4, false, false );

	button_n = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/button_n.png", true, true );
	button_p = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/button_p.png", true, true );

	mt = std::mt19937_64( std::time( nullptr ) );

	// This callback is executed from dialogue scripts.
	convo.callback = [&]( std::string param ) -> long long {
		if( param.length() > 0 && param[0] == '(' ){
			// Call the S-expression interpreter.
			return (long long)SEval( param );
		if( param == "QUIT" )
		std::string cancel_file = convo.file;
		if( param.length() >= 8 && param.substr( 0, 8 ) == "SETTINGS" ){
			// Set vn_callback_file to a valid file to return to.
			vn_callback_file =
				cancel_file.substr( cancel_file.find_last_of( '/' ) + 1 );
			OpenSettings( param.length() > 9 ? param.substr( 9 ) : "" );
			return 0;
		if( param.length() > 16
			&& param.substr( 0, 15 ) == "CHARACTERSELECT" ){
			OpenCharacterSelect( param.substr( 16 ) );
			return 0;
		if( param == "INPUTNAME"
			&& world.followEntity >= 0
			&& world.entities.size() > (size_t)world.followEntity ){
			#ifdef __STEAM__
				if( use_steam && fgl::controller ){
					// Default to the persona name when a controller is
					// plugged in.
					world.entities[world.followEntity].name =
				"Name your confectioner"
			return 0;
		if( param.length() > 9
			&& param.substr( 0, 8 ) == "GIVEITEM" ){
			std::string item_name = param.substr( 9 );
			if( world.items.find( item_name ) == world.items.end() ){
				// Error. Item not found.
				return -1;
			}else if( world.followEntity >= 0
				&& world.entities.size() > (size_t)world.followEntity ){
				// The item and the player character exist.
				auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
				fworld::Inventory inv;
				inv.set( item_name, 1 );
				if( world.inventoryCanTakeAll(
						player.inventory, inv, inventory_slots ) ){
					// Success!
					return 0;
			// Error. The item does not fit in the player's inventory.
			return -2;
		if( param.length() >= 9
			&& param.substr( 0, 9 ) == "SEQUENCER" ){
			BeginSequencer( param.length() > 10 ? param.substr( 10 ) : "" );
			return 0;
		if( param == "FINISHSEQUENCER" ){
			return 0;
		if( param == "TRADE" ){
			return 0;
		if( param == "FINISHTRADE" ){
			return 0;
		if( param == "CAKE" ){
			return 0;
		if( param == "FINISHCAKE" ){
			return 0;
		if( param == "DELETEALL" ){
			recipes = {};
			return 0;
		if( param == "DISCONNECT" ){
			if( world.followEntity >= 0
				&& world.entities.size() > (size_t)world.followEntity ){
				// Send a parting message.
				auto name = world.entities[world.followEntity].name;
				wsSendString( "{\"name\":\"" + StringSanitize( name )
					+ "\",\"chat_message\":\"/me left\"}" );
			// Clear the chat buffer.
			// Clear the peer states.
			// Disconnect from the server.
			// Reset the main player stats.
			health = 0;
			money = 0;
			return 0;
		if( param == "SAVEGAME" ){
			// Open the Save Game menu.
			convo.go( "savegame.json" );
		}else if( param == "LOADGAME" ){
			// Open the Load Game menu.
			convo.go( "loadgame.json" );
			// Redirect map JSON file paths to the user data folder.
			save_path = user_data_path;
			// Construct a safety mechanism to nullify clicks on
			// inactive buttons.
			dialogue::Screen loadgame_screen = {};
			loadgame_screen.id = "loadgame";
				{ "menu", ':', 0, "CALLBACK LOADGAME" } );
			convo.setScreen( loadgame_screen );
		if( param == "SAVEGAME" || param == "LOADGAME" ){
			if( convo.file != cancel_file ){
				// Set vn_callback_file to a valid file to return to.
				vn_callback_file =
					cancel_file.substr( cancel_file.find_last_of( '/' ) + 1 );
			// Override the background with black if necessary.
			// This keeps the program from exiting during menu loading.
			// TODO: Investigate if this still applies.
			if( world.map.empty() && convo.screen.bg.empty()
				#ifndef __LIGHT__
					&& !dungeon.ready
				convo.screen.bg = "black";
			// Prepend save slot labels with player names.
			size_t i = 0;
			for( auto &s : convo.screen.lines ){
				if( i >= save_slots )
				if( convo.getVariable( "health" + std::to_string( i + 1 ) ) ){
					s = save_names[i] + " " + s;
					// TODO: String definitions file.
					s = "[Empty]";
					if( param == "LOADGAME" )
						convo.screen.ids[i] = "loadgame";
				// The first save slot is always used for autosave.
				if( i == 0 )
					s = "[Auto Save] " + s;
			return 0;
		// Save the game.
		if( param == "SAVE1" ){
			SaveGame( 1 );
			return 0;
		}else if( param == "SAVE2" ){
			SaveGame( 2 );
			return 0;
		}else if( param == "SAVE3" ){
			SaveGame( 3 );
			return 0;
		// If none of the above commands are used, transport the player.
		Warp( param );
		return 0;

	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		// Set a callback function for 3D portals.
		dungeon.portalCallback = Warp;

	// Set a callback function for 2D portals.
	world.portalCallback = Warp;

	// Initialize baseline map variables.
	LoadMap( "", false );

	// Use English as the backup dialogue language.
	convo.fallbackDir = data_path + "/dialogue_en";
	convo.go( data_path + "/dialogue_" + language + "/init.json" );
	vnDataDownload( data_path );

	// Sync save metadata.
	SyncSaveData( 0 );

	// Load the item definitions.
	world.loadItems( data_path + "/items.json" );

	// Load the list of currently unlocked recipes.
	file = fopen( ( user_data_path + "/" + user_recipes ).c_str(), "rb" );
	if( file ){
		char line[4096];
		while( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), file ) ){
			size_t len = strlen( line );
			// Strip away new line characters.
			for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){
				if( len > 0
					&& ( line[len - 1] == '\r' || line[len - 1] == '\n' ) ){
			if( len > 0 ){
				recipes[std::string( line, len )] = { true };
		fclose( file );

	tex_circle_grey      = loadImage( data_path + "/circle-grey.png",         false, false );
	tex_circle_orange    = loadImage( data_path + "/circle-orange.png",       false, false );
	tex_cursor           = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/cursor.bmp",           false, false );
	tex_net_notification = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/net_notification.png", true,  false );
	tex_notification     = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/notification.png",     true,  false );
	tex_recipe_overlay   = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/recipe_overlay.png",   false, false );
	tex_boxes            = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/boxes.png",            false, false );
	tex_box_select       = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/box_select.png",       false, false );
	tex_character_select = loadImage( data_path + "/ui/character_select.png", false, false );

	#if defined(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		// Use a custom hardware cursor.
		std::string cur_path = data_path + "/ui/cursor.bmp";
		SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_LoadBMP( cur_path.c_str() );
		if( !surface ) fprintf( stderr, "Failed to load cursor bitmap.\n" );
		SDL_Cursor *cursor = SDL_CreateColorCursor( surface, 0, 0 );
		if( !cursor ) fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create color cursor.\n" );
		SDL_SetCursor( cursor );

	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

	// Don't show the cursor initially if a controller is plugged in.
	if( fgl::controller ){
		show_cursor = false;
		choiceIndex = 0;

	#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		emscripten_set_main_loop( (em_callback_func)Render, 0, 1 );
		while( true ){

	return 0;

// fopen replacement that attempts to open the file from multiple locations.
FILE *FileOpen( const char* filename, const char* modes ){
	// Check if filename starts with the base data path.
	std::string str_file = filename, str_data = data_path + "/";
	if( str_file.length() > str_data.length()
		&& str_file.substr( 0, str_data.length() ) == str_data ){
		// Iterate through mod paths.
		std::string suffix = str_file.substr( str_data.length() );
		for( std::string &path : mod_paths ){
			// Return the pointer to the first matching file.
			str_file = path + "/" + suffix;
			FILE *result = fopen( str_file.c_str(), modes );
			if( result ) return result;
	// Fall back to open the path specified.
	return fopen( filename, modes );

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__

void wsConnect( const std::string &uri, void (*f)(std::string) ){
	if( !emscripten_websocket_is_supported() ){
			"Network Error",
			"WebSocket unsupported"
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	EmscriptenWebSocketCreateAttributes attr;
	emscripten_websocket_init_create_attributes( &attr );
	attr.url = uri.c_str();
	// Connect to the server.
	ws_socket = emscripten_websocket_new( &attr );
	if( ws_socket <= 0 ){
			"Network Error",
			"WebSocket creation failed"
		ws_socket = 0;
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	emscripten_websocket_set_onclose_callback( ws_socket, nullptr, wsOnClose );
	emscripten_websocket_set_onerror_callback( ws_socket, nullptr, wsOnError );
	emscripten_websocket_set_onmessage_callback( ws_socket, (void*)f, wsOnMessage );

EM_BOOL wsOnClose( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketCloseEvent *e, void *userData ){
	if( ws_socket ){
		// Clean up the object.
		emscripten_websocket_delete( ws_socket );
		ws_socket = 0;
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	return 0;

EM_BOOL wsOnError( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketErrorEvent *e, void *userData ){
		"Network Error",
		"Event type: " + std::to_string( eventType )
	emscripten_websocket_close( ws_socket, 0, nullptr );
	// Clean up the object.
	emscripten_websocket_delete( ws_socket );
	ws_socket = 0;
	// Return to the main menu.
	settings_display = false;
	inputTarget = nullptr;
	convo.go( "init.json" );
	return 0;

EM_BOOL wsOnMessage( int eventType, const EmscriptenWebSocketMessageEvent *e, void *userData ){
	if( ws_socket ){
		auto f = (void (*)(std::string))userData;
		f( e->isText ? std::string( (char*)e->data ) : std::string( (char*)e->data, e->numBytes ) );
	return 0;

void wsDisconnect(){
	if( ws_socket ){
		emscripten_websocket_close( ws_socket, 0, nullptr );
		// Clean up the object.
		emscripten_websocket_delete( ws_socket );
		ws_socket = 0;
	multiplayer = false;

bool wsSendString( const std::string &str ){
	bool success = false;
	if( ws_socket ){
		emscripten_websocket_send_utf8_text( ws_socket, str.c_str() );
		success = true;
	return success;



void wsConnect( const std::string &uri, void (*f)(std::string) ){
	// Parse the URI.
	auto uri_parts = wsParseAddress( uri );
	if( uri_parts.size() < 6 ){
		Notify( &tex_net_notification, "Network Error", "Invalid URI" );
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	// Label the URI components.
		scheme = uri_parts[2],
		authority = uri_parts[4],
		path = uri_parts[5];
	bool wss = scheme == "wss";
	if( path.empty() ) path = "/";
	// Query string.
	if( uri_parts.size() > 6 ) path += uri_parts[6];
	// Host and port.
	std::string host = authority;
	Poco::UInt16 port = wss ? 443 : 80;
	size_t colon_at = authority.find( ':' );
	if( colon_at != std::string::npos ){
		host = authority.substr( 0, colon_at );
		port = std::stoi( authority.substr( colon_at + 1 ) );
	// Create a client session without connecting, per Poco's design.
	ws_client_session = wss
		? new Poco::Net::HTTPSClientSession()
		: new Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession();
	ws_client_session->setHost( host );
	ws_client_session->setPort( port );
	// HTTP proxy settings. TODO: Use wsParseAddress for this too.
	Poco::Net::HTTPClientSession::ProxyConfig pc;
	std::string p = settings.sections.get( "Misc" ).get( "http_proxy" );
	size_t first = p.length() < 3 ? std::string::npos : p.find( "://" );
	size_t last = p.empty() ? std::string::npos : p.find_last_of( ':' );
		p0 = first == std::string::npos ? "" : p.substr( 0, first ),
		p1 = last == std::string::npos ? "" : p.substr( 0, last ),
		p2 = last == std::string::npos ? "0" : p.substr( last + 1 );
	pc.host = first == std::string::npos ? "" : p1.substr( first + 3 );
	pc.port = std::stoi( p2 );
	// TODO: Username and password detection.
	pc.username = "";
	pc.password = "";
	pc.authMethod = pc.username.empty()
		? ws_client_session->ProxyAuthentication::PROXY_AUTH_NONE
		: ws_client_session->ProxyAuthentication::PROXY_AUTH_HTTP_BASIC;
	// Check the settings.
	if( p0 == "http" && host != "localhost" && host != "" ){
		ws_client_session->setProxyConfig( pc );
	// Connect to the server.
		// Prepare a generic request to initialize the connection.
			request( Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, "HTTP/1.1" );
		// Prepare a hole for the response.
		Poco::Net::HTTPResponse response;
		// Connect to the WebSocket server.
		ws_socket = new Poco::Net::WebSocket(
		ws_socket->setMaxPayloadSize( ws_buffer_size );
		// 0.1 seconds.
		ws_socket->setReceiveTimeout( Poco::Timespan( 0, 100 * 1000 ) );
	}catch( Poco::Exception &e ){
		wsHandleException( e );
	ws_socket_active = true;
	// TODO: Notify( &tex_net_notification, "Connected to", uri );
	ws_callback = f;
	// Spawn the WebSocket thread if it does not already exist.
	if( ws_thread.get_id() != std::thread::id() ) return;
	ws_thread = std::thread( [](){
		while( ws_socket ){
			int flags = 0, bytes_received = 0;
			// Receive bytes from the server.
				bytes_received = ws_socket->receiveFrame(
			}catch( Poco::Exception &e ){
				// Continue on.
			std::string to_send = "";
			// Critical section.
			if( !ws_socket_active ){
				// Orderly shutdown.
				// Clean up the object.
				delete ws_socket;
				ws_socket = nullptr;
				// Clean up the client session.
				delete ws_client_session;
				// Return control to other threads.
				// Exit the thread.
			if( bytes_received > 0 )
				ws_callback( std::string( ws_buffer, bytes_received ) );
			if( ws_out.size() > 0 ){
				to_send = ws_out;
				ws_out = "";
			if( to_send.size() > 0 ){
					// Defaults to text mode.
					// In case of binary:
					int bytes_sent = ws_socket
						->sendFrame( to_send.data(), to_send.size() );
					if( bytes_sent < 0 ){
						// TODO: Condition reached, treat as error.
				}catch( Poco::Exception &e ){
					wsHandleException( e );
	} );

std::smatch wsParseAddress( const std::string &uri ){
	// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5620235/cpp-regular-expression-to-validate-url/31613265#31613265
	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-50
	std::regex uri_regex(
	std::smatch matches;
	std::regex_match( uri, matches, uri_regex );
	return matches;

// Poco WebSocket exception handler.
void wsHandleException( Poco::Exception &e ){
		"Network Error",
	// Clean up the object.
	delete ws_socket;
	ws_socket = nullptr;
	// Clean up the client session.
	delete ws_client_session;
	// Return to the main menu.
	settings_display = false;
	inputTarget = nullptr;
	convo.go( "init.json" );

// Disconnect from the server.
void wsDisconnect(){
	// Critical section.
	ws_socket_active = false;

// Send a string to the server.
bool wsSendString( const std::string &str ){
	bool success = false;
	// Critical section.
	if( ws_socket ){
		ws_out = str;
		success = true;
	return success;


std::smatch wsParseAddress( const std::string &uri ){
	// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5620235#31613265
	// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-50
	std::regex uri_regex(
	std::smatch matches;
	std::regex_match( uri, matches, uri_regex );
	return matches;

void wsHandleRead( boost::system::error_code ec, size_t n ){
	// https://github.com/boostorg/beast/issues/819
	// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24414658
	// Critical section.
	if( ws_socket_active ){
		if( !ec && n > 0 && ws_buffer.size() > 0 ){
			// Got a message.
			std::string str(
				boost::asio::buffer_cast<const char*>( ws_buffer.data() ),
			ws_callback( str );
		// Read the next message.
		if( ws_use_ssl ){
			ws_ssl->async_read( ws_buffer, wsHandleRead );
			ws_plain->async_read( ws_buffer, wsHandleRead );

void wsHandleWrite( boost::system::error_code ec, size_t n ){
	// Critical section.
	if( ws_write_queue.size() <= 1 ){
	// The first message has already been sent.
	ws_write_queue.erase( ws_write_queue.begin() );
	if( ws_socket_active ){
		// Handle the next outgoing message in the queue.
		auto buf = ws_net::buffer( ws_write_queue[0] );
		if( ws_use_ssl ){
			ws_ssl->async_write( buf, wsHandleWrite );
			ws_plain->async_write( buf, wsHandleWrite );

void wsConnect( const std::string &uri, void (*f)(std::string) ){
	// Parse the URI.
	auto uri_parts = wsParseAddress( uri );
	// Critical section.
	if( uri_parts.size() < 6 || !ws_ready ){
			"Network Error",
			ws_ready ? "Invalid URI" : "Hung socket"
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );

	// Label the URI components.
		scheme = uri_parts[2],
		authority = uri_parts[4],
		path = uri_parts[5];
	ws_use_ssl = scheme == "wss";
	if( path.empty() ) path = "/";
	// Query string.
	if( uri_parts.size() > 6 ) path += uri_parts[6];
	// Host and port.
		host = authority,
		port = ws_use_ssl ? "443" : "80";
	size_t colon_at = authority.find( ':' );
	if( colon_at != std::string::npos ){
		host = authority.substr( 0, colon_at );
		port = authority.substr( colon_at + 1 );
	// Host and port must be present in requests.
	std::string target = host + ":" + port;

	if( ws_use_ssl ){
		// Delete the SSL WebSocket, which uses the old SSL context and
		// the old IO context.
		delete ws_ssl;
		// Rebuild the SSL context.
		delete ws_ctx;
		ws_ctx = new ws_net::ssl::context{ ws_net::ssl::context::tlsv12_client };
			#ifdef _WIN32
			// Windows Certificate Store is not compatible with OpenSSL.
			// https://github.com/nabla-c0d3/trust_stores_observatory
			ws_ctx->load_verify_file( ws_win32_pem );
			// Assumes OpenSSL-compatible trust store exists on system.
		}catch( std::exception const &e ){
				"Network Error",
			// Return to the main menu.
			settings_display = false;
			inputTarget = nullptr;
			convo.go( "init.json" );
		// Delete the unencrypted WebSocket, which uses the old IO
		// context.
		delete ws_plain;

	// Rebuild the IO context.
	delete ws_ioc;
	ws_ioc = new ws_net::io_context;

	// Create a new WebSocket.
	if( ws_use_ssl ){
		ws_ssl = new ws_websocket::stream<boost::beast::ssl_stream<ws_net::ip::tcp::socket>>{ *ws_ioc, *ws_ctx };
		ws_plain = new ws_websocket::stream<ws_net::ip::tcp::socket>{ *ws_ioc };

	ws_net::ip::tcp::resolver resolver( *ws_ioc );

	ws_tcp_sock = ws_use_ssl
		? &ws_ssl->next_layer().next_layer()
		: &ws_plain->next_layer();

	// HTTP proxy settings. TODO: Use wsParseAddress for this too.
	std::string p = settings.sections.get( "Misc" ).get( "http_proxy" );
	size_t first = p.length() < 3 ? std::string::npos : p.find( "://" );
	size_t last = p.empty() ? std::string::npos : p.find_last_of( ':' );
		p0 = first == std::string::npos ? "" : p.substr( 0, first ),
		p1 = last == std::string::npos ? "" : p.substr( 0, last ),
		p2 = last == std::string::npos ? "0" : p.substr( last + 1 );
		p_host = first == std::string::npos ? "" : p1.substr( first + 3 );
	// TODO: Username and password detection.
	// Check the settings.
	bool proxy =
		p0 == "http" && host != "localhost" && host != "";

	// Connect to the server.
		if( proxy ){
			// Look up the proxy server domain name
			auto const results = resolver.resolve( p_host, p2 );

			ws_net::connect( *ws_tcp_sock, results );

				req1{ boost::beast::http::verb::connect, target, 11 };
			req1.set( boost::beast::http::field::host, target );

			boost::beast::http::write( *ws_tcp_sock, req1 );

			boost::beast::flat_buffer buffer;

			boost::beast::http::response<boost::beast::http::empty_body> res;
			boost::beast::http::parser<false, boost::beast::http::empty_body> parser( res );
			parser.skip( true );
			boost::beast::http::read( *ws_tcp_sock, buffer, parser );
			// Look up the domain name
			auto const results = resolver.resolve(host, port);

			// Make the connection on the IP address we get from a lookup
			ws_net::connect( *ws_tcp_sock, results );

		if( ws_use_ssl ){
			// Perform SSL handshake and verify the remote host's certificate.
			ws_ssl->next_layer().set_verify_mode( ws_net::ssl::verify_peer );
			ws_ssl->next_layer().set_verify_callback( ws_net::ssl::rfc2818_verification( host ) );
			ws_ssl->next_layer().handshake( ws_net::ssl::stream_base::client );
			// Perform the websocket handshake
			ws_ssl->handshake( target, path );
			// Perform the websocket handshake
			ws_plain->handshake( target, path );

		// Disable Nagle's algorithm.
		ws_tcp_sock->set_option( ws_net::ip::tcp::no_delay( true ) );
	}catch( std::exception const &e ){
			"Network Error",
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	ws_socket_active = true;
	// TODO: Notify( &tex_net_notification, "Connected to", uri );
	ws_callback = f;

	// Asynchronous code.
	if( ws_use_ssl ){
		ws_ssl->async_read( ws_buffer, wsHandleRead );
		ws_plain->async_read( ws_buffer, wsHandleRead );
	// Spawn the WebSocket thread if it does not already exist.
	if( ws_thread.get_id() != std::thread::id() ) return;
	ws_thread = std::thread( [](){
	} );

// Disconnect from the server.
void wsDisconnect(){
	auto cleanup = []( boost::system::error_code ec ){
		ws_ready = true;
	// Critical section.
	// Guard against disconnecting something that was not connected.
	if( ws_socket_active ){
		ws_socket_active = false;
		ws_ready = false;
		if( ws_use_ssl ){
			ws_ssl->async_close( boost::beast::websocket::close_code::normal, cleanup );
			ws_plain->async_close( boost::beast::websocket::close_code::normal, cleanup );
	multiplayer = false;

// Send a string to the server.
bool wsSendString( const std::string &str ){
	bool success = false;
	// Critical section.
	if( ws_socket_active ){
		bool ready = ws_write_queue.empty();
		ws_write_queue.push_back( str );
		if( ready ){
			auto buf = ws_net::buffer( ws_write_queue[0] );
			if( ws_use_ssl ){
				ws_ssl->async_write( buf, wsHandleWrite );
				ws_plain->async_write( buf, wsHandleWrite );
		success = true;
	return success;


// Uploads world data to convo and resets necessary variables.
// Call this before convo.go.
void vnDataUpload(){
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		convo.setVariable( "health", player.health );
		convo.setVariable( "money", player.money );
	convo.setVariable( "day", day );
	convo.setVariable( "multiplayer", multiplayer );
	convo.setVariable( "mainmenu", mainmenu );
	// Disable display of settings menu where it isn't explicitly
	// selected.
	settings_display = false;
	inputTarget = nullptr;
	// If the last screen was a settings menu, save the settings.
	if( convo.screen.id == "SETTINGS" )
		SaveSettings( user_data_path + "/settings.ini" );

// Loads the necessary images and updates data to display on the screen.
// Call this after convo.go.
void vnDataDownload( const std::string &data_path ){
	for( const auto &s : convo.screens ){
		if( findBackground( s.bg ) == -1 ){
			backgrounds.push_back( {
				loadImage( data_path + "/bg/" + s.bg, true, true )
			} );
		if( findForeground( s.fg ) == -1 ){
			foregrounds.push_back( {
				loadImage( data_path + "/fg/" + s.fg, true, true )
			} );
	// Make data from convo accessible to the VN part of the game.
	bgIndex = findBackground( convo.screen.bg );
	fgIndex = findForeground( convo.screen.fg );
	long long old_health = health;
	health = convo.getVariable( "health" );
	money = convo.getVariable( "money" );
	multiplayer = convo.getVariable( "multiplayer" );
	mainmenu = convo.getVariable( "mainmenu" );
	if( day == 0 ){
		day = convo.getVariable( "day" );
	// Apply VN variables IF the player is not ALREADY dead or
	// uninitialized.
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1
		&& ( old_health != 0 || health != 0 ) ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		player.health = health;
		player.money = money;
	// Override the CANCEL ID.
	for( auto &id : convo.screen.ids ){
		if( id == "CANCEL" ){
			id = vn_callback_file;
	if( language == "zh" ){
		// Translate English to Mandarin Chinese.
		if( convo.screen.caption.length() > 0 )
			convo.screen.caption = EnToZh( convo.screen.caption );
		for( std::string &line : convo.screen.lines ){
			if( line.length() > 0 ) line = EnToZh( line );

void vnDraw( double sw, double sh ){
	double aspect = sw / sh;
	double vnScale = sw / 1280.0;
	double vnOffX = 0.0, hudOffX = 0.0;
	double vnMinAspect = 5.0 / 4.0, vnMaxAspect = 1.78;
	if( aspect < vnMinAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMinAspect / 1280.0;
		vnOffX = ( sw - sh * vnMinAspect ) * 0.5;
	}else if( aspect > vnMaxAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMaxAspect / 1280.0;
		vnOffX = ( sw - sh * vnMaxAspect ) * 0.5;
		hudOffX = vnOffX;

	// Configure the pipeline for 2D drawing.
	//fgl::setPipeline( fgl::unlitPipeline );
	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::colorModPipeline );
	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
	glEnable( GL_BLEND );
	//fgl::setFog( { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
	fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );

	if( paused )
		drawImage( shadeBox, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, sw, sh );

	if( convo.screen.bg.length() > 0 && bgIndex >= 0
		&& backgrounds[bgIndex].imgTexture.success ){
		// Draw background image.

	// Draw foreground.
	if( fgIndex >= 0 ){

	float statScale = 1.0f;
	fgl::Color statColor = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	std::string stats = "";
	// Display stats only if health > 0 and settings menu is not open.
	if( health > 0 && !settings_display ){
		stats = u8"♥" + std::to_string( health ) + " Day" + std::to_string( day );
		// Money need not be shown until some is acquired.
		if( money != 0 ){
			stats += " $" + std::to_string( money );
		// Draw the box behind the stats.
			hudOffX + fgl::getTextWidth( stats, font_mono ) * vnScale * statScale,
			font_mono.height * vnScale * statScale
	}else if( mainmenu ){
		// Display the version number and controller status.
		statScale = 0.5f;
		statColor = { 0.55f, 0.55f, 0.55f, 1.0f };
		stats = app_version;

	float tw = fgl::getTextWidth( convo.screen.caption, font_vn );
	bool hasNewline =
		convo.screen.caption.find_first_of( '\n' ) != std::string::npos;
	float tlines =
		( tw > std::min( 1280.0, sw / vnScale ) || hasNewline )
		? 2.0f : ( convo.screen.caption.length() > 0 ? 1.0f : 0.0f );
	float ypos =
		( 533.0 - font_vn.size * 1.2 * tlines - font_vn.size * 0.17 ) * vnScale;

	if( !paused && convo.screen.ids.size() > 0
		&& ( ( bgIndex >= 0 && backgrounds[bgIndex].imgTexture.success )
			|| ( convo.screen.bg.empty() && !world.map.empty() ) ) ){
		// There are buttons and something to draw a shade over.
			ypos + ( tlines > 0.0f ? 2.0f - tlines : 8.0f ) * vnScale,
			1280.0 * vnScale,
			600.0 * vnScale

	// Caption.
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		vnOffX + 640.0 * vnScale,
		std::min( 1280.0 * vnScale, sw )

	// HUD.
	fgl::setFog( statColor );
		//dungeon.ready ? stats + "\n" + std::to_string( showFrames ) : stats,
		vnScale * statScale
	fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );

	// Draw buttons.

	// Non-mouse navigation of buttons.
	if( choiceIndex >= (int)convo.screen.ids.size()
		&& !settings_display && !character_select_display ){
		choiceIndex = -1;
	if( convo.screen.ids.empty() && !character_select_display ){
		choiceIndex = show_cursor ? -1 : 0;
	}else if( moveYDown && choiceIndex == -1 ){
		choiceIndex = settings_display ? convo.screen.ids.size() : 0;
	}else if( moveYDown ){
		choiceIndex += moveYDown;
		int num_properties = settings.global.size();
		if( settings_category.length() > 0
			&& settings.sections.contains( settings_category ) ){
			num_properties =
				settings.sections.get( settings_category ).size();
		if( choiceIndex < 0 ){
			choiceIndex = settings_display
				? convo.screen.ids.size() + num_properties - 1 : 0;
		}else if( choiceIndex == (int)convo.screen.ids.size()
			&& !settings_display ){
			choiceIndex = convo.screen.ids.size() - 1;
		}else if( choiceIndex == (int)convo.screen.ids.size()
			+ num_properties ){
			choiceIndex = 0;

	float buttonHeight = font_vn.size * 1.333f;

	for( size_t i = 0; i < convo.screen.ids.size(); i++ ){
		float ypos = ( 533.0f + buttonHeight * (float)i ) * vnScale;
		bool hover =
			!inputTarget &&
			show_cursor &&
			fgl::mouseY >= ypos &&
			fgl::mouseY < ( 533.0f + buttonHeight * (float)( i + 1 ) ) * vnScale &&
			fgl::mouseX >= vnOffX &&
			fgl::mouseX < vnOffX + 1280.0 * vnScale;
		if( hover ){
			choiceIndex = i;
		glDisable( GL_BLEND );
			i == (size_t)choiceIndex ? button_p : button_n,
			1280.0 * vnScale / button_n.width,
			buttonHeight * vnScale / button_n.height
		glEnable( GL_BLEND );
			convo.screen.lines.size() > i
				? convo.screen.lines[i]
				: ( language == "zh" ? u8"继续 →" : u8"Continue →" ),
			vnOffX + 640.0 * vnScale,

	if( choiceIndex >= 0 && choiceIndex < (int)convo.screen.ids.size()
		&& ( mouseDownLeft || actionButtonDown ) ){
		// Do not propagate the click or button press.
		mouseDownLeft = false;
		actionButtonDown = false;
		std::string id = convo.screen.ids[choiceIndex];
		if( id == vn_callback_file ){
			// Returning to the previous screen. Clear the save path.
			save_path = "";
		convo.go( id );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );
		// Unpause if there is nothing mandating a paused game.
		if( ( convo.screen.ids.empty() || mainmenu ) && !recipes_display
			&& !settings_display && !character_select_display ){
			paused = false;
			if( trading_display && trading_entity ){
				// Stop trading.
				trading_display = false;
				trading_entity = nullptr;

double SEval( std::string expression ){
	// Token separators.
	static const char* separators = "\t\n\r\x20()";
	// Expression is zero if it is too short or empty.
	if( expression.length() < 3 || expression[1] == ')' ) return 0.0;
	// Find the start point of the token.
	size_t start_at = expression.find_first_not_of( separators );
	// Expression is zero if it contains only separators.
	if( start_at == std::string::npos ) return 0.0;
	// Find the first separator after the token.
	size_t end_at = expression.find_first_of( separators, start_at );
	// Expression is zero if it does not contain an end separator.
	if( end_at == std::string::npos ) return 0.0;
	// TODO: Parse the expression, handle strings and lists.
	return 0.0;

void LoadSettings( std::string file_name ){
	// Load the file.
	FILE* file = fopen( file_name.c_str(), "rb" );
	// Fail silently to allow no-op loading of files yet to be created.
	if( !file ) return;
	std::string data = "";
	char buf[4096];
	while( size_t len = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), file ) ){
		data += std::string( buf, len );
	fclose( file );
	// Parse the file.
	ini_t *ini = ini_load( data.c_str(), nullptr );
	int section_count = ini_section_count( ini );
	// Loop through sections.
	for( int s = 0; s < section_count; s++ ){
		IniSection *inisec = &settings.global;
		if( s != INI_GLOBAL_SECTION ){
			std::string secname( ini_section_name( ini, s ) );
			if( !settings.sections.contains( secname ) )
				settings.sections.set( secname, {} );
			inisec = &settings.sections.get( secname );
		int property_count = ini_property_count( ini, s );
		for( int p = 0; p < property_count; p++ ){
				name( ini_property_name( ini, s, p ) ),
				value( ini_property_value( ini, s, p ) );
			// Add the data to settings.
			inisec->set( name, value );
	// Destroy the in-memory INI data.
	ini_destroy( ini );

void SaveSettings( std::string file_name ){
	// Generate INI data.
	ini_t *ini = ini_create( nullptr );
	for( auto &property : settings.global ){
			property.second.empty() || property.second[0] < '!'
				? settings_none.c_str() : property.second.c_str(),
	for( auto &section : settings.sections ){
		int s = ini_section_add( ini, section.first.c_str(), 0 );
		for( auto &property : section.second ){
				property.second.empty() || property.second[0] < '!'
					? settings_none.c_str() : property.second.c_str(),
	std::string data = "";
	data.resize( ini_save( ini, nullptr, 0 ) );
	ini_save( ini, &data.front(), data.size() );
	// Remove null byte if present. (TODO: Possible bug in INI loader.)
	if( data.back() == '\0' ) data.pop_back();
	// Save the file to Steam Cloud.
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam_cloud && !SteamRemoteStorage()->FileWrite(
				(int32)data.size() ) ){
			fprintf( stderr, "Failed to write settings.ini\n" );
	// Save the file to the local filesystem.
	FILE* file = fopen( file_name.c_str(), "wb" );
	if( file ){
		fwrite( data.c_str(), data.size(), 1, file );
		fclose( file );
		fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing\n", file_name.c_str() );
	// Destroy the in-memory INI data.
	ini_destroy( ini );
	// Handle globals that must be managed immediately.
	// Set the global volume.
	IniSection &misc = settings.sections.get( "Misc" );
	char* p;
	global_volume =
		std::strtof( misc.get( "global_volume" ).c_str(), &p ) * 0.01f;
	if( *p ) global_volume = 1.0f;
	// Stop all sounds. The engine will hopefully restart them.
	cs_stop_all_sounds( csctx );

void InitSettings(){
	// Default settings.
	settings = {};
	settings.sections.set( "Keyboard", {} );
	IniSection &kb = settings.sections.back().second;
	// Get the current key names from QWERTY scancodes.
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_W ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_S ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_A ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_D ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_F ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_E ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_R ) )
		SDL_GetKeyName( SDL_GetKeyFromScancode( SDL_SCANCODE_T ) )
	// Misc. settings.
	settings.sections.set( "Misc", {} );
	IniSection &misc = settings.sections.back().second;
	misc.set( "global_volume", "100" );
	misc.set( "language_code", settings_none );
	// 4381-4386 is an unassigned/unused port range.
	misc.set( "test_server", "wss://ccserver.mobilegamedev.org/" );
	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		char* http_proxy = std::getenv( "http_proxy" );
		misc.set( "http_proxy", http_proxy ? http_proxy : "" );
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		misc.set( "PBR", "0" );

void InitCloud(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam_cloud ){
			auto cloud = SteamRemoteStorage();
			// Enumerate and copy all files from Steam Cloud.
			int32 num = cloud->GetFileCount();
			for( int32 i = 0; i < num; i++ ){
				int32 file_size;
				const char* file_name =
					cloud->GetFileNameAndSize( i, &file_size );
				std::string file_path_local =
					user_data_path + "/" + file_name;
				// Get the local file's timestamp.
				struct stat attrib;
				stat( file_path_local.c_str(), &attrib );
				auto file_timestamp_local =
				#if defined(_WIN32) or defined(__APPLE__)
					// TODO: May not be 2038-proof.
				#else // GNU/Linux
				// Get the Steam Cloud file's timestamp.
				auto file_timestamp_cloud =
					cloud->GetFileTimestamp( file_name );
				// Copy the file from Steam Cloud if it is newer.
				FILE *file;
				if( file_timestamp_cloud > file_timestamp_local
					&& ( file = fopen( file_path_local.c_str(), "wb" ) ) ){
					void *buf = malloc( file_size );
					int32 bytes_read = cloud->FileRead(
					if( bytes_read ){
						fwrite( buf, (size_t)bytes_read, 1, file );
							"Failed to read %s from Steam Cloud",
					free( buf );
					fclose( file );

// Delete all files containing saved games, settings, and recipes.
void DeleteAllUserFiles(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam_cloud ){
			auto cloud = SteamRemoteStorage();
			// Enumerate and delete all files stored in Steam Cloud.
			int32 num = cloud->GetFileCount();
			for( int32 i = 0; i < num; i++ ){
				int32 file_size;
				cloud->FileDelete( cloud->GetFileNameAndSize( i, &file_size ) );
	// Delete files in the local user data folder.
	for( size_t i = 1; i <= save_slots; i++ ){
		std::string save_file =
			user_data_path + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".json";
		remove( save_file.c_str() );
	remove( ( user_data_path + "/settings.ini" ).c_str() );
	remove( ( user_data_path + "/" + user_recipes ).c_str() );

// Called when a fighter hits something.
void HitCallback( fworld::Entity *ent_a, fworld::Entity *ent_b, int damage ){
	if( ent_b->task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP ){
		// Wake the entity.
		ent_b->task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
		ent_b->stun = 0.0;
		if( world.followEntity >= 0
			&& world.entities.size() > (size_t)world.followEntity
			&& ent_b == &world.entities[world.followEntity] ){
			// The player is hit, so turn off sleep mode.
			sleep_mode = false;
		ent_b->x + 0.5,
		ent_b->y + 1.0 - ent_b->height * 0.75 / world.tileSize,
		linalg::normalize( linalg::vec<double,3>( ent_b->x - ent_a->x, ent_b->y - ent_a->y, 0.0 ) ) * 10.0,
		std::max( damage, 3 )
	csPlaySound( "melee_hit", false );

void Notify( fgl::Texture *texture, std::string s1, std::string s2 ){
	if( language == "zh" ){
		// Translate English to Mandarin Chinese.
		s1 = EnToZh( s1 );
		s2 = EnToZh( s2 );
	popups.push_back( {
	} );

void AddRecipe( std::string name ){
	auto &r = recipes[name];
	if( !r.unlocked ){
		r.unlocked = true;
		// Autosave.
		SaveGame( 1 );
		Notify( &tex_notification, "New recipe!", name );

void Achieve( std::string id ){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam && SteamUserStats() ){
			SteamUserStats()->SetAchievement( id.c_str() );
		// Other platforms' achievement APIs go here.

// Add an entity to the 2D world at (x,y) with optional index idx.
void AddEntity( fworld::Entity &ent, double x, double y, int idx, bool recalc ){
	bool add_plant = ( ent.type == "flora" );
	if( idx >= 0 ){
		// Let the subsystems do their own bookkeeping.
		world.entities[idx] = ent;
		idx = world.entities.size();
		world.entities.push_back( ent );
		// Do bookkeeping for the subsystems.
		if( add_plant ){
			flora::Plant p = {};
			p.entity_index = idx;
			// Only plants in the first 3 growth phases are fertile.
			p.fertility = ent.age < 3.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
			plants.push_back( p );
		}else if( ent.type == "civilian" || ent.type == "bird" ){
			civilian::Civilian c = {};
			c.entity_index = idx;
			ent.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			civilians.push_back( c );
		}else if( ent.type == "fighter" ){
			fighter::Fighter f = {};
			f.entity_index = idx;
			f.minimum_health = 20;
			ent.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			fighters.push_back( f );
	fworld::Entity &new_ent = world.entities[idx];
	new_ent.x = x;
	new_ent.y = y;
	if( add_plant ){
		flora::FixEntityTile( idx, &world, add_plant );
	}else if( ent.staticCollisions ){
		// Only recalculate when absolutely necessary.
		if( recalc ) world.recalculateMapEntities();
		world.mapChanged = true;

int GetEntityAt( double x, double y ){
	long long
		lx = (long long)( x + 0.5 ),
		ly = (long long)( y + 0.5 );
	for( int i = 0; i < (int)world.entities.size(); i++ ){
		auto &ent = world.entities[i];
		if( (long long)( ent.x + 0.5 ) == lx
			&& (long long)( ent.y + 0.5 ) == ly ){
			return i;
	return -1;

int GetItemHealth( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item ){
	// Get the amount the item will change the entity's health.
	// TODO: Health scale factor.
	int item_health =
		( item.flavor * 0.4
		+ item.appearance * 0.3
		+ item.lactose * 0.3 )
		* std::min( ( item.sweetness + 1.0 ) / ( entity.sweetTooth + 1.0 ), 1.0 );
	if( item.lactose > entity.lactoseTolerance )
		item_health = 0;
	return item_health;

int GetItemPayPrice( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item ){
	// Get the amount the entity will pay for the item.
	// Entities can be manipulated into buying low-health items.
	// TODO: If a sold item makes an entity sick, the player's karma
	// should be reduced.
	if( world.followEntity < 0 || world.entities.empty() )
		return 0;
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	// Several entities will have a karma distance of 50, and several
	// items will have a base price of 2. That price becomes 1.
	double karma_factor =
		( 100.0 - std::abs( player.karma - entity.karma ) ) / 100.0;
	return std::max( (int)std::ceil( item.price * karma_factor ), 0 );

void Eat( fworld::Entity &entity, fworld::Item &item ){
	int item_health = GetItemHealth( entity, item );
	if( item_health <= 0 ){
		entity.health -= 25; // TODO: An arbitrary number defined elsewhere.
		// TODO: Trigger entity vomit animation.
	}else if( entity.health < max_health ){
		entity.health += item_health;
		if( entity.health > max_health )
			entity.health = max_health;

void KillEntity( fworld::Entity &entity ){
	entity.type = "corpse";
	entity.task = fworld::TASK_SLEEP;
	if( entity.deathDialogue.length() > 0 ){
		// Open the death dialogue.
		convo.go( entity.deathDialogue );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );

void RegenerateZone( int zone, uint32_t seed ){
	if( zone < 0 || (size_t)zone >= world.entities.size()
		|| world.followEntity < 0 ){
	auto &zone_ent = world.entities[zone];
	if( zone_ent.type.length() < 6 ) return;
	std::string gen_type = zone_ent.type.substr( 5 );
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	long long px = player.x + 0.5, py = player.y + 0.5;
	long long
		x1 = zone_ent.x + 1,
		y1 = zone_ent.y + 1,
		x2 = zone_ent.x + zone_ent.width / world.tileSize + 1,
		y2 = zone_ent.y + zone_ent.height / world.tileSize + 1;
	// The zone index may change when items are deleted.
	zone = world.clearZone( zone );
	if( gen_type == "gen1" ){
		last_zone = zone;
		float density = 0.1f;
		// Items used by the generator.
		if( world.items.find( "gen_ostrich_warrior" ) == world.items.end()
			|| world.items.find( "gen_basket1" ) == world.items.end()
			|| world.items.find( "gen_basket2" ) == world.items.end()
			|| world.items.find( "gen_basket3" ) == world.items.end()
			|| world.items.find( "gen_pine" ) == world.items.end()
			|| world.items.find( "gen_pine_snow" ) == world.items.end() ){
		// Monte Carlo domain of entities.
		std::vector<std::pair<fworld::Entity*,float>> mc = {
			{ &world.items["gen_ostrich_warrior"].entity, 0.01f },
			{ &world.items["gen_basket1"].entity, 0.0075f },
			{ &world.items["gen_basket2"].entity, 0.0075f },
			{ &world.items["gen_basket3"].entity, 0.0075f },
			{ &world.items["gen_pine"].entity, 0.5f },
			{ &world.items["gen_pine_snow"].entity, 0.5f }
		bool prev_blocking = false;
		// Iterate through all non-blocked tiles in the zone.
		for( long long y = y1; y < y2; y++ ){
			for( long long x = x1; x < x2; x++ ){
				bool too_close = std::abs( x - px ) < 3
					&& std::abs( y - py ) < 3;
				if( !prev_blocking && !world.tileBlocking( x, y, true )
					&& ( multiplayer || !too_close )
					&& proc::RandFloat( &seed ) < density ){
					// TODO: Brute force tiles, ignoring blocked and player tiles.
					AddEntity( *proc::ProbObject( &seed, mc ), x, y, -1, false );
					prev_blocking = true;
					prev_blocking = false;
	// TODO: Recalculate flora etc.

// Pull save metadata from the specified slot if != 0 or all slots if 0.
void SyncSaveData( size_t slot ){
	if( slot ){
		// Works with an arbitrary number of save slots.
		std::string n = std::to_string( slot );
		fworld::Entity ent = GetMapSpawn(
			user_data_path + "/" + n + ".json"
		// Index save_names as slot minus 1 (0-indexed vs 1-indexed).
		if( save_names.size() < slot )
			save_names.resize( slot );
		save_names[slot - 1] = ent.name;
		convo.setVariable( "health" + n, ent.health );
		convo.setVariable( "day" + n, ent.age / day_duration + 1.0 );
		convo.setVariable( "money" + n, ent.money );
		// Works with a fixed number of save slots (usually 3).
		for( size_t i = 1; i <= save_slots; i++ ){
			std::string n = std::to_string( i );
			fworld::Entity ent = GetMapSpawn(
				user_data_path + "/" + n + ".json"
			save_names.push_back( ent.name );
			convo.setVariable( "health" + n, ent.health );
			convo.setVariable( "day" + n, ent.age / day_duration + 1.0 );
			convo.setVariable( "money" + n, ent.money );

void SoundSpecLoad( std::string sounds_path, std::string spec_path ){
	// Short-circuit if the specified sound spec is already loaded.
	if( spec_path == sound_spec_name ) return;
	sound_spec_name = spec_path;

	// Stop all sounds.
	cs_stop_all_sounds( csctx );

	// Load the spec file.
	FILE* file = FileOpen( spec_path.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( !file ){
		fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", spec_path.c_str() );
	std::string text = "";
	char buf[4096];
	while( size_t len = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), file ) ){
		text += std::string( buf, len );
	fclose( file );

	// Parse the spec file.
	auto allocatedDocument = jsonAllocateDocumentEx( text.c_str(), text.size(), JSON_READER_JSON5 );

	if( allocatedDocument.document.error.type != JSON_OK ){
		fprintf( stderr, "JSON error: %s at line %lu:%lu of %s\n\n",
			jsonGetErrorString( allocatedDocument.document.error.type ),
			(long unsigned int)allocatedDocument.document.error.line,
			(long unsigned int)allocatedDocument.document.error.column,
			spec_path.c_str() );
		jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );

	// Convert JsonStringView to std::string.
	auto viewToString = []( JsonStringView str ){
		return std::string( str.data, str.size );

	for( auto &o : allocatedDocument.document.root.getObject() ){
		// Make sounds without files null.
		if( !o.value["file"].getString().size ){
			sound_specs[viewToString( o.name )] = {
		// Load the sound.
			viewToString( o.name ),
			sounds_path + "/" + viewToString( o.value["file"].getString() ),

	jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );

void SaveGame( size_t slot ){
	// Short-circuit if player is dead or on the main menu.
	if( health <= 0 || convo.getVariable( "mainmenu" ) )
	// Save the map to the specified slot.
	if( world.map.size() > 0 ){
		std::string map_file = std::to_string( slot ) + ".json";
		std::string map_path_local = user_data_path + "/" + map_file;
		// Save the file locally.
		world.saveMap( map_path_local );
		#ifdef __STEAM__
			if( use_steam_cloud ){
				// Load the file from disk and save it to Steam Cloud.
				FILE* file = fopen( map_path_local.c_str(), "rb" );
				if( file ){
					// Get the file's size.
					fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
					size_t buf_size = ftell( file );
					fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
					// Read the file into a buffer.
					void *buf = malloc( buf_size );
					bool read_error =
						buf_size && !fread( buf, buf_size, 1, file );
					fclose( file );
					if( !read_error && !SteamRemoteStorage()->FileWrite(
							(int32)buf_size ) ){
							"Failed to write %s\n",
					free( buf );
		// Sync save metadata.
		SyncSaveData( slot );
	// Save a list of the user's unlocked recipes.
	if( recipes.empty() )
	// Save the recipes to Steam Cloud and a separate local file.
	std::string rec;
	for( auto &r : recipes ){
		rec += r.first + "\n";
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam_cloud && !SteamRemoteStorage()->FileWrite(
				(int32)rec.size() ) ){
			fprintf( stderr, "Failed to write %s\n", user_recipes.c_str() );
	std::string recpath = user_data_path + "/" + user_recipes;
	FILE* file = fopen( recpath.c_str(), "wb" );
	if( file ){
		fprintf( file, "%s", rec.c_str() );
		fclose( file );
		fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open %s for writing\n", recpath.c_str() );

// Displays a loading screen.
void LoadingScreen( std::string text, fgl::Font &font, float scale ){
	//fgl::setPipeline( fgl::unlitPipeline );
	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::colorModPipeline );
	glDisable( GL_BLEND );
	auto tmp_fog = fgl::fogColor;
	//fgl::setFog( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } );
	fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );
	//fgl::cls( fgl::fogColor );
	//fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } );
		fgl::getDisplayWidth() / 2,
		( fgl::getDisplayHeight() - font.height * scale ) / 2,
	fgl::setFog( tmp_fog );

// Transport the player to a different location using dialogue callback
// syntax.
void Warp( std::string param ){
	if( fadeTo.length() > 0 )
	// Prepend # to skip fading and saving.
	if( param.length() >= 2 && param[0] == '#' ){
		LoadMap( param.substr( 1 ), false );
	bool is_dungeon =
		param.length() >= 9 && param.substr( 0, 8 ) == "DUNGEON ";
	if( !is_dungeon && param.length() >= 8
		&& param.substr( 0, 8 ) == "AUTOSAVE" ){
		save_path = user_data_path;
		// Replace the "AUTOSAVE" portion of the string with "1.json".
		param = "1.json"
			+ ( param.length() >= 9 ? param.substr( 8 ) : "" );
	// Check if a map is already loaded.
	if( (
		#ifndef __LIGHT__
			dungeon.ready ||
		( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ) ) &&
		( is_dungeon
		|| ( param.length() >= 4 && param.substr( 0, 4 ) == "WARP" ) ) ){
		// A map is already loaded.
		fadeTo = param;
	// Construct a full file path.
	std::string file_path = "";
	if( param.length() > 0 ){
		if( is_dungeon ){
			file_path = param;
			// Load a map file from either the save path or the
			// game's data path.
			file_path =
				( save_path.length() > 0 ? save_path : data_path ) + "/" + param;
	// The mainmenu variable is used several times here, so cache it
	// without waiting for VN functions.
	mainmenu = convo.getVariable( "mainmenu" );
	// Short-circuit if on the main menu and the same 2D map is already
	// loaded.
	if( mainmenu
		&& file_path.length() > 0 && file_path == world.mapFile ){
	// Load immediately if the game is paused, a background string
	// is specified, or fading seems like a bad idea.
	if( paused || mainmenu || convo.screen.bg.length() > 0
		|| ( is_dungeon ? ( true
		#ifndef __LIGHT__
			&& !dungeon.ready
		) : world.map.empty() ) ){
		// As this is often used for initial world loads, the wait
		// can be a second or more. Therefore, it's a good idea to
		// show a loading screen.
		if( file_path.length() > 0 ){
				fgl::getDisplayHeight() / (float)simScreenHeight2D
		if( save_path.length() > 0 ){
			// Loading a saved game. Load the default sound specs.
				data_path + "/sounds",
				data_path + "/sounds/sounds.json"
			save_path.empty() && !mainmenu
		fadeTo = file_path;
	// Clear the save path.
	save_path = "";

// Load a map or execute a command. This function is triggered by many
// different causes.
void LoadMap( std::string file_path, bool autosave ){
	// In-map warping is achieved by splitting the string at '#'.
	size_t pound_idx = file_path.find_first_of( '#' );
	if( pound_idx != std::string::npos ){
		std::string s1 = file_path.substr( 0, pound_idx );
		std::string s2 = file_path.substr( pound_idx + 1 );
		if( s1.length() > 0 && s2.length() > 0 ){
			LoadMap( s1, false );
			LoadMap( s2, autosave );
	// Unpause if there is nothing mandating a paused game.
	if( !recipes_display && !trading_display && !settings_display
		&& !character_select_display ){
		paused = false;
	// Sound specifications. These should be loaded in tandem with a
	// physical location.
	if( file_path.length() >= 8
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 7 ) == "SOUNDS " ){
			data_path + "/sounds",
			data_path + "/sounds/" + file_path.substr( 7 )
		if( autosave ){
			SaveGame( 1 );
	// Play a sound once. Overlapping may occur.
	if( file_path.length() >= 11
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 10 ) == "PLAYSOUND " ){
		csPlaySound( file_path.substr( 10 ), false );
		if( autosave ){ // TODO: Why save here?
			SaveGame( 1 );
	// Loop a sound infinitely. Overlapping will not occur.
	if( file_path.length() >= 11
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 10 ) == "LOOPSOUND " ){
		if( !csSoundIsPlaying( file_path.substr( 10 ) ) ){
			csPlaySound( file_path.substr( 10 ), true );
		if( autosave ){ // TODO: Why save here?
			SaveGame( 1 );
	// Stop all playing sounds.
	if( file_path.length() == 10 && file_path == "STOPSOUNDS" ){
		cs_stop_all_sounds( csctx );
		if( autosave ){ // TODO: Why save here?
			SaveGame( 1 );
	// Unlock an achievement.
	if( file_path.length() >= 9
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 8 ) == "ACHIEVE " ){
		if( autosave ){
			SaveGame( 1 );
		// Saving is synchronous, so achieve after to avoid overlay lag.
		Achieve( file_path.substr( 8 ) );
	// Display some dialogue. Not for use inside other dialogue.
	if( file_path.length() >= 9
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 9 ) == "DIALOGUE " ){
		convo.go( file_path.substr( 9 ) );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );
	// Display a notification popup.
	if( file_path.length() >= 7
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 7 ) == "NOTIFY " ){
		Notify( &tex_notification, file_path.substr( 7 ), "" );
	// Make it rain with a percent probability. (Single-player only.)
	if( file_path.length() >= 6
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 5 ) == "RAIN " ){
		if( !multiplayer && world.safeStold( file_path.substr( 5 ) )
			> ( std::rand() % 100 ) ){
			raining = true;
			if( !csSoundIsPlaying( "ambient_rain" ) )
				csPlaySound( "ambient_rain", true );
		if( autosave ){
			SaveGame( 1 );
	// The rest of this function deals with actually changing the
	// player's location.
	raining = false; // Always stop raining when changing locations.
	trading_display = false; // Hack to prevent erroneous trading.
	// Last zone cleanup.
	if( last_zone >= 0 && (size_t)last_zone < world.entities.size() ){
		std::string &type = world.entities[last_zone].type;
		// Make sure the indicated entity is still a zone.
		if( type.length() >= 4 && type.substr( 0, 4 ) == "zone" ){
			// Clear the zone.
			world.clearZone( last_zone );
	bool is_warp =
		file_path.length() >= 4 && file_path.substr( 0, 4 ) == "WARP";
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		// Dungeons.
		if( dungeon.ready && !is_warp )
	if( file_path.length() >= 9
		&& file_path.substr( 0, 8 ) == "DUNGEON " ){
		#ifdef __LIGHT__
			convo.setVariable( "mainmenu", 0 );
			mainmenu = 0;
				data_path + "/dungeons",
				data_path + "/dungeons/" + file_path.substr( 8 )
			if( autosave ){
				SaveGame( 1 );
			// TODO: Save more data and maybe unload the tile map.
	// Intra-map warping.
	if( is_warp ){
		// Check if a map is already loaded.
		if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
			auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
			bool can_warp = false;
			for( auto &ent : world.entities ){
				if( ent.type == file_path ){
					player.x = ent.x;
					player.y = ent.y;
					can_warp = true;
			if( !can_warp ){
				fprintf( stderr, "Failed to warp to %s\n", file_path.c_str() );
			if( autosave ){
				SaveGame( 1 );
	// On the main menu, never load the same 2D map currently loaded.
	if( convo.getVariable( "mainmenu" )
		&& file_path.length() > 0 && file_path == world.mapFile ){
	world.mapFps = 6.0;
	if( file_path.length() > 0 ){
		// Load a 2D map.
		convo.setVariable( "mainmenu", 0 );
		mainmenu = 0;
		// Cancel the player's rest state to avoid bugs.
		if( world.followEntity >= 0
			&& world.entities.size() > (size_t)world.followEntity ){
			auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
			printf( "hi\n" );
			player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			player.stun = 0.0;
			player.staticCollisions = false;
			player = {};
		world.mapChanged = true;
		world.mapFile = "";
		////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
		// Loading it twice doesn't do anything. Why do old entities go on top of new tiles?
		world.loadMap( data_path, file_path );
	// Glue to connect the game to the fworld loader.
	plants = flora::GetPlants( &world );
	civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
	fighters = fighter::GetFighters( &world );
	//wolves = wolf::GetWolves( &world, seed_dist( mt ) );
	// Player entity synchronization.
	// Reset item selections. Apply health and money.
	int inventorySize = 0;
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		inventorySize = player.inventory.size();
		// Only override the newly loaded world entity variables when VN
		// health is non-zero, which implies the game has already
		// started.
		// Only override if not loading from a saved game.
		if( health != 0 && save_path.empty() ){
			player.health = health;
			player.money = money;
		// Synchronize variables.
	item_selected.assign( inventorySize, false );
	somethingSelected = false;
	// Update the special item list.
	if( autosave ){
		SaveGame( 1 );
	// Map loading necessitates a tick to avoid a visual jump when
	// systems kick in.
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		dungeon.ready ||
	world.map.size() > 0 ){

// Return the entity that will be spawned when the specified map is loaded.
fworld::Entity GetMapSpawn( std::string dataPath, std::string filePath ){
	// Load the map JSON file.
	FILE* file = FileOpen( filePath.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( !file ) return {};
	std::string text = "";
	char buf[4096];
	while( size_t len = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), file ) ){
		text += std::string( buf, len );
	fclose( file );

	// Parse the map JSON file. TODO: Report inability to read -nan without JSON_READER_ALL!
	auto allocatedDocument = jsonAllocateDocumentEx( text.c_str(), text.size(), JSON_READER_ALL );

	if( allocatedDocument.document.error.type != JSON_OK ){
		fprintf( stderr, "JSON error: %s at line %lu:%lu of %s\n\n",
			jsonGetErrorString( allocatedDocument.document.error.type ),
			(long unsigned int)allocatedDocument.document.error.line,
			(long unsigned int)allocatedDocument.document.error.column,
			filePath.c_str() );
		jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );
		return {};

	auto &info = allocatedDocument.document.root; // Map root.

	// Loop through map layers.
	for( auto &l : info["layers"].getArray() ){
		// Loop through layer's objects.
		for( auto &o : l["objects"].getArray() ){
			JsonStringView type = o["type"].getString();
			if( std::string( type.data, type.size ) == "spawn" ){
				fworld::Entity ent = world.parseEntity( o, dataPath );
				jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );
				return ent;

	jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );
	return {};

// Bring up a menu that pauses the game.
void PauseMenu( std::string fileName ){
	if( fgl::mouseTrapped )
		fgl::trapMouse( false );
	if( !fgl::controller )
		show_cursor = true;
	paused = true;
	convo.go( fileName );
	vnDataDownload( data_path );

// Bring up a settings menu.
void OpenSettings( std::string category ){
	if( convo.screen.bg.empty() && world.map.empty()
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		&& !dungeon.ready
		// Nothing to display, so swap in a black background.
		convo.screen.bg = "black";
	choiceIndex = -1;
	paused = true;
	settings_display = true;
	settings_category = category;
	convo.screen.id = "SETTINGS";
	convo.screen.exec = {};
	convo.screen.caption = "";
	convo.screen.lines = { "OK!" };
	convo.screen.ids = { "CANCEL" };

// Bring up the character select screen.
void OpenCharacterSelect( std::string next_screen ){
	if( convo.screen.bg.empty() && world.map.empty()
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		&& !dungeon.ready
		// Nothing to display, so swap in a black background.
		convo.screen.bg = "black";
	// TODO.
	character_selected = "";
	character_next_screen = next_screen;
	choiceIndex = show_cursor ? -1 : 0;
	paused = true;
	character_select_display = true;
	settings_category = category;
	convo.screen.id = "SETTINGS";
	convo.screen.exec = {};
	convo.screen.caption = "";
	convo.screen.lines = { "OK!" };
	convo.screen.ids = { "CANCEL" };

// Bring up a text input prompt.
void TextInputPrompt( std::string *target, std::string prompt ){
	if( fgl::mouseTrapped )
		fgl::trapMouse( false );
	if( !fgl::controller )
		show_cursor = true;
	inputTarget = target;
	inputPrompt = prompt;
	fgl::textInputString = *inputTarget;
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam && fgl::controller ){

// Return a string that is safe to store in and retrieve from a JSON file.
std::string StringSanitize( std::string str ){
	if( str.length() > 255 )
		str = str.substr( 0, 255 );
	for( auto &c : str ){
		if( c == '"' ){
			c = '\'';
		}else if( c == '\\' ){
			c = '/';
		}else if( c == '\0' || c == '\a' || c == '\b' || c == '\e'
			|| c == '\f' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t'
			|| c == '\v' ){
			c = ' ';
	return str;

int GetButtonState( std::string *button ){
	return ( !button || button->empty() ) ? 0 : fgl::charKey( (*button)[0] );

// The player interacts with an entity in the world using a
// context-sensitive button. The entities are not necessarily touching.
// Returns true if an interaction happens, otherwise false.
bool WorldInteract( int ent_index ){
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	if( player.task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP )
		return false;
	auto &ent = world.entities[ent_index];
	if( somethingSelected
		|| ent.type == "flora"
		|| ent.type == "pickup"
		|| ( ent.task == fworld::TASK_NONE && ent.type == "regrow" ) ){
		player.task = fworld::TASK_BUMP;
		bumpIndex = ent_index;
		// Look at the entity.
		world.entityLookAt( player, ent );
		circleX = ent.x;
		circleY = ent.y;
		long long
			entTileX = ent.x + 0.5,
			entTileY = ent.y + 0.5;
		// Solve a path to the target.
		world.solveEntityPath( player, entTileX, entTileY, false );
		if( somethingSelected && ent_index == world.followEntity ){
			// Use the item(s) on the player.
			bool deselecting = false;
			fworld::Item *eat_item = nullptr;
			// Iterate in reverse order to safely remove consumed items.
			for( int i = (int)item_selected.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
				if( item_selected[i] ){
					// Get a reference to the selected item.
					fworld::Item &item =
					if( item.flavor > 0 ){
						// Remove the item from the player's inventory.
						auto &count = player.inventory[i].second;
						if( count == 0 ){
							// Remove the item from the player's inventory.
							player.inventory.erase( player.inventory.begin() + i );
							deselecting = true;
						// Eat the item.
						Eat( player, item );
						eat_item = &item;
						// Non-edible; deselect.
						deselecting = true;
			// Deselect all if any items were completely consumed.
			if( deselecting ){
				item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
				somethingSelected = false;
			// Play the eat sound and run script if the player is eating.
			if( eat_item ){
				csPlaySound( "eat", false );
				if( eat_item->script.length() > 0 )
					Warp( eat_item->script );
		}else if( somethingSelected && ent.bribeItems.size() > 0 ){
			// Attempt to bribe the entity.
			// Signal that the player is approaching an entity to "talk".
			player.task = fworld::TASK_TALK;
			// Use an Inventory because it has `contains`.
			fworld::Inventory selectedItems = {};
			for( size_t i = 0; i < item_selected.size(); i++ ){
				if( item_selected[i] ){
					selectedItems.push_back( { player.inventory[i].first, -1 } );
			// Check if the player is using the required items.
			bool correctItems = true;
			for( auto &item : ent.bribeItems ){
				if( !selectedItems.contains( item.first )
					|| player.inventory.get( item.first ) < item.second ){
					correctItems = false;
			if( correctItems ){
				// Remove the items from the player's inventory.
				for( auto &item : ent.bribeItems ){
					player.inventory.get( item.first ) -= item.second;
				world.deleteInventoryZeroes( player.inventory );
				// The entity will take no further bribes.
				ent.dialogue = ent.bribeNewDialogue;
				// Make sentries move out of the way.
				if( ent.type == "sentry" ){
					ent.type = "civilian";
					ent.staticCollisions = false;
					civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
				// Swap the sprite if valid and not fightable.
				if( ent.bribeSprite.success && !ent.meleeSprite.success )
					ent.sprite = ent.bribeSprite;
			std::string &cap = correctItems ? ent.bribeSuccess : ent.bribeFail;
			if( cap.length() > 0 ){
				dialogue::Screen exit_screen = {};
				exit_screen.id = "exit";
				convo.setScreen( exit_screen );
				// Bribe feedback.
				convo.screen = {
					language == "zh" ? EnToZh( cap ) : cap,
					{ "exit" }
			// Deselect all.
			item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
			somethingSelected = false;
		}else if( ent.type == "civilian" || ent.type == "bird"
			|| ent.type == "fighter" ){
			// Civilians and fighters aren't crafting ingredients; cancel.
			player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			circleX = DBL_INF;
			circleY = DBL_INF;
			// Deselect all (again).
			// TODO: Look into restructuring to be less repetitive.
			item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
			somethingSelected = false;
			return false;
	}else if( ent_index == world.followEntity ){
		// Cancel everything.
		player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
		circleX = DBL_INF;
		circleY = DBL_INF;
		return false;
	}else if( ent.dialogue.length() > 0
			&& ent.task != fworld::TASK_SLEEP
			&& ent.type != "fighter" ){
		player.task = fworld::TASK_TALK;
		// Look at the entity.
		world.entityLookAt( player, ent );
		circleX = ent.x;
		circleY = ent.y;
		// Solve a path to the target.
		world.solveEntityPath( player, (long long)( ent.x + 0.5 ), (long long)( ent.y + 0.5 ), false );
		//addAchievement( "Conversationalist" );
		// Activate dialogue.
		convo.go( ent.dialogue );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );
	}else if( ( ent.task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP && ent.type == "corpse" )
		|| ent.type == "crate" ){
		// Look at the entity.
		world.entityLookAt( player, ent );
		circleX = ent.x;
		circleY = ent.y;
		// Solve a path to the target.
		world.solveEntityPath( player, (long long)( ent.x + 0.5 ), (long long)( ent.y + 0.5 ), false );
		// Loot the corpse or crate.
		// Nothing to do.
		return false;
	// Make sure the civilian acknowledges the player if the player is
	// talking. This little nudge is needed because civilian AI is only
	// updated every tick and we don't want the civilian to walk away.
	if( player.task == fworld::TASK_TALK
		&& ent.type == "civilian" ){
		world.entityLookAt( ent, player );
		ent.walking = false;
		ent.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
	// Default case: An interaction happens.
	return true;

int GetTradingTotal(){
	// Calculate total.
	int total = 0;
	size_t i = 0;
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		for( auto &item : player.inventory ){
			if( item_selected[i] ){
				total += GetItemPayPrice(
					world.items[item.first] ) * item.second;
	i = 0;
	for( auto &item : trading_entity->inventory ){
		if( partner_item_selected.size() > i
				&& partner_item_selected[i] )
			total -= world.items[item.first].price * item.second;
	return total;

// Trade with whatever is standing in front of or around the player.
// This should be called when the player initiates a TRADE action and
// when the player reaches the trading target.
void BeginTrading(){
	// Find the entity the player is trading with.
	trading_entity = nullptr;
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() > 0 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		player.task = fworld::TASK_TALK;
		// Trading is technically turned on, but not active until
		// trading_entity is non-null.
		trading_display = true;
		for( auto &ent : world.entities ){
			if( ent.dialogue.empty() && ent.type != "corpse"
				&& ent.type != "crate" ){
			if( world.entitiesBumping( player, ent ) ){
				trading_entity = &ent;
		// If the player is facing an entity with dialogue, or a corpse
		// or crate, that overrides any other entity, as it is more
		// precise than distance.
		if( world.facingEntity >= 0 && (
				world.entities[world.facingEntity].dialogue.length() > 0
				|| world.entities[world.facingEntity].type == "corpse"
				|| world.entities[world.facingEntity].type == "crate" ) ){
			trading_entity = &world.entities[world.facingEntity];
		if( trading_entity ){
			// Touching trading_entity.
			if( fgl::mouseTrapped )
				fgl::trapMouse( false );
			if( !fgl::controller )
				show_cursor = true;
			paused = true;
			// Clear the player's path.
			if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() > 0 )
			convo.go( "trade.json" );
			vnDataDownload( data_path );
		}else if( world.followEntity < 0
			|| world.entities[world.followEntity].path.empty() ){
			// Not touching trading_entity or homing in. Cancel trade.
			trading_display = false;
			// TODO: Use localized text.
			dialogue::Screen exit_screen = {};
			exit_screen.id = "exit";
			convo.setScreen( exit_screen );
			dialogue::Screen getcloser_screen = {};
			getcloser_screen.id = "GETCLOSER";
			getcloser_screen.caption = "[Get closer.]";
			getcloser_screen.ids.push_back( "exit" );
			convo.setScreen( getcloser_screen );
			convo.go( "GETCLOSER" );
			vnDataDownload( data_path );

void FinishTrading(){
	// So much data is read and wrtitten here that various errors must
	// be handled.
	if( world.followEntity < 0 || world.entities.empty()
		|| !trading_display || !trading_entity ){
		// Function is called under inopportune circumstances.
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	bool looting = ( trading_entity->task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP
		&& trading_entity->type == "corpse" )
		|| trading_entity->type == "crate";
	int total = looting ? 0 : GetTradingTotal();
	// Check if looting or money is sufficient on both sides.
	bool success = looting
		? true
		: total <= trading_entity->money && total >= player.money * -1;
	// Check if both inventories have space for the trade.
	fworld::Inventory items_player = {}, items_partner = {};
	if( success ){
		size_t i = 0;
		for( auto &item : player.inventory ){
			if( item_selected[i] )
				items_player.push_back( item );
		i = 0;
		for( auto &item : trading_entity->inventory ){
			if( partner_item_selected.size() > i
					&& partner_item_selected[i] )
				items_partner.push_back( item );
		success =
			std::abs( items_player.size() - items_partner.size() )
			<= inventory_slots;
		// TODO: This disallows some trades that would be possible.
		success =
			world.inventoryCanTakeAll( player.inventory, items_partner, inventory_slots )
			&& world.inventoryCanTakeAll( trading_entity->inventory, items_player, inventory_slots );
	// At this point, we should be certain that the trade is possible.
	if( success ){
		// Swap items.
		// Remove items from their owners' inventories.
		for( auto &item : items_player ){
			player.inventory.get( item.first ) -= item.second;
		for( auto &item : items_partner ){
			trading_entity->inventory.get( item.first ) -= item.second;
		// Place the items in their new inventories.
		world.transferInventory( items_partner, player.inventory, inventory_slots );
		if( looting ){
			world.transferInventory( items_player, trading_entity->inventory, inventory_slots );
			for( auto &item : items_player ){
				if( world.items[item.first].flavor > 0 ){
					// Make the entity eat the stack.
					for( int i = 0; i < item.second; i++ ){
						Eat( *trading_entity, world.items[item.first] );
					// Put the item in the entity's inventory.
					fworld::Inventory inv;
					inv.set( item.first, item.second );
					world.transferInventory( inv, trading_entity->inventory, inventory_slots );
		// Prevent a zero-item bug with the trading entity.
		world.deleteInventoryZeroes( trading_entity->inventory );
		// Transfer money.
		player.money += total;
		money = player.money;
		trading_entity->money -= total;
		csPlaySound( "trade_success", false );
		// Deselect all.
		item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
		somethingSelected = false;
		if( trading_entity->health <= 0 && !looting )
			KillEntity( *trading_entity );
		// Reload the trading dialogue.
		convo.go( "trade.json" );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );
		csPlaySound( "trade_fail", false );

// Open a 16x8 sequencer.
void BeginSequencer( std::string param ){
	sequencer_display = true;
	if( fgl::mouseTrapped )
		fgl::trapMouse( false );
	if( !fgl::controller )
		show_cursor = true;
	// Clear the player's path.
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() > 0 )
	convo.go( "sequencer.json" );
	vnDataDownload( data_path );
	cs_stop_all_sounds( csctx );
	size_t semi_at = param.find_first_of( ';' );
	std::string sequencer_sample;
	if( semi_at == std::string::npos ){
		sequencer_sample = param;
		sequencer_name = "";
		sequencer_sample = param.substr( 0, semi_at );
		sequencer_name = param.substr( semi_at + 1 );
	csPlaySound( sequencer_sample, false );
	fseq::Test( csctx );
	// TODO.

void FinishSequencer(){
	sequencer_display = false;
	sequencer_name = "";
	// TODO.

void BeginCake(){
	cake_display = true;
	// TODO.

void FinishCake(){
	cake_display = false;
	// TODO.

// Variables used by Tick, TurboSleep, and Render.
double tick_duration = 0.3, tick_timer = 0.0, timeout_timer = 0.0,
	rich_presence_duration = 15.0, rich_presence_timer = 0.0,
	inventory_service_duration = 65.0, inventory_service_timer = 0.0;

// Called at a fixed time step to execute actions every few frames.
void Tick(){
	// Poll for special items.
	// Get the zone the player is in.
	int zone = world.getEntityZone( world.followEntity );
	// Single-player world updates.
	if( mainmenu || !multiplayer ){
		// Set the zone seed to a (pseudo-)random number.
		zone_seed = seed_dist( mt );
		// Only update plant growth when not in a zone.
		if( zone == -1 ){
			double growth_rate = tick_duration / plant_grow_period;
			flora::Grow( &plants, &world, seed_dist( mt ), growth_rate );
		civilian::AI( &civilians, &world, seed_dist( mt ), tick_duration );
		fighter::AI( &fighters, &world, seed_dist( mt ), tick_duration, HitCallback );
		//wolf::AI( &wolves, &world, seed_dist( mt ), tick_duration );
		// Handle `regrow` behavior and `campfire` burnouts.
		for( size_t i = 0; i < world.entities.size(); i++ ){
			auto &ent = world.entities[i];
			if( ent.task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP && ent.type == "regrow" ){
				if( ent.stun <= 0.0 ){
					// Restore the entity to a non-sleeping state.
					ent.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			}else if( ent.age > campfire_duration && ent.type == "campfire" ){
				if( ent.inventory.size() > 0 ){
					// Replace the campfire with its first item.
					// Just remove the campfire.
					world.removeEntity( i );
	// Multiplayer.
	// Set the zone seed to the build in which it was introduced.
	zone_seed = 28;
	timeout_timer += tick_duration;
	if( timeout_timer > 5.0 ){
		timeout_timer = 0.0;
			"Network Error",
			"Connection lost"
		// Return to the main menu.
		settings_display = false;
		inputTarget = nullptr;
		convo.go( "init.json" );
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	if( world_time > 0.0 ){
		// Synchronize the player's time of day with the server.
		double last_age = player.age;
		player.age =
			std::floor( player.age / day_duration ) * day_duration
			+ std::fmod( world_time, day_duration );
		// Advance the day if the new age is earlier than the last age,
		// beyond the margin of error.
		if( last_age - player.age > 1.0 ) player.age += day_duration;
	auto player_state =
		+ "{\"itemName\":\"" + StringSanitize( player.itemName ) + "\","
		+ "\"name\":\"" + StringSanitize( player.name ) + "\","
		+ "\"x\":" + std::to_string( player.x ) + ","
		+ "\"y\":" + std::to_string( player.y ) + ","
		+ "\"age\":" + std::to_string( player.age ) + ","
		+ "\"frame\":" + std::to_string( player.frame ) + ","
		+ "\"stun\":" + std::to_string( player.stun ) + ","
		+ "\"meleeDamage\":" + std::to_string( player.meleeDamage ) + ","
		+ "\"task\":" + std::to_string( player.task ) + ","
		+ "\"direction\":" + std::to_string( player.direction ) + ","
		+ "\"walking\":" + std::to_string( player.walking ) + ","
		+ "\"chat_message\":\"" + ws_chat_message + "\"}";
	ws_chat_message = "";
	if( wsSendString( player_state ) || mainmenu ) return;
	// If appropriate, set the first message to be sent.
	if( !inputTarget && player.name.length() > 0 )
		ws_chat_message = "/me joined";
	std::string test_server =
		settings.sections.get( "Misc" ).get( "test_server" );
	wsConnect( test_server, []( std::string message ){
		// Parse the JSON.
		auto alloc_doc =
			jsonAllocateDocument( message.c_str(), message.size(), JSON_READER_TRAILING_COMMA );
		if( alloc_doc.document.error.type == JSON_OK ){
			// Reset the timeout timer.
			timeout_timer = 0.0;
			auto &r = alloc_doc.document.root;
			unsigned long long id = r["id"].getUInt64();
			world_time = r["world_time"].getDouble();
			auto ents = r["entities"].getArray();
			for( auto &e : ents ){
				unsigned long long eid = e["id"].getUInt64();
				// Do not process a duplicate player entity.
				if( eid == id ) continue;
				// Get the item name.
				auto s = e["itemName"].getString();
				// Add the entity to the list.
				if( s.size > 0 ){
					std::string itemName =
						StringSanitize( std::string( s.data, s.size ) );
					ws_entities.push_back( world.items[itemName].entity );
					ws_entities.resize( ws_entities.size() + 1 );
				auto &entity = ws_entities.back();
				s = e["name"].getString();
				entity.name = StringSanitize( std::string( s.data, s.size ) );
				entity.age = e["age"].getDouble();
				entity.frame = e["frame"].getDouble();
				entity.stun = e["stun"].getDouble();
				entity.meleeDamage = e["meleeDamage"].getInt();
				// Retrieve locally stored state for the entity ID.
				auto &ps = ws_peer_states[eid];
				entity.task = e["task"].getInt();
				// Network ticks can happen in the middle of melee
				// attacks. Starting on the first frame looks better.
				// However, this hack should not be used twice in a row.
				if( entity.task == fworld::TASK_MELEE
					&& ps.task != fworld::TASK_MELEE ){
					entity.frame = 0.0;
					entity.stun = entity.meleeRecovery;
				ps.task = entity.task;
				entity.direction = e["direction"].getInt();
				entity.walking = e["walking"].getBool();
				entity.x = e["x"].getDouble();
				entity.y = e["y"].getDouble();
				entity.last_x = ps.last_x;
				entity.last_y = ps.last_y;
				ps.last_x = entity.x;
				ps.last_y = entity.y;
			// Chat messages.
			auto messages = r["chat_messages"].getArray();
			for( auto &m : messages ){
				unsigned long long from_id = m["from_id"].getUInt64();
				auto s = m["message"].getString();
				if( s.size > 0 ){
					// FIFO.
					if( chat_buffer.size() >= chat_buffer_capacity ){
							chat_buffer.begin() + chat_buffer_capacity
								- chat_buffer.size() + 1
					// Process the ": /me" out of the string.
					std::string str =
						StringSanitize( std::string( s.data, s.size ) );
					size_t sub_at = str.find( ": /me" );
					if( sub_at != std::string::npos )
						str.erase( sub_at, 5 );
					chat_buffer.push_back( str );
		jsonFreeDocument( &alloc_doc );
	} );

void TurboSleep(){
	auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
	if( player.health < max_health ){
	// If max_health is 100, TurboSleep advances time by 1% of sleep_duration.
	int iterations = std::round( sleep_duration / tick_duration / max_health );
	for( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ){
		world.simulate( tick_duration );

void UpdateRichPresence(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam && !is_steam_china ){
			if( mainmenu ){
				// On main menu.
				// In game.
					std::to_string( day ).c_str()
					multiplayer ? "#Status_Multiplayer" : "#Status_SinglePlayer"
		// Other platforms' rich presence APIs go here.

void UpdateSpecialItems(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam ){
			// Free the result of the last request if applicable.
			if( special_item_result ){
				SteamInventory()->DestroyResult( special_item_result );
				special_item_result = 0;
			// Request a new list of items.
			SteamInventory()->GetAllItems( &special_item_result );
		// Other platforms' special item APIs go here.

void PollSpecialItems(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam && !mainmenu && !paused && special_item_result
			&& SteamInventory()->GetResultStatus( special_item_result ) == k_EResultOK ){
			std::vector<SteamItemDetails_t> vec_items;
			uint32 num_items = 0;
			if( SteamInventory()->GetResultItems( special_item_result, nullptr, &num_items ) ){
				vec_items.resize( num_items );
				SteamInventory()->GetResultItems( special_item_result, vec_items.data(), &num_items );
			if( num_items > 0 ) special_items.clear();
			// Group like items.
			std::map<SteamItemDef_t,std::vector<SteamItemDetails_t>> item_groups;
			for( auto &item : vec_items ){
				// The vector may not be initialized yet.
				if( item_groups.find(item.m_iDefinition) == item_groups.end() )
					item_groups[item.m_iDefinition] = {};
				item_groups[item.m_iDefinition].push_back( item );
			// Collapse groups into one stack per definition.
			for( auto &group : item_groups ){
				for( size_t i = 1; i < group.second.size(); i++ ){
					SteamInventoryResult_t transferResult;
					SteamInventory()->DestroyResult( transferResult );
					// Update counters to reflect the change.
					group.second[0].m_unQuantity +=
					group.second[i].m_unQuantity = 0;
			// Update item icons.
			for( auto &group : item_groups ){
				auto &item = group.second[0];
				// Quantity should never be 0, but just in case...
				if( item.m_unQuantity == 0 ) continue;
				fgl::Texture tex = world.getTexture(
					"special/" + std::to_string( item.m_iDefinition ) + ".png",
				if( tex.success ){
					// Add the item to the special inventory with its
					// localized name.
					char name[4096];
					uint32 size_out = sizeof(name);
					if( !SteamInventory()->GetItemDefinitionProperty( item.m_iDefinition, "name", name, &size_out ) )
						name[0] = '\0';
					special_items.push_back( {
						std::string( name ),
					} );
			// Free the result.
			SteamInventory()->DestroyResult( special_item_result );
			special_item_result = 0;
		// Other platforms' special item polling APIs (whose?) go here.

void UpdateInventoryService(){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam && !paused && !mainmenu
			&& inventory_service_generators.size() > 0 ){
			SteamInventoryResult_t result;
			// Rotate the vector.
				inventory_service_generators.begin() + 1,
			// Update the special item list.
		// Other platforms' inventory service APIs go here.

void ModUpload( std::string title ){
	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam ){
		// Other platforms' mod APIs go here.

void Render(){
	double d = fgl::deltaTime();

	timeCount += d;
	if( timeCount >= 1.0 ){
		showFrames = frames;
		frames = 0;
		timeCount = std::fmod( timeCount, 1.0 );

	// Game will slow down.
	if( d > 1.0 / minFps ){
		d = 1.0 / minFps;

	// TODO: Decouple fworld from render loop.
	world.screenWidth = fgl::getDisplayWidth();
	world.screenHeight = fgl::getDisplayHeight();

	// Select screen scale depending on aspect ratio (orientation).
	if( world.screenWidth < world.screenHeight ){
		simScreenHeight2D = portraitScreenHeight2D;
		simScreenHeight3D = portraitScreenHeight3D;
		simScreenHeight2D = landscapeScreenHeight2D;
		simScreenHeight3D = landscapeScreenHeight3D;

	world.scale = world.screenHeight / (double)simScreenHeight3D;

		std::round( world.screenWidth ),
		std::round( world.screenHeight )
	fgl::setFramebuffer( framebuffer );

	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

	// Do every-few-frames stuff.
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		dungeon.ready ||
	world.map.size() > 0 ){
		if( !paused || ( multiplayer
			&& ( !inputTarget || inputTarget == &ws_chat_message ) ) ){
			tick_timer += d;
		if( tick_timer >= tick_duration ){
			tick_timer = std::fmod( tick_timer, tick_duration );
	rich_presence_timer += d;
	if( rich_presence_timer >= rich_presence_duration ){
		rich_presence_timer =
			std::fmod( rich_presence_timer, rich_presence_duration );
	inventory_service_timer += d;
	if( inventory_service_timer >= inventory_service_duration ){
		inventory_service_timer =
			std::fmod( inventory_service_timer, inventory_service_duration );

	// Calculate time of day and ambient light color.
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		day = player.age / day_duration + 1.0;
		size_t num_colors = sizeof(ambient_colors) / sizeof(fgl::Color);
		player_time =
			std::fmod( player.age, day_duration ) / day_duration;
		double color_pos = player_time * num_colors;
		int idx = color_pos;
		auto &color1 = ambient_colors[idx];
		auto &color2 = ambient_colors[( idx + 1 ) % num_colors];
		ambient_light = {
			(GLfloat)ease( color1.r, color2.r, color_pos - idx ),
			(GLfloat)ease( color1.g, color2.g, color_pos - idx ),
			(GLfloat)ease( color1.b, color2.b, color_pos - idx ),

	// Handle ambient sounds and music.
		*ambient_day = sound_specs["ambient_day"].loaded_ptr,
		*ambient_night = sound_specs["ambient_night"].loaded_ptr,
		*ambient_zone = sound_specs["ambient_zone"].loaded_ptr,
		*ambient_rain = sound_specs["ambient_rain"].loaded_ptr;

	// TODO: Other fading sound transitions.
	static float ambient_zone_fade;
	static bool is_day;
	bool was_day = is_day;
	is_day = player_time > 0.25 && player_time < 0.75;
	bool in_zone = false; // Playing zone sounds; "in" so to speak.
	int zone = world.getEntityZone( world.followEntity );
	// Fade out the zone sound when not in the zone.
	if( zone >= 0 ){
		in_zone = true;
		ambient_zone_fade = 1.0f;
	}else if( ambient_day && ambient_day->playing_count < 1
		&& ambient_night && ambient_night->playing_count < 1 ){
		ambient_zone_fade -= 0.7 * d;
		if( ambient_zone_fade > 0.0f ){
			in_zone = true;
				sound_specs["ambient_zone"].volume * ambient_zone_fade

	cs_loaded_sound_t *target_sound =
		in_zone ? ambient_zone : ( is_day ? ambient_day : ambient_night );
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		if( dungeon.ready
			&& sound_specs["ambient_underwater"].loaded_ptr
			&& PlayerUnderwater() ){
			// Player is underwater.
			// TODO: 3D "zones". Maybe in another game.
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		dungeon.ready ||
	world.map.size() > 0 ){
		// Player is not underwater.
		if( target_sound ){
			// Switch underwater sounds to non-underwater sounds.
		// Play non-underwater sounds if they are not currently playing.
		if( is_day != was_day ){
			// Transitioning from day to night or night to day.
			// Stop the rain.
			raining = false;
		if( raining ){
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_day );
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_night );
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_rain );
		if( in_zone && ambient_zone && ambient_zone->playing_count < 1 ){
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_day );
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_night );
			csPlaySound( "ambient_zone", true );
			// The player has just entered a zone, so regenerate it.
			RegenerateZone( zone, zone_seed );
		}else if( !raining && !in_zone && is_day && ambient_day && ambient_day->playing_count < 1 ){
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_night );
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_zone );
			csPlaySound( "ambient_day", true );
		}else if( !raining && !in_zone && !is_day && ambient_night && ambient_night->playing_count < 1 ){
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_day );
			csStopLoadedSound( ambient_zone );
			csPlaySound( "ambient_night", true );
		// A game world is not loaded.
		csStopLoadedSound( ambient_day );
		csStopLoadedSound( ambient_night );
		csStopLoadedSound( ambient_zone );
		csStopLoadedSound( sound_specs["ambient_underwater"].loaded_ptr );

	IniSection *kb = &settings.sections.get( "Keyboard" );

	if( inputTarget ){
		paused = true;
		// Left joystick.
		stickX = fgl::leftStickX();
		stickY = fgl::leftStickY();

		// Hide the mouse cursor if the left joystick is moved past the
		// analog dead zone. Otherwise assign stick values to zero.
		if( std::sqrt( stickX * stickX + stickY * stickY ) > dead_zone ){
			show_cursor = false;
			stickX = 0.0f;
			stickY = 0.0f;

			*k_up = kb ? &kb->get( "up" ) : nullptr,
			*k_down = kb ? &kb->get( "down" ) : nullptr,
			*k_left = kb ? &kb->get( "left" ) : nullptr,
			*k_right = kb ? &kb->get( "right" ) : nullptr;

		// Directional input for movement and menus.
		moveX =
			( fgl::rightKey() || GetButtonState( k_right ) || fgl::rightPad() ) -
			( fgl::leftKey()  || GetButtonState( k_left ) || fgl::leftPad() ) +
		moveY =
			( fgl::downKey() || GetButtonState( k_down ) || fgl::downPad() ) -
			( fgl::upKey()   || GetButtonState( k_up ) || fgl::upPad() ) +

		static int moveXLast;
		moveXInt = std::round( moveX * 1.4 );
		moveXDown = moveXInt == moveXLast ? 0 : moveXInt;
		moveXLast = moveXInt;

		static int moveYLast;
		moveYInt = std::round( moveY * 1.4 );
		moveYDown = moveYInt == moveYLast ? 0 : moveYInt;
		moveYLast = moveYInt;

		*k_melee = kb ? &kb->get( "melee" ) : nullptr,
		*k_place_item = kb ? &kb->get( "place_item" ) : nullptr,
		*k_recipes_menu = kb ? &kb->get( "recipes_menu" ) : nullptr,
		*k_rest = kb ? &kb->get( "rest" ) : nullptr;

	// Buttons for actions and menus.
	static bool actionButtonLast;
	actionButton = fgl::enterKey() || fgl::aButton();
	actionButtonDown = actionButton && !actionButtonLast;
	actionButtonLast = actionButton;

	static bool recipesButtonLast;
	recipesButton = GetButtonState( k_recipes_menu ) || fgl::bButton();
	recipesButtonDown = recipesButton && !recipesButtonLast;
	recipesButtonLast = recipesButton;

	static bool meleeButtonLast;
	meleeButton = GetButtonState( k_melee ) || fgl::xButton();
	meleeButtonDown = meleeButton && !meleeButtonLast;
	meleeButtonLast = meleeButton;

	static bool entityButtonLast;
	entityButton = GetButtonState( k_place_item ) || fgl::yButton();
	entityButtonDown = entityButton && !entityButtonLast;
	entityButtonLast = entityButton;

	static bool jumpButtonLast;
	jumpButton = fgl::spaceKey() || fgl::left1();
	jumpButtonDown = jumpButton && !jumpButtonLast;
	jumpButtonLast = jumpButton;

	static bool sleepButtonLast;
	sleepButton = GetButtonState( k_rest ) || fgl::selectButton();
	sleepButtonDown = sleepButton && !sleepButtonLast;
	sleepButtonLast = sleepButton;

	static bool pauseButtonLast;
	pauseButton = fgl::escapeKey() || fgl::startButton();
	pauseButtonDown = pauseButton && !pauseButtonLast;
	pauseButtonLast = pauseButton;

	static bool mouseLastLeft;
	mouseLeft = fgl::mouseButton( 1 ) || ( show_cursor && fgl::aButton() );
	mouseDownLeft = ( mouseLeft && !mouseLastLeft ) || fgl::touchStart;
	mouseLastLeft = mouseLeft;

	//static bool mouseLastRight;
	mouseRight = fgl::mouseButton( 2 );
	//mouseDownRight = mouseRight && !mouseLastRight;
	//mouseLastRight = mouseRight;

	// Switch to mouse mode when the mouse is used.
	if( mouseDownLeft || fgl::mouseMoveX || fgl::mouseMoveY ){
		show_cursor = true;
		if( !inputTarget ) choiceIndex = -1;

	static double fadeLevel;
	GLfloat bloomFactor = 1.0f;
	bool fading =
		( ( fadeLevel > 0.0 && fadeLevel < 2.0 ) || fadeTo.length() > 0 )
		&& convo.screen.bg.empty();

	if( fading ){
		fadeLevel += 3.0 * d;
		bloomFactor = std::pow( 1.0 - fadeLevel, 4.0 );
		if( fadeLevel >= 1.0 && fadeTo.length() > 0 ){
			// Load the map.
			LoadMap( fadeTo, true );
			fadeTo = "";
		fadeLevel = 0.0;

	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		if( dungeon.ready ){
			// Trap the mouse when there is no menu.
			if( convo.screen.ids.empty() ){
				if( !fgl::mouseTrapped ){
					fgl::trapMouse( true );
				show_cursor = false;
			dungeon.ambient_light = ambient_light;
			// Use the ambient light to color the background for the
			// "dungeon" view.
			fgl::Color color = {
				GLfloat(ambient_light.r * dungeon.fogBrightness),
				GLfloat(ambient_light.g * dungeon.fogBrightness),
				GLfloat(ambient_light.b * dungeon.fogBrightness),
			// Set fog color and density.
			fgl::setFog( {
			} );
			// 3D mode. Clear only the depth buffer.
			glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );

			FirstPersonLoop( d );

			// Use the screen as the drawing surface.
			//fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } );
			glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
			fgl::setPipeline( bloomPipeline );

			// Fog is used for bloom parameters.
			GLfloat scale =
				dungeon.frameBuf->height / (double)simScreenHeight3D;
			fgl::setFog( {
				bloomSizeX * scale,
				bloomSizeY * scale,
				bloomThreshold * bloomFactor,
				( health < threshold_health && !fading && !mainmenu )
					? ( 0.0f ) : ( bloomAmount / bloomFactor )
			} );
			glDisable( GL_BLEND );
			fgl::drawFramebuffer( framebuffer );
			//fgl::drawFramebuffer( dungeon.shadowBuf );

			if( !fading )
				vnDraw( dungeon.frameBuf->width, dungeon.frameBuf->height );
	if( fading ){
		if( fgl::mouseTrapped ){
			fgl::trapMouse( false );
		// Black background for overworld view.
		fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } );
		// Reset the circle position.
		circleX = DBL_INF;
		circleY = DBL_INF;
		// Reset blend mode.
		// Day/night tinting.
		fgl::setFog( ambient_light );
		// Draw the world.
		world.simulate( d );
		SimulateParticles( d );
		if( multiplayer )
			world.drawEntities( ws_entities );
		// Use the screen as the drawing surface.
		fgl::setPipeline( bloomPipeline );
		// Fog is used for bloom parameters.
		fgl::setFog( {
			GLfloat( bloomSizeX * world.scale ),
			GLfloat( bloomSizeY * world.scale ),
			bloomThreshold * bloomFactor,
			bloomAmount / bloomFactor
		} );
		fgl::drawFramebuffer( framebuffer );
		fgl::setPipeline( fgl::colorModPipeline );
		fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );
	}else if( true
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
		&& !dungeon.ready
		if( fgl::mouseTrapped ){
			fgl::trapMouse( false );
		// Black background for overworld view.
		fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } );
		fadeLevel = 0.0;
		GameLoop( d );

	if( paused && settings_display ){
	}else if( paused && character_select_display ){

	// Draw the text input prompt.
	if( inputTarget && inputPrompt.length() > 0 ){
		double inputScale = world.screenHeight / 720.0;
		double pixelHeight = inputScale * font_vn.size * 1.333;
			world.screenHeight * 0.5,
		// Text box.
		glDisable( GL_BLEND );
			fgl::textInputRect.w / (double)fgl::blankTexture.width,
			fgl::textInputRect.h / (double)fgl::blankTexture.height
		// Black text.
		glEnable( GL_BLEND );
			fgl::textInputString + "_",
			world.screenWidth * 0.5,
		// White text.
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
			world.screenWidth * 0.5,
			world.screenHeight * 0.5 - pixelHeight,
		// Submit the text by pressing the enter key or the A button on
		// a controller.
		if( ( fgl::textReturnStart || actionButtonDown )
			&& fgl::textInputString.length() > 0 ){
			// Do not propagate the button press.
			actionButtonDown = false;
			if( inputTarget == &ws_chat_message
				&& fgl::textInputString.length() > 0
				&& fgl::textInputString[0] == '/'
				&& ( fgl::textInputString.length() < 3
					|| fgl::textInputString.substr( 0, 3 ) != "/me" ) ){
				// Execute a command.
				ws_chat_message = "";
				std::string &str = fgl::textInputString;
				if( str.length() > 6
					&& str.substr( 0, 5 ) == "/call" ){
					long long result =
						convo.getVariable( "CALLBACK " + str.substr( 6 ) );
					if( result ){
							"Callback returned:",
							std::to_string( result )
				}else if( str.length() > 5
					&& str.substr( 0, 4 ) == "/get" ){
					long long result =
						convo.getVariable( str.substr( 5 ) );
						std::to_string( result ),
				}else if( str.length() > 5
					&& str.substr( 0, 4 ) == "/set" ){
					std::string param = str.substr( 5 );
					size_t space_at = param.find_first_of( ' ' );
					if( space_at == std::string::npos
						|| space_at + 1 == param.length() ){
							"Key value pair required",
						std::string val_str =
							param.substr( space_at + 1 );
						char* p;
						long double num =
							std::strtold( val_str.c_str(), &p );
						if( *p ){
							// Non-numeric value.
								param.substr( 0, space_at ),
								convo.getVariable( val_str )
							// Numeric value.
								param.substr( 0, space_at ),
								(long long)num
				}else if( str.length() >= 5
					&& str.substr( 0, 5 ) == "/help" ){
						"Available commands:",
						"/me /call /get /set /help"
					Notify( &tex_notification, "Syntax error:", str );
				vnDataDownload( data_path );
				// Send the message.
				*inputTarget = StringSanitize( fgl::textInputString );
				// Reverse-engineer the input target to determine if
				// this is the right time to send the "joined" message.
				if( multiplayer && world.followEntity >= 0
					&& (size_t)world.followEntity < world.entities.size()
					&& inputTarget == &world.entities[world.followEntity].name ){
					ws_chat_message = "/me joined";
			inputTarget = nullptr;
			if( !settings_display )
				paused = false;
		}else if( pauseButtonDown && inputTarget == &ws_chat_message ){
			// Cancel the chat message.
			// Do not propagate the button press.
			pauseButtonDown = false;
			ws_chat_message = "";
			inputTarget = nullptr;
			if( !settings_display )
				paused = false;

	DrawPopups( d );

	#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		// Synchronize audio playback.
		cs_mix( csctx );

	#if !defined(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION) && !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		// Draw the game cursor where a hardware cursor is not used.
		if( show_cursor && !fading ){
			glEnable( GL_BLEND );
			drawImage( tex_cursor, fgl::mouseX, fgl::mouseY, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
	#elif !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
		// Actively show or hide the hardware cursor.
		fgl::showMouse( show_cursor && !fading );

	#ifdef __STEAM__
		if( use_steam ){
			// This keeps events in sync and does garbage collection.


void MakeGibs( double x, double y, linalg::vec<double,3> vel, int n ){
	uint32_t seed = std::rand();
	for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
		// A slow and inefficient FIFO buffer.
		// TODO: Make it less slow and inefficient.
		if( gibs.size() == max_gibs ) gibs.erase( gibs.begin() );
		gibs.push_back( {
			proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 0.2 - 0.1 + x,
			proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 0.2 - 1.1 + y,
			gib_floor + 0.15,
			proc::RandFloat( &seed ) - 0.5 + vel.x,
			proc::RandFloat( &seed ) - 0.5 + vel.y,
			proc::RandFloat( &seed ) - 0.5 + vel.z
		} );

void SimulateParticles( double d ){
	uint32_t seed = std::rand();
	//// Rain simulation. ////
	if( raining ){
		for( size_t i = raindrops.size(); i < max_raindrops; i++ ){
			// Cheat the perspective with positive Y velocity.
			raindrops.push_back( {
				proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 20.0 - 10.0 + world.cameraX,
				proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 20.0 - 10.0 + world.cameraY,
				proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 8.0 - 7.5,
				proc::RandFloat( &seed ) - 0.5,
				-11.0 // On the high end of raindrop terminal velocity.
			} );
	for( auto &drop : raindrops ){
		drop.x += drop.vel_x * d;
		drop.y += drop.vel_y * d;
		drop.z += drop.vel_z * d;
		if( drop.z < -7.5 ){
			if( raining ){
				drop.x = proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 20.0 - 10.0 + world.cameraX;
				drop.y = proc::RandFloat( &seed ) * 20.0 - 10.0 + world.cameraY;
				drop.z = 0.5;
				drop.visible = false;
	// Erase-remove idiom.
			[]( const Raindrop &drop ){ return !drop.visible; }
	//// Gib simulation. ////
	for( auto &gib : gibs ){
		gib.vel_z -= 9.8 * d;
		gib.x += gib.vel_x * d;
		gib.y += gib.vel_y * d;
		gib.z += gib.vel_z * d;
		if( gib.z < gib_floor ){
			// Add the gib to the floor layer.
			gib.z = gib_floor;
			gib.vel_x = 0.0;
			gib.vel_y = 0.0;
			gib.vel_z = 0.0;
			if( gibs_on_floor.size() == max_gibs )
				gibs_on_floor.erase( gibs_on_floor.begin() );
			gibs_on_floor.push_back( gib );
			// This causes the gib to be deleted from the top layer.
			gib.visible = false;
	// Erase-remove idiom.
			[]( const Gib &gib ){ return !gib.visible; }

void DrawFloorParticles(){
	static fgl::InstanceBuffer ib;
	// Create an instance for each gib.
	for( auto &gib : gibs_on_floor ){
			{ fgl::fogColor.r * 0.9f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
					linalg::vec<double,4>( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
					linalg::vec<double,3>( gib.x, -gib.y, gib.z )
				linalg::scaling_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>( 0.05, 0.05, 0.0 ) )
	auto viewMat = world.viewMat;
	viewMat[3][0] += world.cameraX;
	viewMat[3][1] -= world.cameraY;
	auto projMat = linalg::perspective_matrix( 68.5 * 0.01745, (double)world.screenWidth / (double)world.screenHeight, 0.1, 44.0 );
	// Disable fog for the unlit instance pipeline.
	fgl::Color old_fog = fgl::fogColor;
	fgl::setFog( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } );
	// Upload attributes.
	// Draw the instance buffer.
	auto old_pipeline = fgl::drawPipeline;
	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::unlitInstancePipeline );
	fgl::setTexture( fgl::blankTexture, 0 );
	ib.draw( fgl::cubeMesh, viewMat, projMat );
	// Set fog to its old color.
	fgl::setFog( old_fog );
	fgl::setPipeline( old_pipeline );

void DrawParticles(){
	static fgl::InstanceBuffer ib;
	// Create an instance for each gib.
	for( auto &gib : gibs ){
			{ fgl::fogColor.r * 0.9f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
				linalg::translation_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>( gib.x, -gib.y, gib.z ) ),
				linalg::scaling_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ) )
	// Create an instance for each raindrop.
	for( auto &drop : raindrops ){
			(fgl::Color){ 0.17f, 0.3f, 0.35f, 0.75f },
					fgl::directionToQuat( { drop.vel_x, drop.vel_y, drop.vel_z }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } ),
					linalg::vec<double,3>( drop.x, -drop.y, drop.z )
				linalg::scaling_matrix( linalg::vec<double,3>( 0.05, 0.05, 0.15 ) )
	auto viewMat = world.viewMat;
	viewMat[3][0] += world.cameraX;
	viewMat[3][1] -= world.cameraY;
	auto projMat = linalg::perspective_matrix( 68.5 * 0.01745, (double)world.screenWidth / (double)world.screenHeight, 0.1, 44.0 );
	// Disable fog for the unlit instance pipeline.
	fgl::Color old_fog = fgl::fogColor;
	fgl::setFog( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } );
	// Upload attributes.
	// Draw the instance buffer.
	auto old_pipeline = fgl::drawPipeline;
	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::unlitInstancePipeline );
	fgl::setTexture( fgl::blankTexture, 0 );
	ib.draw( fgl::cubeMesh, viewMat, projMat );
	// Set fog to its old color.
	fgl::setFog( old_fog );
	fgl::setPipeline( old_pipeline );

void DrawSettings(){
	double sw = fgl::getDisplayWidth(), sh = fgl::getDisplayHeight();
	double aspect = sw / sh, vnMinAspect = 5.0 / 4.0, vnMaxAspect = 1.78;
	double vnScale = sw / 1280.0;
	if( aspect < vnMinAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMinAspect / 1280.0;
	}else if( aspect > vnMaxAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMaxAspect / 1280.0;
	float offset_x = sh * 0.125, offset_y = 0.0f;
	float offset_increment = vnScale * font_vn.size * 1.333;
	float button_width = 640.0 * vnScale + sh * 0.375;
	int button_index = convo.screen.ids.size();
	auto DrawProperty = [&]( std::string &name, std::string &value ){
		float button_x = ( sw - sh ) * 0.5 + offset_x;
		bool hover =
			!inputTarget &&
			show_cursor &&
			fgl::mouseY >= offset_y &&
			fgl::mouseY < offset_y + offset_increment &&
			fgl::mouseX >= button_x &&
			fgl::mouseX < button_x + button_width;
		if( hover ) choiceIndex = button_index;
		if(	button_index == choiceIndex && !inputTarget
			&& ( actionButtonDown || ( hover && mouseDownLeft ) ) ){
			// Do not propagate the click or button press.
			mouseDownLeft = false;
			actionButtonDown = false;
			// Open an inline text input.
			TextInputPrompt( &value );
		glDisable( GL_BLEND );
		if( inputTarget == &value ){
				button_width / fgl::blankTexture.width,
				offset_increment / fgl::blankTexture.height
			*inputTarget = StringSanitize( fgl::textInputString );
			// Submit the text by pressing the enter key or the A button
			// on a controller.
			if( fgl::textReturnStart || actionButtonDown ){
				// Do not propagate the button press.
				actionButtonDown = false;
				inputTarget = nullptr;
				button_index == choiceIndex ? button_p : button_n,
				button_width / button_n.width,
				offset_increment / button_n.height
		// Black text.
		glEnable( GL_BLEND );
			" " + name,
			( inputTarget == &value ) ? value + "_" : value,
			sw * 0.5,
		offset_y += offset_increment;
	bool use_global = settings_category.empty()
		|| !settings.sections.contains( settings_category );
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
	glEnable( GL_BLEND );
		use_global ? ":: " : settings_category + " :: ",
		( sw - sh ) * 0.5 + offset_x,
	auto &properties = use_global
		? settings.global : settings.sections.get( settings_category );
	for( auto &property : properties ){
		DrawProperty( property.first, property.second );

void DrawCharacterSelect(){
	std::vector<fworld::Item*> items = {};
	for( auto &item : world.items ){
		if( item.second.entity.type == "player" )
			items.push_back( &item.second );
	// Abort if there are no items of type "player".
	if( items.empty() ){
		character_select_display = false;
		convo.go( character_next_screen );
		vnDataDownload( data_path );
	choiceIndex =
		std::min( choiceIndex + moveXDown, (int)items.size() - 1 );
	if( moveXDown && choiceIndex < 0 ) choiceIndex = 0;
	double sw = fgl::getDisplayWidth(), sh = fgl::getDisplayHeight();
	float round_scale = std::round( sh / simScreenHeight2D );
	if( round_scale < 1.0f ) round_scale = 1.0f;
	float increment_x = tex_character_select.width * round_scale;
	float increment_y = tex_character_select.height * round_scale;
	float offset_x = ( sw - increment_x * items.size() ) * 0.5;
	float offset_y = ( sh - increment_y ) * 0.5;
	float absolute_font_height = sh / 720.0 * font_vn.size * 1.333;
	glEnable( GL_BLEND );
	// White text.
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		"Select a confectioner",
		sw * 0.5,
		offset_y - absolute_font_height,
		sh / 720.0,
	for( size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ ){
		fworld::Item *item_ptr = items[i];
		bool hover =
			!inputTarget &&
			show_cursor &&
			fgl::mouseY >= offset_y &&
			fgl::mouseY < offset_y + increment_y &&
			fgl::mouseX >= offset_x &&
			fgl::mouseX < offset_x + increment_x;
		if( hover ){
			choiceIndex = i;
			(size_t)choiceIndex == i ? button_p : button_n,
			offset_x + round_scale,
			offset_y + round_scale,
			( increment_x - round_scale * 2.0 ) / button_n.width,
			( increment_y - round_scale * 2.0 ) / button_n.height
		if( (size_t)choiceIndex == i ){
		offset_x += increment_x;
		if( ( hover && mouseDownLeft )
			|| ( (size_t)choiceIndex == i && actionButtonDown ) ){
			// Do not propagate the click or button press.
			mouseDownLeft = false;
			actionButtonDown = false;
			character_select_display = false;
			character_selected = item_ptr->entity.itemName;
			// Clear every drawing buffer, even with triple buffering.
			for( int n = 0; n < 3; n++ ){
				fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } );
			convo.go( character_next_screen );
			vnDataDownload( data_path );

void DrawPopups( double d ){
	// Draw recipe popups at what amounts to a 1:1 pixel scale on a
	// sub-1080p display. Rounding errors are accounted for.
	float popup_scale =
		std::ceil( std::round( world.screenHeight / (double)simScreenHeight2D ) * 0.499 );
	if( popup_scale < 1.0f ){
		popup_scale = 1.0f;

	float popup_margin = 3.0f;

	float popup_y = popup_margin * popup_scale;

	// Critical section.
	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__

	glEnable( GL_BLEND );

	for( auto &p : popups ){
		float popup_scale_mod = popup_scale;
		p.countdown -= d;
		if( p.countdown < 0.0 ){
			popup_scale_mod =
				popup_scale * ( 1.0 + popup_scale_speed * p.countdown );
			if( popup_scale_mod <= 0.0f ){
				popup_scale_mod = 0.0f;
				p.visible = false;
		float popup_x =
			( world.screenWidth - p.texture->width * popup_scale_mod ) * 0.5f;
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
			p.s1 + "\n" + p.s2,
			popup_x + p.texture->width * popup_scale_mod * 0.523f,
			popup_y + p.texture->height * popup_scale_mod * 0.06f,
			popup_scale_mod * 0.65,
			1 // Center.
		popup_y += ( p.texture->height + popup_margin ) * popup_scale_mod;
	// Removing elements within a for loop is dangerous, so we remove
	// afterwards with the erase-remove idiom.
	// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8628951/remove-elements-of-a-vector-inside-the-loop
			[]( const Popup &p ){ return !p.visible; }

	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__

void DrawInventory(
		fworld::Inventory &inventory,
		float pos_x,
		float pos_y,
		float scale,
		std::vector<bool> &selections ){

	drawImage( tex_boxes, pos_x, pos_y, 0.0, scale, scale );
	float item_x = pos_x;
	size_t i = 0;
	for( auto &item : inventory ){
		auto &tex = world.items[item.first].icon;
		if( show_cursor
			&& fgl::mouseY >= pos_y
			&& fgl::mouseY < pos_y + tex_boxes.height * scale
			&& fgl::mouseX >= item_x
			&& fgl::mouseX < item_x + tex.width * scale ){
			// Display item name.
			target_name = item.first;
			if( mouseDownLeft && selections.size() > i ){
				// Toggle item selection.
				selections[i] = !selections[i];
		if( selections.size() > i && selections[i] ){
		drawImage( tex, item_x, pos_y, 0.0, scale, scale );
		item_x += tex.width * scale;
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
	item_x = pos_x;
	for( auto &item : inventory ){
		item_x += world.items[item.first].icon.width * scale;
		// Only show a number for stacks of multiple, zero, or negative items.
		if( item.second != 1 ){
				std::to_string( item.second ),
				scale * 0.5f,

void DrawSpecialItems(
		float pos_x,
		float pos_y,
		float scale ){

	float item_x = pos_x;
	size_t i = 0;
	for( auto &item : special_items ){
		auto &tex = item.icon;
		item_x -= tex.width * scale;
		bool selected = false;
		if( show_cursor
			&& fgl::mouseY >= pos_y
			&& fgl::mouseY < pos_y + tex.height * scale
			&& fgl::mouseX >= item_x
			&& fgl::mouseX < item_x + tex.width * scale ){
			selected = true;
			// Display the item name.
			target_name = item.name;
			if( mouseDownLeft ){
				// Do not propagate the click.
				mouseDownLeft = false;
				auto &inv =
				// Craft an item.
				std::vector<std::string> itemNames =
					{ std::to_string( item.id ) };
				for( size_t j = 0; j < item_selected.size(); j++ ){
					if( item_selected[j] ){
						itemNames.push_back( inv[j].first );
				std::string resultName;
				char status = world.craft(
				if( status == 'b' || status == 'n' || status == 'i' ){
					// Either stuff is used up, there is no match, or
					// something is insufficient.
					// Deselect all.
					item_selected.assign( inv.size(), false );
				if( resultName.length() > 0
					&& world.items[resultName].yield ){
					AddRecipe( resultName );
					csPlaySound( "craft", false );
				if( itemNames.size() == 1 ){
					// Open the corresponding dialogue file if it exists
					// in the current language.
					std::string dialogue_name =
						std::to_string( item.id ) + ".json";
					FILE *file = FileOpen(
						( data_path + "/dialogue_" + language + "/" + dialogue_name ).c_str(),
					if( file ){
						fclose( file );
						convo.go( dialogue_name );
						vnDataDownload( data_path );
		if( selected )
			fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f } );
			fgl::setFog( { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.6f } );
		// Draw the item.
		drawImage( tex, item_x, pos_y, 0.0, scale, scale );
	fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
	item_x = pos_x;
	for( auto &item : special_items ){
		// Only show a number for stacks of multiple items.
		if( item.count > 1 ){
				std::to_string( item.count ),
				scale * 0.5f,
		item_x -= item.icon.width * scale;

void GameLoop( double d ){
	// Only freeze time when offline or a non-chat text prompt is used.
	if( paused && ( !multiplayer
		|| ( inputTarget && inputTarget != &ws_chat_message ) ) ){
		d = 0.0;

	double sw = world.screenWidth, sh = world.screenHeight;

	double aspect = sw / sh;
	double vnScale = sw / 1280.0;
	double hudOffX = 0.0;
	double vnMinAspect = 5.0 / 4.0, vnMaxAspect = 1.78;
	if( aspect < vnMinAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMinAspect / 1280.0;
	}else if( aspect > vnMaxAspect ){
		vnScale = sh * vnMaxAspect / 1280.0;
		hudOffX = ( sw - sh * vnMaxAspect ) * 0.5;

	// Draw pixel art UI elements at an integer scale for quality.
	float round_scale = std::round( sh / simScreenHeight2D );
	if( round_scale < 1.0f ) round_scale = 1.0f;
	// Inventory offset X.
	float boxOffX = sw - tex_boxes.width * round_scale;

	static int itemCycleLast;
	int itemCycle = ( fgl::right2() > 0.1f ) - ( fgl::left2() > 0.1f )
		- fgl::mouseWheel;
	int itemCycleDown = itemCycle == itemCycleLast ? 0 : itemCycle;
	itemCycleLast = itemCycle;

	// Clear the target name.
	target_name = "";


	if( convo.screen.bg.empty() ){
		// Draw the world if there is one.
		if( world.map.empty() ){
			// Nothing to do, so quit.

		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];

		if( character_selected.length() > 0 ){
			// Override player entity.
			bool name_input = inputTarget == &player.name;
			auto p_x = player.x;
			auto p_y = player.y;
			auto p_direction = player.direction;
			player = world.items[character_selected].entity;
			character_selected = "";
			player.x = p_x;
			player.y = p_y;
			player.direction = p_direction;
			player.type = "spawn";
			if( name_input ) inputTarget = &player.name;
			// Start with the default time of day in single-player.
			if( !multiplayer ) player.age = default_time * day_duration;

		// Default to normal walking speed.
		player.speedFactor = 1.0;
		if( convo.screen.ids.size() > 0 || paused ){
			// There is a button prompt, so stop the player from walking.
			if( player.path.size() == 0 ){
				player.walking = false;
				player.frame = 0.0;
		}else if( pauseButtonDown ){
			// The pause button is pressed when the player is free to move.
			// Bring up the 2D pause menu.
			PauseMenu( "pause2d.json" );
		}else if( recipesButtonDown ){
			// Bring up the Recipes menu.
			if( !fgl::controller )
				show_cursor = true;
			paused = true;
			recipes_display = true;
			// Do not propagate the button press.
			recipesButtonDown = false;
			// The player is free to move.
			// TODO: Allow customizing "run" key.
			float stick_mag =
				std::sqrt( stickX * stickX + stickY * stickY );
			// A transition zone between walking and sprinting.
			if( stick_mag > ( dead_zone + speed_zone ) * 0.5f )
				player.speedFactor = 1.5;
			bool sprinting = false;
			if( fgl::shiftKey() || stick_mag > speed_zone ){
				player.speedFactor = 2.0;
				sprinting = player.walking;
				if( player.walking && !csSoundIsPlaying( "footstep1" )
					&& !csSoundIsPlaying( "footstep2" ) ){
					// Play a random footstep sound.
					int r = std::rand() % 2;
					csPlaySound( r ? "footstep1" : "footstep2", false );
			if( !sprinting ){
				// Stop footstep sound effects.
				csStopLoadedSound( sound_specs["footstep1"].loaded_ptr );
				csStopLoadedSound( sound_specs["footstep2"].loaded_ptr );
			if( meleeButtonDown && player.stun <= 0.0 ){
				// Trigger melee.
				player.task = fworld::TASK_MELEE;
				player.stun = player.meleeRecovery;
				player.frame = 0.0;
				if( world.facingEntity >= 0
					&& (int)world.entities.size() > world.facingEntity ){
					// Hit.
					auto &ent = world.entities[world.facingEntity];
					bool trigger_death = false;
					int blood_particles = 0;
					if( ent.type == "fighter" ){
						// Melee combat.
						blood_particles = player.meleeDamage;
						ent.health -= player.meleeDamage;
						if( ent.health <= 0 ){
							fighters = fighter::GetFighters( &world );
							trigger_death = true;
					}else if( ent.type == "corpse" ){
						// Gib corpse.
						uint32_t gseed = std::rand();
						for( int g = 0; g < 12; g++ ){
								ent.x + 0.5,
								ent.y + 0.5,
								linalg::normalize( linalg::vec<double,3>(
									proc::RandFloat( &gseed ) - 0.5,
									proc::RandFloat( &gseed ) - 0.5,
									0.0 ) ) * 10.0,
						// Play a random splat sound.
						int r = std::rand() % 2;
						csPlaySound( r ? "splat1" : "splat2", false );
						if( world.items.find( "Raw Meat" )
							!= world.items.end() ){
							// Replace the corpse with raw meat.
							double x = ent.x, y = ent.y;
							ent = world.items["Raw Meat"].entity;
							ent.x = x;
							ent.y = y;
					}else if( ent.bribeItems.contains( "melee" ) ){
						// Non-fighter responds to melee attacks.
						blood_particles = player.meleeDamage;
						ent.health -= player.meleeDamage;
						if( ent.bribeSprite.success )
							ent.sprite = ent.bribeSprite;
						if( ent.type == "sentry" ){
							// TODO: Make it a civilian bird??? Whatever.
							ent.type = "bird";
							ent.staticCollisions = false;
							civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
						if( ent.health <= 0 && ent.type == "bird" ){
							ent.bribeItems = {};
							civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
							trigger_death = true;
					}else if( ent.meleeSprite.success
						&& ( ent.type == "static"
							|| ent.type == "sentry"
							|| ent.type == "civilian" ) ){
						// The entity will now fight the player.
						blood_particles = player.meleeDamage;
						ent.type = "fighter";
						if( ent.animationMode < 0
							&& ent.bribeSprite.success ){
							// Default to RPG animations.
							ent.animationMode = fworld::ANIMATION_RPG;
							ent.sprite = ent.bribeSprite;
							ent.width = ent.sprite.width / 4;
							ent.height = ent.sprite.height / 3;
						ent.staticCollisions = false;
						civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
						fighters = fighter::GetFighters( &world );
						ent.health -= player.meleeDamage;
						if( ent.health <= 0 ) trigger_death = true;
						ent.x + 0.5,
						ent.y + 1.0 - ent.height * 0.75 / world.tileSize,
						linalg::normalize( linalg::vec<double,3>( ent.x - player.x, ent.y - player.y, 0.0 ) ) * 10.0,
					if( trigger_death ) KillEntity( ent );
					csPlaySound( "melee_hit", false );
					// Miss.
					csPlaySound( "melee_miss", false );
			}else if( ( entityButtonDown
				|| ( player.task == fworld::TASK_DROP && player.path.empty() ) )
				&& player.stun <= 0.0 && somethingSelected ){
				// Do not propagate the task.
				player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
				// Trigger entity placement.
				static const long long // Up, down, right, left.
					offset_x[] = {  0, 0, 1, -1 },
					offset_y[] = { -1, 1, 0,  0 };
				long long
					place_x = player.x + 0.5,
					place_y = player.y + 0.5;
				// Only offset the entity when pushing the button.
				if( entityButtonDown ){
					// Do not propagate the button press.
					entityButtonDown = false;
					place_x += offset_x[player.direction];
					place_y += offset_y[player.direction];
				if( place_x < 0 ) place_x = 0;
				if( place_y < 0 ) place_y = 0;
				if( place_x > (long long)world.mapInfo[0].size() - 1 )
					place_x = world.mapInfo[0].size() - 1;
				if( place_y > (long long)world.mapInfo.size() - 1 )
					place_y = world.mapInfo.size() - 1;
				if( !world.tileBlocking( place_x, place_y, true )
					&& world.mapEntities[place_y][place_x] < 0xB0 ){
					// Iterate in reverse order to place the last valid
					// entity.
					for( int i = (int)item_selected.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ){
						auto &item =
						if( item_selected[i]
							&& player.inventory[i].second > 0
							&& item.entity.sprite.success ){
							AddEntity( item.entity, place_x, place_y );
							if( player.inventory[i].second == 0 ){
								// Remove the item from the player's inventory.
								player.inventory.erase( player.inventory.begin() + i );
								// Deselect all.
								item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
								somethingSelected = false;
							// TODO: Sound.
			}else if( fgl::keystates[/*SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE*/ SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH]
				&& !fgl::textInputEnabled ){
				// Trigger command input.
				// Critical section.
				#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
				// Set the string to display and the destination address.
				ws_chat_message = "/";
				TextInputPrompt( &ws_chat_message, "Enter message" );
				// Clear the string to avoid sending prematurely.
				ws_chat_message = "";
				#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
			}else if( sleepButtonDown && !sleep_mode
				&& !fgl::textInputEnabled ){
				// Trigger sleep mode or text input, depending on
				// context.
				// Critical section.
				#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
				if( multiplayer ){
					TextInputPrompt( &ws_chat_message, "Enter message" );
				}else if( world.getEntityZone( world.followEntity ) >= 0 ){
					Notify( &tex_notification, "Can't rest here", "" );
					player.task = fworld::TASK_SLEEP;
					player.stun = sleep_duration;
				#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
			if( player.stun > 0.0 ){
				// Cancel movement.
				moveX = 0.0f;
				moveY = 0.0f;
				circleX = DBL_INF;
				circleY = DBL_INF;
				if( player.path.size() > 0 ){
			}else if( player.task == fworld::TASK_MELEE
				|| player.task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP ){
				// Cancel task.
				player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
			sleep_mode =
				player.task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP && player.stun > 0.0;
			if( sleep_mode ){
				// Sleep mode.
				player.staticCollisions = true;
				// TODO: Run TurboSleep at fixed 30-60 hz. IMPORTANT!
				if( true ){
				// Not in sleep mode.
				player.staticCollisions = false;
			if( std::sqrt( moveX * moveX + moveY * moveY ) > dead_zone ){
				// Movement input has exceeded the analog dead zone.
				player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
				if( player.path.size() > 0 ){
			world.moveEntity( player, moveX, moveY, d );

		world.cursorX = fgl::mouseX;
		world.cursorY = fgl::mouseY;

		// Day/night tinting.
		fgl::setFog( ambient_light );

		if( !sleep_mode ){
			world.simulate( d );

		SimulateParticles( d );

		// Display a circle under the player's target.
		if( circleX != DBL_INF && circleY != DBL_INF ){
			// A grey circle indicates that the player character only moves to the target.
			// An orange circle indicates that the player character performs a task at the target.
			fgl::Texture &circleTex =
				player.task == fworld::TASK_NONE ? tex_circle_grey : tex_circle_orange;
				( circleX - world.cameraX ) * (double)world.tileSize * world.scale + sw * 0.5,
				( circleY - world.cameraY ) * (double)world.tileSize * world.scale + sh * 0.5,

		// Critical section.
		#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		// Interpolate and animate ws_entities.
		for( auto &e : ws_entities ){
			e.stun = std::max( e.stun - d, 0.0 );
			if( e.task == fworld::TASK_MELEE
				&& ( e.stun <= 0.0 || e.frame >= 2.0 ) ){
				e.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
				e.stun = 0.0;
				e.frame = 2.0;
			// Play animations.
			if( e.task == fworld::TASK_MELEE ){
				e.frame = std::min( e.frame + e.fps * d, 2.0 );
			}else if( e.walking ){
				e.frame = std::fmod( e.frame + e.fps * d, 4.0 );
			// Calculate velocity.
			double vel_x = ( e.x - e.last_x ) / tick_duration;
			double vel_y = ( e.y - e.last_y ) / tick_duration;
			// Skip interpolation if velocity is over 20 m/s.
			// (Like when warping.)
			if( std::sqrt( vel_x * vel_x + vel_y * vel_y ) > 20.0 ){
				e.last_x = e.x;
				e.last_y = e.y;
				// Increase the movement speed when in melee to get to a
				// more accurate entity position.
				if( e.task == fworld::TASK_MELEE ){
					vel_x *= 1.2;
					vel_y *= 1.2;
				e.x += vel_x * d;
				e.y += vel_y * d;
				e.last_x += vel_x * d;
				e.last_y += vel_y * d;
		if( multiplayer )
			world.drawEntities( ws_entities );
		#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__

		if( convo.screen.ids.empty() && !paused ){
			// No dialogue is taking place and the game is not paused.
			if( player.task == fworld::TASK_TALK && !trading_display ){
				player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
				circleX = DBL_INF;
				circleY = DBL_INF;

			glEnable( GL_BLEND );

			// The mouse is not on the player's inventory and not
			// obstructed, occluded, or blocked in any way.
			bool mouse_on_world =
				( fgl::mouseX < boxOffX || fgl::mouseY >= tex_boxes.height * round_scale );
			if( special_items.size() > 0 ){
				fgl::Texture &item_icon = special_items[0].icon;
				if( fgl::mouseX >= sw - special_items.size() * item_icon.width * round_scale
					&& fgl::mouseY < ( tex_boxes.height + item_icon.height ) * round_scale )
					mouse_on_world = false;

			if( !show_cursor && world.facingEntity >= 0 && player.path.size() == 0 ){
				// Handle entities the player faces with a controller.
				auto &ent = world.entities[world.facingEntity];
				if( ent.task != fworld::TASK_SLEEP || ent.type != "regrow" )
					target_name = ent.name;
				if( actionButtonDown ){
					// Do not propagate the button press.
					actionButtonDown = false;
					// Trigger an interaction.
					WorldInteract( world.facingEntity );
			}else if( mouse_on_world
				&& world.cursorOverEntity >= 0 && show_cursor ){
				// The cursor is visible over an entity and not over the inventory.
				auto &ent = world.entities[world.cursorOverEntity];
				if( ent.task != fworld::TASK_SLEEP || ent.type != "regrow" )
					target_name = ent.name;
				//drawImage( tex_actions, fgl::mouseX - 36.0 * round_scale, fgl::mouseY - 36.0 * round_scale, 0.0, round_scale, round_scale );
				if( mouseDownLeft ){
					// If there is interaction, do not propagate the click.
					mouseDownLeft =
						!WorldInteract( world.cursorOverEntity );

			// There are no button prompts on the screen, so walk a path
			// to wherever the player is right-clicking or tapping.
			if( (
					|| ( mouse_on_world && mouseDownLeft )
				) && show_cursor && player.task != fworld::TASK_SLEEP ){
				world.solveEntityPath( player, (long long)( world.cursorWorldX ), (long long)( world.cursorWorldY ), true );
				if( player.path.size() > 0 && !world.mapChanged )
					player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;
				if( mouseDownLeft ){
					// Do not propagate the click.
					mouseDownLeft = false;
					if( somethingSelected ){
						// Walk a path to the drop site.
						player.task = fworld::TASK_DROP;
						circleX = (long long)( world.cursorWorldX );
						circleY = (long long)( world.cursorWorldY );
			}else if( player.path.size() > 0
				&& circleX == DBL_INF && circleY == DBL_INF ){
				// Remove the path if there is no circle.
			// Move the silver circle towards the path target.
			if( player.task == fworld::TASK_NONE
				&& player.path.size() > 0 && !world.mapChanged ){
				// Get a target from the player's path.
				intptr_t index = (intptr_t)player.path[player.path.size() - 1];
				size_t MapW = world.mapInfo[0].size();
				double newCircleY = index / MapW;
				double newCircleX = index - newCircleY * MapW;
				if( circleX == DBL_INF && circleY == DBL_INF ){
					circleX = newCircleX;
					circleY = newCircleY;
					// Slide the circle smoothly from one point to another.
					double f = 30.0 * d;
					if( f > 1.0 ){
						f = 1.0;
					circleX = lerp( circleX, newCircleX, f );
					circleY = lerp( circleY, newCircleY, f );
			if( player.task == fworld::TASK_BUMP ){
				if( ( bumpIndex >= 0 && (size_t)bumpIndex < world.entities.size()
					&& bumpIndex != world.followEntity
					&& world.entitiesBumping( player, world.entities[bumpIndex] ) )
					|| ( ( bumpIndex = GetEntityAt( circleX, circleY ) ) >= 0
					&& world.entitiesBumping( player, world.entities[bumpIndex] ) ) ){
					// As a last resort, bumpIndex is reassigned to whatever is there.
					auto &ent = world.entities[bumpIndex];
					if( ent.type == "flora" || ent.type == "pickup"
						|| ( ent.task == fworld::TASK_NONE && ent.type == "regrow" ) ){
						// Collect if there is room in the player's inventory for an item.
						if( world.inventoryCanTakeAny(
								inventory_slots ) ){
							// Play a sound.
							csPlaySound( "item", false );
							// Copy the entity's items. This is important for regrowth.
							auto ent_items = ent.inventory;
							// Take the items.
							// Activate dialogue if there is any.
							if( ent.dialogue.length() > 0
									&& ent.task != fworld::TASK_SLEEP ){
								convo.go( ent.dialogue );
								vnDataDownload( data_path );
							if( ent.type == "flora" ){
								// Remove the plant.
								flora::KillEntity( bumpIndex, &plants, &world );
							}else if( ent.type == "pickup" ){
								// Remove the entity.
								world.removeEntity( bumpIndex );
								// Reload plant indices.
								plants = flora::GetPlants( &world );
							}else{ // `regrow` type.
								// Make the entity sleep.
								ent.task = fworld::TASK_SLEEP;
								// Sleep the entity for 1 plant growth period.
								ent.stun = plant_grow_period;
								// Reload plant indices.
								plants = flora::GetPlants( &world );
							// Reload AI indices.
							civilians = civilian::GetCivilians( &world );
							fighters = fighter::GetFighters( &world );
							//wolves = wolf::GetWolves( &world, seed_dist( mt ) );
						// Deselect all.
						// Notice how the "player" keyword is not used
						// below the removeEntity call. This is because
						// the player index can change.
						somethingSelected = false;
					}else if( bumpIndex != world.followEntity ){
						// Inventory-to-entity crafting.
						std::vector<std::string> itemNames = { ent.name };
						for( size_t i = 0; i < item_selected.size(); i++ ){
							if( item_selected[i] ){
								itemNames.push_back( player.inventory[i].first );
						std::string resultName;
						char status = world.craft(
						if( status == 'b' || status == 'n' || status == 'i' ){
							// Either stuff is used up, there is no
							// match, or something is insufficient.
							// Deselect all.
							item_selected.assign( player.inventory.size(), false );
							somethingSelected = false;
						if( resultName.length() > 0
							&& world.items[resultName].yield ){
							AddRecipe( resultName );
							csPlaySound( "craft", false );
					// Stop walking.
					bumpIndex = -1;
			size_t player_path_size =
			if( player_path_size <= 1 && trading_display
				&& !trading_entity ){
				// Look for an in-range trading partner.
			if( player_path_size == 0 || trading_entity ){
				// Remove the circle if there is no path or trading has
				// started.
				circleX = DBL_INF;
				circleY = DBL_INF;
				if( player.task == fworld::TASK_BUMP )
					player.task = fworld::TASK_NONE;

		// This is where circles would be drawn if they were on top.

	// It is once again safe to use pathfinding.
	world.mapChanged = false;

	// Use the screen as the drawing surface.
	//fgl::cls( { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } );
	fgl::setPipeline( bloomPipeline );

	// Fog is used for bloom parameters.
	fgl::setFog( {
		GLfloat( bloomSizeX * world.scale ),
		GLfloat( bloomSizeY * world.scale ),
		( health < threshold_health && !world.map.empty() && !mainmenu )
			? ( 0.0f ) : ( bloomAmount )
	} );
	fgl::drawFramebuffer( framebuffer );

	fgl::setPipeline( fgl::colorModPipeline );

	fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f } );

	// Apply world entity variables to the VN part of the game for display.
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && world.entities.size() >= 1 ){
		auto &player = world.entities[world.followEntity];
		health = player.health;
		money = player.money;
		if( health <= 0 && !paused
			&& !mainmenu && !convo.getVariable( "mainmenu" ) ){
			// Kill the player.
			player.task = fworld::TASK_SLEEP;
			PauseMenu( "death.json" );
			csPlaySound( "death", false );

	vnDraw( sw, sh );

	// Display special screens: Either recipes, trading, sequencer, or
	// cake.
	if( recipes_display ){
		// Draw recipes below the bottom edge of the inventory boxes.
		float offset_y = tex_boxes.height * round_scale;
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
			sw * 0.5,
		offset_y += vnScale * font_vn.height * 1.333;
		// List the unlocked recipes.
		// Draw recipe font at what amounts to a 1:1 pixel scale on a
		// sub-1080p display. Rounding errors are accounted for.
		float recipe_scale = std::ceil( round_scale * 0.499 );
		if( recipe_scale < 1.0f ) recipe_scale = 1.0f;
		int i = 0;
		for( auto &r : recipes ){
			if( r.second.unlocked ){
				auto &item = world.items[r.first];
				// Alternate between left and right columns.
				float offset_x = i % 2 ? sw * 0.5 : sw * 0.5
					- tex_recipe_overlay.width * round_scale
					- item.icon.width * round_scale * 3.0;
				float ingredient_x =
					offset_x + tex_recipe_overlay.width * round_scale;
				if( fgl::mouseX >= offset_x && fgl::mouseY >= offset_y
					&& fgl::mouseX < ingredient_x
					&& fgl::mouseY < offset_y + item.icon.height * round_scale ){
					target_name = r.first;
				for( auto &ingredient : item.recipe ){
					auto &tex = world.items[ingredient.first].icon;
					ingredient_x += tex.width * round_scale;
				if( i % 2 ){
					offset_y += item.icon.height * round_scale;
		// Hide the Recipes menu with a button press.
		if( recipesButtonDown || pauseButtonDown ){
			paused = false;
			recipes_display = false;
	}else if( trading_display && trading_entity ){
		float offset_x = ( sw - tex_boxes.width * round_scale ) * 0.5;
		float offset_y = sh * 0.5 - tex_boxes.height * round_scale;
		// Draw trading_entity's items and allow selection.
		bool looting = ( trading_entity->task == fworld::TASK_SLEEP
			&& trading_entity->type == "corpse" )
			|| trading_entity->type == "crate";
		// Draw text.
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		if( looting ){
				"Looting " + trading_entity->name,
				sw * 0.5,
				offset_y - vnScale * font_vn.height * 1.1665,
				trading_entity->name + "'s inventory",
				sw * 0.5,
				offset_y - vnScale * font_vn.height * 1.1665,
			int total = GetTradingTotal();
				" You gain: " + std::string( total < 0 ? "-$" : "$" )
					+ std::to_string( std::abs( total ) ),
				sh * 0.5,
	}else if( sequencer_display ){
		float offset_y = tex_boxes.height * round_scale;
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
			sw * 0.5,
		offset_y += vnScale * font_vn.height * 1.333;
		// TODO.
	}else if( cake_display ){
		float offset_y = tex_boxes.height * round_scale;
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
			sw * 0.5,
		offset_y += vnScale * font_vn.height * 1.333;
		// TODO.


	// Inventory. Display only if health > 0, settings menu is not open,
	// and character select screen is not open.
	if( world.followEntity >= 0 && convo.screen.bg.empty()
		&& health > 0 && !settings_display && !character_select_display ){
		drawImage( tex_boxes, boxOffX, 0.0, 0.0, round_scale, round_scale );
		float itemOffX = boxOffX;
		auto &inv = world.entities[world.followEntity].inventory;
		// Synchronize the selection boxes with the current size of the inventory.
		item_selected.resize( inv.size() );
		// Item selections via keys and buttons.
		if( itemCycleDown ){
			if( somethingSelected ){
				// Select the item to the left or right of the currently
				// selected items.
				int pos = -1;
				for( size_t i = 0; i < item_selected.size(); i++ ){
					if( item_selected[i] ){
						if( itemCycleDown > 0 ){
							// Select the item to the right of the
							// rightmost selected item.
							pos = i + 1;
							if( (size_t)pos >= item_selected.size() ){
								pos = -1;
							// Select the item to the left of the
							// leftmost selected item.
							pos = i - 1;
				// Deselect all.
				item_selected.assign( inv.size(), false );
				// Select the item if applicable.
				somethingSelected = pos != -1;
				if( somethingSelected ){
					item_selected[pos] = true;
			}else if( inv.size() > 0 ){
				// Select the leftmost or rightmost item.
				item_selected[itemCycleDown > 0 ? 0 : inv.size() - 1] = true;
				somethingSelected = true;
		bool somethingWasSelected = somethingSelected;
		somethingSelected = false;
		int i = 0;
		for( auto &item : inv ){
			auto &tex = world.items[item.first].icon;
			if( show_cursor
				&& fgl::mouseY < tex_boxes.height * round_scale
				&& fgl::mouseX >= itemOffX && fgl::mouseX < itemOffX + tex.width * round_scale ){
				// Display item name.
				target_name = item.first;
				if( mouseDownLeft ){
					// Do not propagate the click.
					mouseDownLeft = false;
					if( somethingWasSelected
						&& !item_selected[i]
						&& !fgl::shiftKey() ){
						// In-inventory crafting.
						std::vector<std::string> itemNames = { inv[i].first };
						for( size_t j = 0; j < item_selected.size(); j++ ){
							if( item_selected[j] ){
								itemNames.push_back( inv[j].first );
						std::string resultName;
						char status = world.craft(
						if( status == 'b' || status == 'n' || status == 'i' ){
							// Either stuff is used up, there is no
							// match, or something is insufficient.
							// Deselect all.
							item_selected.assign( inv.size(), false );
						if( resultName.length() > 0
							&& world.items[resultName].yield ){
							AddRecipe( resultName );
							csPlaySound( "craft", false );
						if( status == 'a' || status == 'b' ){
							// The structure of the inventory may have changed.
							// It is not safe to continue the loop.
						// Toggle item selection.
						item_selected[i] = !item_selected[i];
			if( item_selected[i] ){
				somethingSelected = true;
				drawImage( tex_box_select, itemOffX, 0.0, 0.0, round_scale, round_scale );
			drawImage( tex, itemOffX, 0.0, 0.0, round_scale, round_scale );
			itemOffX += tex.width * round_scale;
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		itemOffX = boxOffX;
		for( auto &item : world.entities[world.followEntity].inventory ){
			itemOffX += world.items[item.first].icon.width * round_scale;
			// Only show a number for stacks of multiple, zero, or negative items.
			if( item.second != 1 ){
					std::to_string( item.second ),
					round_scale * 0.5f,
		// Draw the special items.
		DrawSpecialItems( sw, tex_boxes.height * round_scale, round_scale );

	if( target_name.length() > 0 ){
		if( language == "zh" ){
			// Translate from English to Mandarin Chinese.
			target_name = EnToZh( target_name );
		// Black shadow.
			hudOffX + vnScale * 3.0,
			font_mono.height * vnScale + vnScale,
		// Yellow text.
		glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		auto tmp_fog = fgl::fogColor;
		//fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.15f, 1.0f } );
		fgl::setFog( { 1.0f, 0.94f, 0.04f, 1.0f } );
			hudOffX + vnScale * 2.0,
			font_mono.height * vnScale,
		fgl::setFog( tmp_fog );

	// Draw the chat buffer.
	std::string chat_text = "";
	// Critical section.
	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	for( auto &m : chat_buffer ){
		chat_text += m + "\n";
	#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
	// Black shadow.
		hudOffX + vnScale * 3.0,
		( font_mono.height + font_vn.height ) * vnScale + vnScale,
		vnScale * 0.75
	// White text.
	glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
		hudOffX + vnScale * 2.0,
		( font_mono.height + font_vn.height ) * vnScale,
		vnScale * 0.75

void FirstPersonLoop( double d ){
#ifdef __LIGHT__
	// Bring up the 3D pause menu when escape or start is pressed.
	if( convo.screen.ids.empty() && !paused && pauseButtonDown ){
		PauseMenu( "pause3d.json" );

	if( health <= 0 && !paused ){
		// Kill the player.
		PauseMenu( "death.json" );
		csPlaySound( "death", false );

	if( paused ){
		d = 0.0;

	if( dungeon.playerAgent && convo.screen.ids.empty() ){
		// Rotate the camera with the mouse.
		dungeon.moveMouse( fgl::mouseMoveX, fgl::mouseMoveY );

		// Rotate the camera with the right joystick.
		dungeon.rotateAgentConstrained( dungeon.playerAgent, {
			fgl::rightStickY() * -2.5 * d,
			fgl::rightStickX() * -2.5 * d,
		} );

		// Move the player with directional input.
		linalg::vec<float,2> move = { moveX, moveY };
		if( linalg::length( move ) > dead_zone ){
			move = linalg::normalize( move ) * 3.0f;
			move = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
		dungeon.moveAgent( dungeon.playerAgent, {
			jumpButtonDown ? 5.0f : 0.0f,
		} );
		if( jumpButtonDown && dungeon.playerAgent->standing ){
				PlayerUnderwater() ? "jump_underwater" : "jump",

	// Draw the dungeon.
	dungeon.pbr = std::stoi( settings.sections.get( "Misc" ).get( "PBR" ) );
	dungeon.frameBuf = &framebuffer;
	dungeon.draw( d );

	if( dungeon.pbr ){
		// Draw debug text.
		fgl::setPipeline( fgl::unlitPipeline );
		glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
		glEnable( GL_BLEND );
		fgl::setFog( { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
		std::string debug_text = "fps " + std::to_string( showFrames );
			"\nPosition X: " + std::to_string( dungeon.viewMat[3].x ) +
			"\nPosition Y: " + std::to_string( dungeon.viewMat[3].y ) +
			"\nPosition Z: " + std::to_string( dungeon.viewMat[3].z ) +
			"\nAngle X: " + std::to_string( dungeon.playerAgent->angle.x ) +
			"\nAngle Y: " + std::to_string( dungeon.playerAgent->angle.y ) +
			"\nAngle Z: " + std::to_string( dungeon.playerAgent->angle.z );
		fgl::drawText( debug_text, font_mono, 0, 100, 1.0 );
		glDisable( GL_BLEND );

bool PlayerUnderwater(){
#ifdef __LIGHT__
	return false;
	// TODO: Wave elevation.
	return dungeon.viewMat[3].y
		< dungeon.waterLevel + dungeon.waterWaveHeight * 0.5;

// Gracefully end the program.
void Quit(){
	#ifndef __LIGHT__
	#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
		health = 0;
		convo.screen = {
		#ifdef __STEAM__
			if( use_steam ){
		cs_shutdown_context( csctx );

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100755 blob 43 45aea818a4a3202b2467509f28a481cce08834d2 Confectioner.command
100644 blob 12084 829108f64c4db9a8182ae5f0246c7760c2d118d2 Makefile
100644 blob 2723 b5a3f573f076ef740ca742ec9598043732e10c0e README.md
040000 tree - 673643a439cd3679db47a752fdbd73b380ad88f3 base
100755 blob 156 84cb1387849f2ca98e53e43536d00af2dfabf7d3 caveconfec
100755 blob 28 41b0ef285892c86306eaa269f366dd04cb633d21 caveconfec.bat
100644 blob 187046 57b6db7a29b51185c9a01ac5536783c3e1a7aa0a confec.cpp
100644 blob 271414 377c477d5a6a99fc0c26335ac0d37b6dbb3218b4 gamecontrollerdb.txt
040000 tree - 505dc7f209b8fe38a25ca9c8fe9de2c74c674d5b include
100755 blob 1041 dd7c0bd7d8a6b4aeff53142375240872735d42a0 libs.cpp
100755 blob 27581 8350a63e947e8a4a55608fd090d128fef7b969a1 micropather.cpp
100644 blob 141235 f54e2d2631a628876a631456c043b77da5db78bd openjdk.pem
100755 blob 8 e9a74187b02a27b165dfa4f93bf6f060376d0ee6 steam_appid.txt
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