List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
update readme ae7aabf0bf9f95066de89548fcc94239ed2b84ef Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 22:07:20
test import service 09491f15db36a84ef6187017ce9db2130f4571ac Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 22:03:41
use buzz aab347ba51a0b85668f2e85de4023b70e6ef778f Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 21:54:25
neo entity fix setApproachAtAsString time and test 2b3a3fbf854192f55445a1e391b6cc422a7c54d7 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 20:59:35
fix controller tests 5501c12260f3a914dd8d10f01173da4fc2dece12 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 20:44:10
update readme d8e9d69d2a47397220c53a39f521cb29472a41d0 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 20:22:46
add license 995fe65147bc8a4b4de219adc8017fcfb78cac09 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-28 16:19:54
install phpunit e7a7933c696cf51fef8339875c0bedadc09f23d8 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 23:07:28
error checks 8b899df6bfc00397ddd8b874f8d603f5e5fc813d Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 23:07:18
add some docblocks a8a8b7ca6436d8be7eae177e163f5f3846a3850e Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:34:55
update readme 0526d98854866a43c3f72c2a28f2e7a3693d11c7 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:27:47
import variable days b9719a68e4a21fbf418b7e82353e48d77e5f0247 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:27:38
update readme e3951190baa0e679f87cf878f1ebfee910be6da2 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:04:18
best month 049d1757e5bab195dbd4374c0f3cba19a263e0e2 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 22:01:20
best year 9c830895cacc9ae9206901d3eabdc6b21488d718 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:57:46
fix docblock 20f563de5a256acde8c4a2335bf5779c670c61a0 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:22:50
strong typing c5314f47704760d3720f0c92bd3da9e3c7299eea Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:15:11
change boolean to bool and add /neo/fastest?hazardous=(true|false) aa0b6fc0d2ab78404e4677863aafae1dd27bead0 Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 21:07:44
fix cases 7fd7024355b538de353f032f69f8e4a1ee5f0b6b Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:56:14
/neo/hazardous 61f9c4506a8ddf037f6cd670afdaa4f38f44829c Ivaylo Iliev 2017-08-27 20:54:40
Commit ae7aabf0bf9f95066de89548fcc94239ed2b84ef - update readme
Author: Ivaylo Iliev
Author date (UTC): 2017-08-28 22:07
Committer name: Ivaylo Iliev
Committer date (UTC): 2017-08-28 22:07
Parent(s): 09491f15db36a84ef6187017ce9db2130f4571ac
Signing key:
Tree: 0c23f713de17a0fa642cb9796c20c350f93ce39f
File Lines added Lines deleted 7 1
File changed (mode: 100644) (index 0e1be99..c186961)
... ... docker exec -it dev-server bash
69 69
70 70 or if you created it without ./build script or if you created it without ./build script
71 71
72 docker exec -it <image> bash
72 docker exec -it <image> bash
74 ## Run tests
76 - enter bash in dev-server
77 - enter nasa in /var/www/html
78 - run phpunit
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