/uuid.pc.in (5b554ec18480e2d4b170a844b901e18948e9e10e) (210 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)


Name: uuid
Description: Universally unique id library
Version: @VERSION@
Cflags: -I${includedir}/uuid
Libs: -L${libdir} -luuid

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 24 20ff7cb125a29d358b42d1030371e16c440fbaa0 LICENSE
100644 blob 368 39e75084147df4dfd7e64db20a2d3ef5686f9526 README
100644 blob 972 28a207684ae607e311aa177f41a52f681e78391d libuuid.sym
100755 blob 7919 09f5414234482635076eab52d74453ec06d30e42 make
100644 blob 2525 8504b1cac2353489a30c795e432dc8825043a341 make.libuuid.sh
100644 blob 2326 c287b3b49e71fcab240f09cc2cbcda4ad689782d make.uuidgen.sh
040000 tree - 59b9cbf5951fc364e45bae1a731b67bf08471a8b src
100644 blob 210 5b554ec18480e2d4b170a844b901e18948e9e10e uuid.pc.in
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