avatar Home page of user vrtc (since 2019-05-09)
User / repo name Description Clone of Creation date (UTC) Type License Disk used
vrtc / choir (#1567) No description available - 2022-04-24 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / chorus (#1777) World of Warcraft add-on stub. The overall goal is to create a specialized raid frame. - 2023-08-12 Public CC0 6,144KiB
vrtc / clearcasting (#1568) No description available - 2022-04-24 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / conviction (#1569) No description available - 2022-04-24 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / daybreak (#1570) No description available - 2022-04-24 Public Unspecified 3,072KiB
vrtc / flowerpicker (#1052) Flowerpicker is a GUI extension, that is an add-on, for World of Warcraft game client. It is under d... - 2019-11-07 Public GPLv3 1,024KiB
vrtc / game (#1439) Desktop application stub with LWJGL 3. - 2021-08-27 Public GLPv3 0B
vrtc / headbutt (#1571) No description available - 2022-04-24 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / holyframeset (#1076) A user interface extension for a game client of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. It aims t... - 2019-12-16 Public MIT 1,024KiB
vrtc / holyshock (#1590) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King add-on. Adds a unique Holy Shock spell button with extra f... - 2022-06-12 Public MIT 0B
vrtc / honeydew (#1813) Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne 1.27 custom scenario. - 2023-12-20 Public CC0 1,024KiB
vrtc / honk (#1278) Web micro service powered by Tomcat embedded. - 2020-11-23 Public GPLv3 3,072KiB
vrtc / jgltut (#1254) Implement [gltut](https://paroj.github.io/gltut/) examples with [LWJGL3](https://www.lwjgl.org/). - 2020-10-12 Public GPLv3 0B
vrtc / petbattle (#1221) World of Warcraft add-on for pet battles. - 2020-08-16 Public GPLv3 0B
vrtc / pjass (#1766) pjass is a free Jass scripting language parser. This repository is a fork of lep/pjass. The goal is ... - 2023-08-03 Public BSD 0B
vrtc / scepter (#1610) WoW addon that helps to cast any spell on any raid member by a combination of key presses. - 2022-07-30 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / solace (#1598) World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (05400) add-on. Adds custom spell activation overlay. - 2022-07-06 Public Unspecified 0B
vrtc / sorcererw3n (#1681) Custom campaign for WarCraft3-1.27a. It requires complex build tools that are reusable and may serve... - 2022-12-13 Public CC0 1,024KiB
vrtc / wowaddons (#1284) No description available - 2020-12-04 Public GPLv3 13MiB