/include/flora.h (1c632b92c66793729e41c1e3f0aff2ee6243a359) (7356 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)

#ifndef FLORA_H
#define FLORA_H

#ifndef FWORLD_H
#  error Include fworld.h before flora.h so the world can be referenced.

#include <cmath>

#include <random>
#include <vector>

namespace flora {

// The largest collision radius to be considered nil.
static const double collision_epsilon = 0.000001;

// FixEntityTile constants.
static const bool
	PLACE = true,
	REMOVE = false;

struct Plant {
	size_t entity_index;
	double fertility;

/** Fix the tile at an entity's location.
 * To be called when you want to place or remove an entity.
 * When you place an entity, this function recalculates the tile at the
 * entity's location. When you remove an entity, this function deletes
 * the entity from the world's `entities` list and recalculates the tile
 * at the entity's former location.
void FixEntityTile(
		size_t entity_index,
		fworld::World* world,
		bool action ){

	auto &ent = world->entities[entity_index];

	long long
		x = ent.x + 0.5,
		y = ent.y + 0.5;

	if( action == PLACE ){
		// If the plant has collisions, recalculate the map's collision
		// data. Note that this is a costly operation, especially within
		// a loop. Because plants reproduce by default, you may soon
		// have growth cycles where collision data is recalculated
		// hundreds of times.
		if( std::abs( ent.collisionRadius ) > collision_epsilon ){
			// No collisions? Then it's an F0.
			world->mapEntities[y][x] = 0xF0;
	}else{ // action == REMOVE
		// Delete the entity.
		world->removeEntity( entity_index );

	// The map is now on a slippery slope with regards to memory.
	// This flag signals that the memory has changed and caution should
	// be exercised.
	world->mapChanged = true;

/** Plant an entity at (x,y) and add it to the list of growing plants.
 * You can construct any `fworld::Entity` and place it using this
 * function. From this point onwards, it will be treated as a plant.
 * @return `true` on success or `false` on failure.
bool Germinate(
		std::vector<Plant>* plants,
		fworld::World* world,
		const fworld::Entity &ent,
		unsigned int rand_seed,
		double fertility,
		long long x,
		long long y ){

	// Fail if the tile is blocked or filled by another static entity.
	if( world->tileBlocking( x, y, true )
		|| world->mapEntities[y][x] >= 0xB0 ){
		return false;

	std::mt19937_64 mt( rand_seed );
	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unit_dist( 0.0, 1.0 );

	Plant p = {};
	p.entity_index = world->entities.size();
	p.fertility = fertility;
	plants->push_back( p );

	// TODO(fluffrabbit): The plant's inventory.
	world->entities.push_back( ent );
	auto &new_ent = world->entities.back();
	new_ent.type = "flora";
	new_ent.x = x;
	new_ent.y = y;
	// Randomly age the plant to make its growth unpredictable.
	new_ent.age = unit_dist( mt ) * 0.5;
	new_ent.frame = 0.0;
	new_ent.animationMode = fworld::ANIMATION_MANUAL;

	FixEntityTile( p.entity_index, world, PLACE );

	return true;

/** Kill the plant located at `plant_index` in `plants`.
void Kill(
		size_t plant_index,
		std::vector<Plant>* plants,
		fworld::World* world ){

	size_t entity_index = (*plants)[plant_index].entity_index;
	FixEntityTile( entity_index, world, REMOVE );
	plants->erase( plants->begin() + plant_index );
	// Fix references to entities.
	for( auto &p : *plants ){
		// If plant's entity index would be affected by a deletion...
		if( p.entity_index > entity_index ){
			// Lower the plant's entity index by 1.

/** Wrapper for `Kill()` that takes an entity index.
void KillEntity(
		size_t entity_index,
		std::vector<Plant>* plants,
		fworld::World* world ){

	// Find the entity.
	for( size_t i = 0; i < plants->size(); i++ ){
		if( (*plants)[i].entity_index == entity_index ){
			// Entity indices match.
			Kill( i, plants, world );

/** Run the growth cycles for the plants.
void Grow(
		std::vector<Plant>* plants,
		fworld::World* world,
		unsigned int rand_seed,
		double growth_rate,
		double fertility_rate = 1.444 ){ // 1.444 is usually pretty balanced.

	// The germination probabilities match a standard 3x3 blur kernel.
	// This should result in a roughly circular spread.
	const double
		prob_centered = fertility_rate * 0.25,
		prob_cardinal = fertility_rate * 0.125,
		prob_diagonal = fertility_rate * 0.0625;

	std::mt19937_64 mt( rand_seed );
	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> unit_dist( 0.0, 1.0 );

	auto Seed = [&](
			size_t plant_index,
			long long x,
			long long y ){

		Plant &p = (*plants)[plant_index];
		auto &ent = world->entities[p.entity_index];

		// Round the parent plant's position to the nearest tile.
		long long
			e_x = ent.x + 0.5,
			e_y = ent.y + 0.5;

		// Determine the probability of germinating based on orientation
		// relative to the parent plant.
		double probability = prob_cardinal;
		if( e_x != x && e_y != y ){
			probability = prob_diagonal;
		}else if( e_x == x && e_y == y ){
			probability = prob_centered;

		// There is a chance that the new plant will germinate at (x,y).
		// Determining factors include orientation, reachability, and
		// the parent plant's fertility.
		if( unit_dist( mt ) < probability * p.fertility
			&& world->reachable( e_x, e_y, x, y, 3, true ) ){
			// If the parent plant germinates on its own tile, reset it.
			if( e_x == x && e_y == y ){
				// Same random aging as in Germinate.
				ent.age = unit_dist( mt ) * 0.5;
				ent.frame = 0.0;
				Germinate( plants, world, ent, rand_seed, p.fertility, x, y );

	// Only iterate over the initial number of plants at the beginning
	// of the growth cycle.
	size_t max_cycle = plants->size();
	for( size_t i = 0; i < max_cycle; i++ ){
		Plant &p = (*plants)[i];
		auto &ent = world->entities[p.entity_index];
		ent.age += growth_rate;
		ent.frame = std::floor( ent.age );
		// If the a is at least 3.0 (fourth frame) the plant seeds.
		if( ent.age >= 3.0 && p.fertility > 0.0 ){
			// Round the parent plant's position to the nearest tile.
			// Yes, this is redundant.
			long long
				e_x = ent.x + 0.5,
				e_y = ent.y + 0.5;
			// Seed in the 3x3 square centered at the parent plant.
			for( long long x = e_x - 1; x <= e_x + 1; x++ ){
				for( long long y = e_y - 1; y <= e_y + 1; y++ ){
					Seed( i, x, y );
			// If the plant did not reseed itself, it is now infertile.
			if( ent.age >= 3.0 ){
				p.fertility = 0.0;
	// Delete the old plants.
	for( size_t i = 0; i < plants->size(); i++ ){
		Plant &p = (*plants)[i];
		auto &ent = world->entities[p.entity_index];
		// No plants live past this age.
		if( ent.age >= 4.0 ){
			Kill( i, plants, world );

/** Returns a vector of `Plant`s in a given world.
 * Call this function whenever a new map is loaded or an entity is
 * deleted externally.
std::vector<Plant> GetPlants( fworld::World* world ){

	std::vector<Plant> plants;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < world->entities.size(); i++ ){
		auto &ent = world->entities[i];
		if( ent.type == "flora" ){
			ent.animationMode = fworld::ANIMATION_MANUAL;
			Plant p = {};
			p.entity_index = i;
			// Only plants in the first 3 growth phases are fertile.
			p.fertility = ent.age < 3.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
			plants.push_back( p );
	return plants;

} // namespace flora

#endif // FLORA_H

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