vrtc / honeydew (public) (License: CC0) (since 2023-12-20) (hash sha1)
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne 1.27 custom scenario.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 451847 d2c9222cfa3ff9f29f5b71590b20883f17749d73 Blizzard.j
100644 blob 1226 ee81c8b70ad41a80d0c4877ad7056074fb9b3286 README.md
100644 blob 98429 d00120a0bd661697468495e385eb38551dbd52e3 common.ai
100644 blob 166690 df6c15fccc058d37d48988abd9872b380f163981 common.j
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