vrtc / honeydew (public) (License: CC0) (since 2023-12-20) (hash sha1)
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne 1.27 custom scenario.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 77 0550d8207c6fe8b4c10026ed9c7051dc9c77a05b .gitignore
100644 blob 1069 28f27ee8224e90e90a401939e0f9597f19af357c Makefile
040000 tree - 792d56124dbe8570a00795ac46e0f92e1fb8c3a2 doc
040000 tree - f9ee6be2d61f77fcd63b8eceddeb0bd26ab1df5b etc
100644 blob 31311 104a4df4fcc01829c4a2936ff3aa45479add5c9e honeydew-0_0WIP-1_27-en.w3x
040000 tree - 2cfa585e4e1078946a219fe0899aad87d76d6031 src
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