vrtc / honeydew (public) (License: CC0) (since 2023-12-20) (hash sha1)
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne 1.27 custom scenario.

/README.md (eca50c78019a1153cba4a7939bee0abd3752daad) (1481 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

# honeydew

This is a custom scenario for an old computer game WarCraft 3: The Frozen
Throne, made by fan community of modders.

The only supported version of the game is 1.27.

## Players

Players should only be interested in the map archive file, recognizeable by the
file extension `*.w3x`. This repository contains scripts that are used to
produce the complete map archive file ready to be played. These scripts
themselves are not needed at runtime during play.

The complete scenario that is ready to be played or tested should be found
naturally on fan websites. This repository and instructions it contains are
aimed at developers first.

## Developers

TODO add detailed build instructions

Instructions on how to build the project are contained in `doc/build.md` text
file. Beside the original game itself (patch 1.27), required tools include:
`git`, `pjass`, `m4`, `smpq`, `make`.

Source scripts for custom spells and other Jass utilities are under `src/`
directory. Most of these may be easily exported to other projects, without
understanding the whole build process.

## Copying

Everyone is free to use, modify or share this project. Text file `COPYING.txt`
contains more details on the mode in which this project is shared.

## Authors

Text file `AUTHORS.txt` contains list of contributions that were made
explicitly for this project alone. Tools and experience employed are outside of
it's scope, and are tracked entirely separately in their respective projects.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 62 23d45784c16a32fc81b613c5f5b8242939f71386 .gitignore
100644 blob 77 b8691bde4ff7ef827f11499ad8fef50d75a74a8a AUTHORS.txt
100644 blob 7048 0e259d42c996742e9e3cba14c677129b2c1b6311 COPYING.txt
100644 blob 1694 145e6d26197f771026460ffe6ffa5b2e2c86399d Makefile
100644 blob 1481 eca50c78019a1153cba4a7939bee0abd3752daad README.md
040000 tree - 688689aeb4a9da4fcdd1b50f31c007e743e5e823 doc
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100644 blob 37410 5b7b90f76fe14a80856510cede5e11d8736df7a5 honeydew.w3x
040000 tree - 9bcd8b6eb5d5308c25ab02857e5b3a1a8632ad06 src
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