vrtc / honeydew (public) (License: CC0) (since 2023-12-20) (hash sha1)
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne 1.27 custom scenario.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 62 23d45784c16a32fc81b613c5f5b8242939f71386 .gitignore
100644 blob 77 b8691bde4ff7ef827f11499ad8fef50d75a74a8a AUTHORS.txt
100644 blob 7048 0e259d42c996742e9e3cba14c677129b2c1b6311 COPYING.txt
100644 blob 1816 6a872c109697bbd051d53bb2843fa84b3331b42e Makefile
100644 blob 1481 eca50c78019a1153cba4a7939bee0abd3752daad README.md
040000 tree - 688689aeb4a9da4fcdd1b50f31c007e743e5e823 doc
040000 tree - f9ee6be2d61f77fcd63b8eceddeb0bd26ab1df5b etc
100644 blob 28827 7a8abb11c47fc4488ec5e5c96b4004e2e92ff2ce honeydew.w3x
040000 tree - fbc63663819475c6c6883328c6326c93cad68736 src
040000 tree - c49ae159828944ed48eca1484c3c9435b7ff75bb test
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