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<TITLE>Bondage pictures, bondage images, bondage photos; love bondage imagery - Tied and True Tales: Galleries</TITLE>
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<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=6&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images-toybox/toybox_gold-award.gif" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="156" ALT="" ALIGN="left"></A>
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click&TargetURL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bdsmtoybox.com%2findex.asp%3fPageAction%3dVIEWCATS%26Category%3d4" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images-toybox/dvds_35off.gif" WIDTH="280" HEIGHT="140" ALT="" ALIGN="right"></A>
<center><h3>The best little toybox in the world: Voted Best Toy Store 2008</h3></center>
It's not hard to see why the <a href="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><b>BDSM Toybox</b></a> was voted the best bondage toy store in 2008 by their peers and satisfied customers; they've really got everything from the greatest range of bondage toys (and so much more) in the world, fantastic customer service but perhaps best of all, very competitive pricing!     
Tease and titillate your partner with their delightful range of devastatingly sexy DVD's from mild to <i>wild</i>, including Harmony Concepts, The House of Gord, Gwen Media, Anton Video, The Bondage Channel, Julie Simone as well as rubber & latex, lesbian bondage, smothering, knockout/chloro, pet & pony and instructional for newbies hoping to "learn the ropes"...    
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="5"><b><center><font color="#ff0000">Take 35% OFF <u>all</u> bondage & fetish DVD's through May 8th! (Use discount code DVD35)</center></b></font> 
<hr width="700">
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '99%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images/colours-bdsm01.jpg" WIDTH="55" HEIGHT="100" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images/colours-bdsm02.jpg" WIDTH="58" HEIGHT="100" ALT="" align="left"></A>
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<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images/colours-bdsm07.jpg" WIDTH="66" HEIGHT="100" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images/colours-bdsm06.jpg" WIDTH="56" HEIGHT="100" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images/colours-bdsm05.jpg" WIDTH="53" HEIGHT="100" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><font color=#ff0000>The</font> <font color=#ff8000>Uni</font><font color=#f5d82e>ted</font> <font color=#00ff00>Col</font><font color=#0080ff>our</font><font color=#8000ff>s of</font> <font color=#800080>Bon</font><font color=#ff00ff>dag</font>e!</h2></center>
What colour is your fantasy? Delight your partner with the infinite - and colourful possibilities available from the <a href="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><b>BDSM Toybox</b></a>! They don't see the world in the same shades of black or white that vanilla folks do - and why should you?   
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2"><b><center>Not sure what colour your fantasy looks like? - Check out their colour charts for mixing and matching!</center></b></font> 
<CENTER><B><A HREF="contents.htm">Home</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="intro.htm">Intro</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="aboutme.htm">About</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="philosophy.htm">Philosophy</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="priscilla.htm">Meet Priscilla</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="productreviews.htm">Shop Reviews</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="plasticrainwearsales.htm">Rainwear Shop</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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<center>Bound Galleries&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="galleries-rain.htm">Rainy Day Galleries</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="deasart.htm">Bondage Pin-ups </A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="tielines.htm">Tielines</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="thelastword.htm">The Last Word</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="news.htm">Bondage News</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="updates.htm">Updates</A></B></CENTER>
<CENTER><IMG SRC="images/colorbar.gif" WIDTH="500" HEIGHT="1" ALT=""></CENTER>
<IMG SRC="images/tongue2.jpg" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="164" ALT="Woo hoo! Love that picture!" align=right>
<h2><div align="center">Bound for pleasure... Love Bondage Galleries</div></h2>
<center><b><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="3"><font color=#8000ff>Updated: 19 March 2008 - Part 3 of "Elbows Bound" + much more!</font></font></b></center>
A great bondage is a work of art. It's a living work of art in which the woman is the canvas; rope the palette and the imagination unlimited - and that's what we attempt to illustrate in every image displayed here. 
They're all different, but each picture tells a story. The rest I leave to your imagination. Has she been abducted by drug smugglers simply because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw too much? A rich heiress held for extortion? Is she happily and expectantly waiting for her lover to turn up? You decide. They epitomise all that is best about 'Love Bondage.' You won't find any violence or rough, non-consensual stuff here although some pictures do depict dramatic 'damsel-in-distress' situations. However, they are not to be taken more seriously than a good paperback or comparable TV show. 
These galleries pay homage to the beauty of women in erotic "love bondage" where she is bound as much for her pleasure as yours - we hope that you enjoy viewing the images inside our Bound for Pleasure love bondage Galleries.    
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<td bgcolor = '#F1F5FB' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="3">
<center><a href="#theme2">Theme Galleries</a> <b>/</b> <a href="#friend2">Friends</a> <b>/</b> <b>/</b> <a href="#cont2">Contributions/contact us</a> <b>/</b> <a href="#copy">Copyright statement</a> <b>/</b> <a href="#box2">Honesty Box</a></center>
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<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic01.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="125" ALT="AES Photo - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic13.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="134" ALT="RopExpert - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/orange.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="124" ALT="Unknown - I think it came from the old Underground.net site featuring the unforgettable Mallory and her friends" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic02.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="120" ALT="Artemis Bound - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic03.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="136" ALT="Inxesse.com - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic04.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="137" ALT="Unknown - but isn't she a sweetie?" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/jungle15aaaa.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="130" ALT="Unknown - Asian bondage scan from Kuni" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic05.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="137" ALT="Felix Dartmouth's Archives BBS - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic14.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="132" ALT="Unknown - but what a great - and tight hogtie!" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic15.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="149" ALT="Lovely in lingerie..." align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic16.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="133" ALT="Helena's Rainbound - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic06.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="133" ALT="Unknown - sexy though..." align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic07.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="125" ALT="Helena's Rainbound - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic09.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="136" ALT="Inxesse again - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic08.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="136" ALT="Videoplexus - they've closed down ages ago - pity... they did nice stuff!" 
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic10.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="125" ALT="Shadowplay Imaging (they produce some great - and very sexy work!) - see link below" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic12.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="133" ALT="Unknown - but that's what I call sexy though!!" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic11.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="138" ALT="skintied.com - also apparently no longer" align="center">
<IMG SRC="images/bond-pic17.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="131" ALT="One of my most favourite images..."
<a name="theme2"></a>
<center><h2>Theme Galleries - straitjackets, ropes, gags, nurses, chairs etc.</h2></center>
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/elbows/elbow89a.jpg" WIDTH="134" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/elbow-bondage_01.htm">Elbow Bound - 01</a> - <a href="gallery/elbow-bondage_02.htm">02</a> - <a href="gallery/elbow-bondage_03.htm">03</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 42: posted 23/10/07)</b> <b><font color="#ff0000">Part Three posted 19/03/08</font></b> - There's few positions more popular - or erotic - than the elbow tie, despite its strictness and difficulty factor. Imagine the delightful visual effect that this bondage causes: arms bound together, shoulders pulled backwards, forcing her to stand straight... need we say more?    
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/pvc/pvc049b.jpg" WIDTH="130" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/pvc-fetish-wear01.htm">PVC fetish & bondage 01</a> - <a href="gallery/pvc-fetish-wear02.htm">02</a> - <a href="gallery/pvc-fetish-wear03.htm">03</a> - <a href="gallery/pvc-fetish-wear04.htm">04</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 41: posted 21/02/07)</b> - Here's an utterly gorgeous and glamourous collection of PVC fetish wear coupled with tight bondage! There something for everyone in this plastic fantastic fashion and bondage parade which'll leave you weak-kneed and gasping for breath... guaranteed. 
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/pole/pole97b.jpg" WIDTH="155" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/pole-tied01.htm">Pole Tied 01</a> - <a href="gallery/pole-tied02.htm">02</a> - <a href="gallery/pole-tied03.htm">03</a> - <a href="gallery/pole-tied04.htm">04</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 40: posted 17/01/07)</b> - The pole-tie is one of the top three bondage positions that many bondage aficionados enjoy. It looks great, it's easy to tie, it's versatile - and perhaps most importantly of all, once bound, she's going... nowhere! 
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/s-jkts/st11b.jpg" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/straitjackets-01.htm">Crazy about straitjackets 01</a> and <a href="gallery/straitjackets-02.htm">02</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 39: Posted 04/01/07)</b> - Originally employed as a method of control and discipline in lunatic asylums, a good straitjacket is escape-proof, and thet's why they are now so popular in the bondage and BDSM scene for their inescapability in addition to serving as a long-term means of restraint.
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/school/sch34b.jpg" WIDTH="131" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/schoolgirl01.htm">Schoolgirls in detention 01</a>, <a href="gallery/schoolgirl02.htm">02</a> and <a href="gallery/schoolgirl03.htm">03</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 38: Posted 06/12/06: 3 parts)</b> - Visit the exclusive School of Ligotage where students receive thorough instruction which goes way beyond the three 'R's' that we learnt years ago! Here, there's only one punishment for miscreants... but guess what? some students misbehave on purpose...
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/christmas/chris19b.jpg" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="89" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/christmas01.htm">Christmas</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 37: Posted 27/11/06; 1 part)</b> - sometimes I think the message of the festive season is lost in the commercalised, materialistic grab for gifts... what better way of celebrating the real spirit of Christmas than doing it yourself with this unique gift and decoration guide that we've put together for you?
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/nurses/nurse87b.jpg" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="96" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/nurses01.htm">Bound Nurses 01</a> <b>-</b> <a href="gallery/nurses02.htm">02</a> and <a href="gallery/nurses03.htm">03</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 36: Posted 08/11/06, updated 22/11/06 - 3 parts)</b> - Playing doctors & nurses! The inside story of what really goes on inside our hospitals... we receive a no-holds-barred, behind-the-scenes peek at one major hospital where our hard-working nurses receive very special care... 
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/mummy/mum066b.jpg" WIDTH="122" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/mummy01.htm">It's a wrap! - Mummification 01</a> - <a href="gallery/mummy02.htm">02</a> - <a href="gallery/mummy03.htm">03</a> - <a href="gallery/mummy04.htm">04</a></h2></center>
<b>(BG 35: Posted October 2006 - 4 parts)</b> - Wrapped up in mummification... - it's a centuries old pleasure, dating back to the days of kinky King Tut... all you need are clingwrap, tape, bandages, even plaster of Paris... - whatever captures your imagination really :-) 
<a name="friend2"></a>
<center><h2>Friend's galleries - your pictures / friend's websites</h2></center>
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/nekonekorin/nek.jpg" WIDTH="123" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/nekonekorin01.htm">Wabi Sabi Moe - Bondage in costumes</a></h2></center>
<b>(20/06/07)</b> Erotic Japanese bondage and cosplay... including costume play, some of the cutest DID's you'll ever see, mummification, fetish, outdoor bondage, crotchropes, panties and much more!
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/norway/dsy02b.jpg" WIDTH="123" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/norway01.htm">Bondage from Norway</a></h2></center>
<b>(04/01/07) (Updated 26 July 2007)</b> Norway is a country more commonly associated with snow, ice and fiords - but their hardy souls also share other special interests in common with us... including rubber, rainwear and ropes - a wonderful - and sexy passion also shared by your friendly webmaster...
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/gord/hog07b.jpg" WIDTH="138" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/house-of-gord-01.htm">The House of Gord</a></h2></center>
<b>(07/03/07) <font color=#ff0000>(NEW Bonus Galleries 6+7 added 19/03/08)</font></b> Gord: The Grand Master of bondage and restraint. Having coined the terms 'Forniphilia' (human furniture) and 'Ultra-Bondage', Gord continues to create amazing restraint devices incorporating both Einstein-like inventiveness and state-of-the-art technologies

<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/inxesse/inx24b.jpg" WIDTH="132" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/inxesse-01.htm">Inxesse - bondage meets fetish</a></h2></center>
Inxesse share the same philopsophy as we do - that bondage should, above all, be FUN! Of course it doesn't hurt that Inxesse contains all the elements I adore - including very tight bondage, mouth-filling gags, rubber, fetish wear, cleft-cleaving crotchropes - and any number of very pretty girls... 
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/robs/robs02.jpg" WIDTH="141" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/robs-damsels.htm">Rob's Damsels - DID & love bondage</a></h2></center>
<b>(26 July 2007)</b> One of my favourite sites: Rob's Damsels - featuring fun, tongue-in-cheek and always terribly sexy DID imagery and bedroom "love bondage" that lovers can also enjoy along with a touch of melodrama accompanying each "scene" - love that girl-next-door look!
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/belle/bellebound0104a.jpg" WIDTH="138" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/belle-bound.htm">Belle Bound - More DID & love bondage!</a></h2></center>
<b>(26 September 2007)</b> Belle Bound is a sister site of Rob's Damsels so you'll find more of the the same fun, tongue-in-cheek and terribly sexy DID imagery and bedroom "love bondage" that I enjoy so much here... videos, pictures, guest galleries & much more!
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/ukgirls/ukgirls-bound0101a.jpg" WIDTH="144" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/ukgirls-bound.htm">UK Girls Bound - Busty Brit Babes in Bondage...</a></h2></center>
<b>(Posted 08 October 2007)</b> Beautiful busty British babes bound tightly in bondage... it's something that our UK friends do very well - definitely one of my fave exports! Here you'll find a little bit of everything bound to delight even the most jaded... 
<table align="center" cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '1' border = '0' width = '83%'><tr bgcolor = #003300'><td><table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '5' border = '0' width = 100%'>
<td bgcolor = '#ffffff' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<IMG SRC="gallery/brandi/brandi10a.jpg" WIDTH="145" HEIGHT="90" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<center><h2><a href="gallery/brandi-bondage.htm">Brandi Bondage</a></h2></center>
<b>(17 January 2008; <font color="#ff0000">Up'd 19/03/08)</font></b> Brandi Bondage: Featuring Brandi and her friends in tight, secure rope bondage and tastefully attired models in everyday clothing revealing just a hint of the treasures lying beneath and much more... An excellent new site bound to improve with time!
<a name="cont2"></a>
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<td bgcolor = '#FFFFDF' width=50%> <FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2">
<center><h2>Contributions / contact us / disclaimers / Copyright</h2></center>
<center><h3>Contributions - how to contribute; what we welcome</h3></center>
Apart from providing entertainment, the purpose of this page is to help promote erotic "love" bondage, where the pleasure comes from tying - or being tied up, as a sensual, loving - and always fun form of sexual expression.
Therefore, we greatly welcome pictorial contributions and/or articles - they help add a lot of interest to this page. We would be delighted - and honoured to publish your personal amateur photography for publication on your very own page - such as "Bound in Norway" by O & D. All you have to do is send us your work plus any accompanying text (which does adds a lot of interest) and we'll do the rest. 
We ask only that photos submitted to us for posting here be your own original work and depict consensual bondage and/or fetish. We will not accept images depicting hard-core pornography; this is a bondage site, not Hustler! We also request written permission from you before posting anything (this is as much for your safety as ours).  
Webmasters, if you would like your work displayed here, again let me know and I'll post everything for you (max 50 full-size images) along with any banners you request to help promote your site - you may also request permanent inclusion here but we request on-going reciprocal membership in exchange for permanent hosting.  
<center><h3>Other information</h3></center>
Theme galleries will usually appear for approximately somewhere between one to three months or so before being replaced after which they will be archived for later display. We may also feature other themes such as rubber fetish, Asian erotica etecetera here as well. Please feel free to make requests and I'll try accommodate them ASAP. 
<font color=#ff0000><b>Occasionally, we will also show some fairly explicit images including toplessness or nudity.</b></font> However, we will display them in the context of the 'Love bondage' theme of Tied and True Tales. If the monthly gallery or galleries do contain any nudity, I will post a notice below to that effect and leave it up to you if you wish to enter.
<hr width="450">
<center><h3>Contact us - e-mail me here:</h3></center>
Please send pictures, thoughts, random musings, comments, suggestions, requests or feedback to us at: <A HREF="mailto:mason_1966@hotmail.com"><B>mason_1966@hotmail.com</B></A>
<hr width="450">
<a name="copy"></a>
<center><h3>Copyright Statement</h3></center>
The purpose of this page is a) the promotion of consensual, erotic bondage as an essentially harmless, fun - and loving form of sexual expression between consenting adults and b) assist with promoting websites whose work appears here. 
These pictures appear with the express permission of their respective owners and they may only be viewed/downloaded for <u>personal purposes</u> only. 
Wherever possible, I try to acknowledge ownership (as well as providing link back to the pages where they originally appeared but for obvious reasons, this isn't always possible. Therefore, if you're a webmaster/photographer and you've seen examples of your work here, please let me know so I can acknowledge your efforts. It's always nice to know who took a particularly good photo! If you would rather not see your work here, please contact us ASAP for immediate removal - thank you!  
<hr width="500">
<a name="box2"></a>
<IMG SRC="images/honesty-box02.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="136" ALT="" align="right">
<center><h3>Please contribute to our Honesty Box...</h3></center>  
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="3">
<b><font color=#ff0000>Did you know...  that posting these images for you to enjoy ain't free? Bandwidth is expensive!</font></b></font>  
Therefore, if you've enjoyed visiting Tied and True Tales and downloading the images made available from us to you, we ask only if you would be kind enough to leave a <a href="../honestybox.htm"><b>donation</b></a> in our Honesty Box to help keep us going! 
Thank you very much for your understanding and support!
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="3">* These images (from top to bottom) appear courtesy of the following great sites: (1) <a href="http://www.aesphoto.com/" Target="_Blank">AES Photo</a>, (2) <a href="http://www.ropexpert.com/" Target="_Blank">RopExpert.com</a>, (4) <a href="http://www.artemisbound.com/" Target="_Blank">Artemis Bound</a>, (5, 10) <a href="http://www.inxesse.com/" Target="_Blank">Inxesse</a>, (7) <a href="http://www.archw.com/" Target="_Blank">Archives BBS</a>, (9) <a href="http://www.rainbound.com/" Target="_Blank">Rainbound</a>, (10,13) <a href="http://www.shadowplayimaging.com/" Target="_Blank">Shadowplay Imaging</a> and (16) <b>skintied.com</b> - please support these websites for they are all as interesting as they are original! (Please note that all links will appear in another window)</font>
<hr width="650">
<table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = "0" border = "0" width = "100%"><tr bgcolor = "#003300"><td><table cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "8" border = "0" width = "100%">
<td bgcolor = '#FFFFDF' COLSPAN="2" width=100%> 
<center><b>If you're feeling inspired after visiting our galleries, check out the following online shops... (which we use and like too!)</b></center>
<td bgcolor = '#FFFFDF' width=70%><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2"> 
<center><a href="http://www.passiononline.co.uk/shop/default.php?ref=109&affiliate_banner_id=4" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.passiononline.co.uk/shop/affiliate_show_banner.php?ref=109&affiliate_banner_id=4" border="0" alt="Every Woman"></a></center>
<hr width="300">
<center><iframe src='https://www.fusionquest.com/cgi-bin/main/hotlinks.cgi?aflt=lady351&client=ladybwear' width='0' height='0' frameborder='0'><img src='https://www.fusionquest.com/cgi-bin/main/hotlinks.cgi?aflt=lady351&client=ladybwear' width='1' height='1' border='0'></iframe><A HREF="http://www.ladybwear.com"  target="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.ladybwear.com/ladybwearbanner.gif" BORDER="0"></A></center>			 
<td bgcolor = '#FFFFDF' width=30%><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="2"> 
<a href="http://www.erosboutique.org/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=SFNT&Store_Code=erosbout&Affiliate=masqwt328" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="banners/affiliate-latex1.jpg" WIDTH="155" HEIGHT="200" ALT=""></a>
<CENTER><IMG SRC="images/colorbar.gif" WIDTH="500" HEIGHT="1" ALT=""></CENTER>
<CENTER><B><A HREF="contents.htm">Home</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="intro.htm">Intro</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="aboutme.htm">About</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="philosophy.htm">Philosophy</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="priscilla.htm">Meet Priscilla</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="productreviews.htm">Shopping Reviews</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="plasticrainwearsales.htm">The Rainwear Shop</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<A HREF="stories.htm">Stories</A><!-- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="chat.htm">Chatting</A> --></center>
<center>Bound Galleries&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="galleries-rain.htm">Rainy Day Galleries</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="deasart.htm">Bondage Pin-ups </A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="tielines.htm">Tielines</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="links.htm">Links</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="news.htm">Bondage News</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="updates.htm">Updates</A></B></CENTER>



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