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<TITLE>The Last Word - The Bondage Files! (and other humourous ephemera)</TITLE>
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<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=6&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images-toybox/toybox_gold-award.gif" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="156" ALT="" ALIGN="left"></A>
<A HREF="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click&TargetURL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bdsmtoybox.com%2findex.asp%3fPageAction%3dVIEWCATS%26Category%3d4" Target="_Blank"><IMG SRC="images-toybox/dvds_35off.gif" WIDTH="280" HEIGHT="140" ALT="" ALIGN="right"></A>
<center><h3>The best little toybox in the world: Voted Best Toy Store 2008</h3></center>
It's not hard to see why the <a href="http://www.bdsmtoybox.com/AffiliateWiz/aw.aspx?B=28&A=607&Task=Click" Target="_Blank"><b>BDSM Toybox</b></a> was voted the best bondage toy store in 2008 by their peers and satisfied customers; they've really got everything from the greatest range of bondage toys (and so much more) in the world, fantastic customer service but perhaps best of all, very competitive pricing!     
Tease and titillate your partner with their delightful range of devastatingly sexy DVD's from mild to <i>wild</i>, including Harmony Concepts, The House of Gord, Gwen Media, Anton Video, The Bondage Channel, Julie Simone as well as rubber & latex, lesbian bondage, smothering, knockout/chloro, pet & pony and instructional for newbies hoping to "learn the ropes"...    
<FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="5"><b><center><font color="#ff0000">Take 35% OFF <u>all</u> bondage & fetish DVD's through May 8th! (Use discount code DVD35)</center></b></font> 
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<CENTER><H2>The Last Word </H2></CENTER>
<CENTER><H3>- The Bondage Files! (and other humorous ephemera)</H3></CENTER>
Webmaster's note: I created this page to archive interesting, silly, amusing (or otherwise...) photos, magazine or newspaper clippings or articles relating to the subject dearest to our hearts... bondage! - or bondage-related imagery. 
Here you'll find images posted with each update archived within these pages to help tickle your funny bone if everything gets all too serious. 
<center><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="3">Visitors: we welcome contributions for this page: if you find anything that suits, please share it with us!</font></center>
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>14 August 2008: Scorned wife auctions mistress's knickers on eBay:</h2></center>
<IMG SRC="images_lastword/knickers.jpg" WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="240" ALT="" align="left"></A>
I don't normally post anything other than items related to bondage, rainwear or other fetishes, but this was just too funny to ignore - besides, why not let the whole world know about it?
I originally read this article on the Herald Sun Online; of course I had to visit the e-bay listing and it just cracked me up. Funniest thing I've ever read - here's the story in brief:
<i>A SCORNED woman has literally aired her husband's dirty laundry on a global scale by auctioning his mistress's knickers on eBay.
In a spiteful listing on eBay Australia, the jilted Queensland woman is auctioning off a pair of lacy black underpants "size humongous" and an empty condom wrapper "size small" found in her bed after her husband allegedly engaged in an extramarital affair with a woman named Kylie.</i>
and to read her listing titled, click on <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/EMPTY-CONDOM-PACKET-A-PHOTO-OF-THE-TARTS-KNICKERS_W0QQitemZ250280309940QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item250280309940&_trkparms=72%3A1074%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&timeout=1218632137378">EMPTY CONDOM PACKET & A PHOTO OF 'THE TART'S' KNICKERS FOUND IN OUR BED AFTER A TWO TIMING LOW LIFE'S AFFAIR</a> - the item description is hilarious!!
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>12 July 2008: Nothing innocent about Ikea...</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/ikea-twaize.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/ikea-twaize_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="113" ALT="" align="right"></A>
Yet another great find on Flickr and we are also indebted to twaise for taking this great photo.
Examine this picture closely.
Upon first glance, it appears to be a bog-standard IKEA display suite - the kind you see world wide. 
Except for one unique addition. Did Visual Merchandising realise it's significance when they placed it there? A visitor with a warped sense of humour? (if you don't get it, look to the right of the red C-shaped cabinet... you beauty! 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>10 July 2008: Bondage in Fashion:</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/cuffs-advert.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/cuffs-advert_t.jpg" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="left"></A>
When I first saw this image, I thought that it was a bondage photo, before wondering who shot this imaginative and interesting DiD image. One great photo is worth a thousand words, right? 
I looked closer after noticing a caption: and that�s when I realised it was a fashion spread! 
I�ve got no idea what magazine this came from (I found it on flickr.com), but it�s certainly an eye-catching and original way of displaying clothes. 
I doubt you'd get away with this in America or even Down-Under, but then again, who knows? What would they say about this photo in Britain where the social engineers have deemed this kind of imagery "offensive"? I guess it's all in the context, mate... 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>14 May 2008: Only in Japan dept:</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/jap-menu01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/jap-menu01_t.jpg" WIDTH="113" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<A HREF="images_lastword/jap-menu02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/jap-menu02_t.jpg" WIDTH="113" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
We are indebted to <A HREF="http://www.flickr.com/photos/qse/">Londo of Broodinger</a> who posted these excellent (and unbelievable) captures on his flickr.com page. 
Unfortunately he didn't say exactly where they're from, although Japan is a good bet: where else would you see such a misogynistic menu offering gems such as Bull's Penis alongside calamari rings? 
How far do you think you'd get with something like this Down-Under or America? 
I'm enough of a chauvinist to ask for their bound and gagged cutie though. 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>04 May 2008: If you've got it, flaunt it!</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/tattoo.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/tattoo.jpg" WIDTH="77" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
One of our readers is a tattoo enthusiast and he discovered this gem in a magazine, which he scanned and sent to me. 
Apart from admiring the quality of the art (love that ballgag) and his chutzpah in having this done, I couldn't help but ponder a few questions:
Is it clearly visible (that is, on semi-permanent public display)?<br>
Does he have a compatible - and willing - partner? If not, what do you think his chances of finding a girlfriend are?<br>
What does his mother think?<br>
Is he a feminist? 
Conclusion: He's either very brave, or very, very - terminally - stupid. We suspect the latter.
NOTE: My wife, Melai would divorce me if I ever got a tatt, never mind anything like <i>this</i>... This is why we recommend steering clear of tattoo parlours after imbibing a few short ones. 
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<center><h2>19 March 2008: Ahead of their time...</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/big-appendage.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/big-appendage_t.jpg" WIDTH="190" HEIGHT="143" ALT="" align="left"></A>
I discovered this unforgettable image browsing through flickr.com one day - isn't it amazing! The sculptor clearly understood the effect that restraint (there probably was no such word as "bondage" at the time) had upon men!
Melai certainly agrees - she can't believe the effect that simply mentioning the word "bondage", let along tying me up has upon me... She almost convulsed herself laughing when I showed her before joking that it was probably me! 
Unfortunately, I've got no idea where this great sculpture resides; it's definitely somewhere behind the Bamboo Curtain judging from the Chinese hieroglyphics on the sign next to it. 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>17 January 2008: Kitty Bondage: restraint devices for cats</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/kitty-bondage.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/kitty-bondage_t.jpg" WIDTH="113" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
This is possibly one of the funniest - and most useless - gadgets that I've seen for a while. It's the kind of contraption that could've only come from the Land of the Rising Sun, but incredibly it comes from the good ole' States... Guess not everybody likes cats, right?  
Joking aside, I actually can see a use for this muzzle, particularly in parts of Australia where supposedly tame, domesticated cats kills any amount of native wildlife and birds whilst outside... many new council estates bordering bushland now ban cats for this very reason. It's also true that many cats aren't especially amenable to being poked or prodded by children or during medical exams at the vet, etecera.
But I still can't help thinking: how likely is it that puss will patiently sit while you fasten this muzzle around its jaws? 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>23 October 2007: Condoms are raincoats, right?</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/protection.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/protection_t.jpg" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="left"></A>
Not every image fills me with joy: I was underwhelmed when I saw how some (read: "many") people view raincoats...
When I first saw this picture, I thought, 'Aha!' before realising that it was an (Nicaraguan) advertisement for safe sex: wear a condom and you won't get AIDS, blah blah. 
It's hardly surprising that plastic raincoats wear such a bad rap when they are associated with prophylactics... All this kind of imagery achieves is further stereotyping rainwear as "uncool": who wants to wear a condom to school or work? (and FYI, yes, I also wear raincoats to bed - but not the kind demonstrated above.... heheh!) 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>08 October 2007: The Ultimate Hogtie?</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/hogtie-device02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/hogtie-device02_t.jpg" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<A HREF="images_lastword/hogtie-device01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/hogtie-device01_t.jpg" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
I really liked this amazing purpose-built device for restraining (hog-tying) your sub. Once safely locked inside this, we guarantee that she won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I only wonder if it is as uncomfortable as it looks? I doubt that i'd want to spend any length of time at all in this contraption - which, I suppose, makes it perfect for disciplining wayward subs... 
Volunteers, anybody? BTW, if anyone knows who created this device, please let me know so that I can credit them for the photos on the right:
<b>Webmaster's note; 11 October 2007:</b> A couple of readers (thanks, Bill & badspyro) wrote to say that this excellent device (how I wish I could put Melai in this when she's been bad) originated from <A HREF="http://www.charlottefetish.com/">CharlotteFetish<a>, which specialises in strict bondage and fetish - Like Gord, but less extreme. It's called the "Rigid Hogtie Trainer" (which contains an attached dildo, among other things!) - Apparently it's difficult for Charlotte to endure - wonder why? Anyway and you can read more about this wonderful piece of equipment in Serious Bondage's <A HREF="http://www.seriousbondage.com/Article-CharlotteFetish/index.php">review of CharlotteFetish</a>.   
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<center><h2>26 September 2007: Headhunters...</h2></center>
They apparently take job hunting pretty seriously in Great Britain... if these ads are anything to go by! Politically correct they're not, but I like 'em. Our contributor (thanks, GQ) says that he "found these banners off of a British BBC website.  It leads to a job hunting firm.  The larger one is the picture on the website's front page". (wonder if they scared away as many potential applicants as they attracted others?) 
<div align="center"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/headhunted01.jpg" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" ALT="" align="center"></A>
<IMG SRC="images_lastword/headhunted02.jpg" WIDTH="564" HEIGHT="195" ALT="" align="center"></A></div>
for obvious reasons, I didn't link back to said company.... don't want them discovering what interests their job applicants have! 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>23 July 2007: More Bondage for English First...</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/school01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/school01_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="113" ALT="" align="right"></A>
More unforgettable bondage-in-advertising fun... from China - I discovered this gem in a <A HREF="http://www.sinosplice.com/life/archives/2007/07/21/more-bondage-for-english-first">blog</a> written by a good bloke called John: He spotted this great series of advertisements, adding his acerbic comments on the contents which I reproduce as follows: 
<b>RIGHT:</b> In early 2007 English First (an English training school) was running this ad in Shanghai:
What kind of message is that sending? (his comment on the first poster/s)
<A HREF="images_lastword/school02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/school02_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="113" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<A HREF="images_lastword/school03.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/school03_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="113" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<b>LEFT:</b> Apparently they later decided that they needed to make sure that the foreign teacher in the ad was more mature (and perhaps had better eyesight), and that the teachers they pimped provided equal bondage opportunities for both sexes. These are the ads they�re running now:
And here's his conclusion: Conclusion: English First is a company with a progressive attitude towards advertising, based on the firm principles of purple backgrounds and bondage.
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>Thai me up!: 24 June 2007</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/thai-me-up.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/thai-me-up_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="113" ALT="" align="left"></A>
I spotted this humourous sign (love that play on words!) on flickr.com a while ago but I never got around to posting it until now - the funniest thing is that it's not even original. While I was looking for this image, I found lots of other places all sporting the same name... 
Is there something going on here that I should know about? 
Or are more people into bondage than I thought? (btw, if you see any other clever business names drawing on bondage in their monikers, please send them to me and I'll post them here!)
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>Some advertisers will do anything to be noticed: 14 June 2007</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/bond-ad02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/bond-ad02_t.jpg" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
<A HREF="images_lastword/bond-ad01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/bond-ad01_t.jpg" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
And I think it's probably safe to say that they succeeded - wonder what impact this campaign had on sales? (and how many motor vehicle accidents it caused too) 
It's also safe to assume that we're unlikely to see these catchy ads Down Under: While it's OK to tie up GUYS (I've actually seen a few such ads on TV and in print media), binding gals for any reason is emphatically politically correct! And that's what I call seriously sexist!
DN (from Norway) who sent these delightful images said that they were "an advertisement for a local shopping mall that appeared on the bus stop shelters, and stayed for about a week. Then they came on the back of some of the city�s buses, but disappeared again � they might produce traffic hazards. the text says, '<i>This town ain�t big enough</i>...'"
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<A HREF="images_lastword/brossard.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/brossard_t.jpg" WIDTH="185" HEIGHT="140" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<b>(21 June 2007: LEFT)</b> I just received this nice image from one reader (CordeFR) who saw the pictures that I posted just above only last week - here's what he had to say:
Your subject in Last Words made me remember that I took a photo of a billboard publicity that appeared in my hometown in France a few months ago. This was the third advertisement with bondage I saw in two months, the other two were on television.  The tie-up is rather, er, primitive, every time, but who cares when bondage seems to be  going mainstream?
<A HREF="images_lastword/bumwrap.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/bumwrap_t.jpg" WIDTH="113" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
Webmaster's comment: I can't see how tying her up has anything to do with chocolate but as an attention grabber, it's a winner! 
<b>(10 July 2007 - RIGHT:)</b> More advertising we'd like to see: It's always nice seeing this kind of advertising (does this make me misogynist & sexist?) and this beauty is the kind of thing that we don't see much nowadays...
I just received it earlier today from 'Rich' who said that "Seeing the ads on your "The Last Word" page 
reminded me of an ad from a while ago.  My copy is from the January 1979 issue of "Electronic Products" magazine." Yup, timers really were different back then. 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>Street art or graffiti? Your call: 21 February 2007</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/street-art01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/street-art01_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="111" ALT="" align="left"></A>
Not all street graffiti is offensive as this charming image shows! (of course this probably does depend somewhat upon the eye of the beholder...)
Between work and updating TTT, I also enjoy surfing the vast realms of the World wide web - it's amazing what you can find with a little diligent searching.
But this unique bondage image was the last thing I expected to see when I stumbled upon a graffiti website (no names, no pack drill) featuring interesting and artistic (that's another bone of contention but we won't get into that here) graffiti from all around the world. 
<A HREF="images_lastword/street-art02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/street-art02_t.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="150" ALT="" align="right"></A>
I've got no idea where it's from (they didn't say, for obvious reasons) otherwise I would certainly point you there. Fortuitously someone had the foresight to take these pictures and post them there, and it's with great pleasure that I reproduce them in TTT.  
One artist's whimsy - or social commentary? I love that look of pensive wonder decorating her face as she tests her bonds... Either way I'm glad he decided to share this with everybody. Either way, it beats hell out of the usual mindless, juvenile "tags" that i see everywhere nowadays.
I can't help wondering though if this image still survives or has it been painted over by now? (If anybody recognises this unique work where they live, please let me know and I'll post the address)
<A HREF="images_lastword/street-art-03.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/street-art-03_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="93" ALT="" align="left"></A>
<font color=#ff0000><b>(28/03/07)</b></font> - I just received this note from Gravip14 who wrote to let me know where this wonderful example of street art resides (it's apparently been gathering quite a bit of attention because I've seen this image posted a number of times now on www.flickr.com and webshots - here's another, clearer image of the same work - I can only wonder if it'll catch on... ?).
<i>Hi, I noticed your article on the street graffiti/art and I'm convinced I know where that picture of the bound woman is. It's in Dublin, Ireland, on the Pearse street part of Trinity College, under the Dart (an electric train system) line bridge. 
A map can be found here: <a href="http://www.dublintourist.com/maps/city_centre_street_index.shtml">http://www.dublintourist.com/maps/city_centre_street_index.shtml</a> in section C3. The Dart line is the orange line. Where it crosses Pearse street is the picture's location</i>. 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>Steamy trains - 12 February 2007</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/steamy01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/steamy01_t.jpg" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="57" ALT="left click to view full-size image and repeat with each other" align="left"></A>
This interesting article appeared in the 'Age' newspaper on the 8th of February and you're into model trains as well as bondage, you'll love this one. Apparently model railway scenery (the image here represents a police raid on a brothel) is being designed to reflect real life in the naughty naughties, much to the chagrin of some enthusiasts who can't help wondering what's wrong with their traditional layouts! In fact one friend of mine here (Rohana) said that he bases his train layouts on the 1950's specifically to avoid this kind of carry-on.  
The reason that I also posted this here is because I remember seeing one railway set featuring a very distressed damsel actually bound to the tracks! Unfortunately I've lost the URL and the picture - can anybody remember where they found it? Or if you have that image, please send it to us so I can post it here!! 
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>The Last Word - 11 September 2006</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/last-word03.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/last-word03_t.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="127" ALT="left click to view full-size image and repeat with each other" align=right></A>
This cartoon appeared in today's 'Age' newspaper and it really made me laugh!
A humourous take on the recent 'Mad Cow' scare in America, it's also a poignant reminder of the ever-present, agonising fear relating to accidental discovery and being 'outed'...
(by the way the umpie (umpire) responsible for the comments he made on the plane following the St.Kilda Fremantle match never got a finals gig... - wonder why?) Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke though!  
<center><IMG SRC="images/ropeline.gif" WIDTH="540" HEIGHT="26" ALT=""></center>
<center><h2>The Last Word - 28 August update</h2></center>
<A HREF="images_lastword/last-word02.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/last-word02_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="133" ALT="left click to view full-size image and repeat with each other" align=left></A>
This cartoon was drawn in response to a major umpiring controversy which erupted after the Fremantle-St.Kilda match at Subiaco, Perth following the St.Kilda coach's comments that they 'needed to pull their heads in and leave their egos behind when they go out on the field' - among other things. (he was later fined $20,000 by the <a href="http://www.afl.com.au">Australian Football League</a> (A.F.L) for conduct likely to bring the game into disrepute...)
St.Kilda lost this match by an agonising 5 points (in Australian Rules football, a goal is worth 6 points) - and given that Fremantle received 5 free kicks in front of goal - all of which were dubious to questionable at best, the umpires clearly influenced the result - even the papers said as much. 
As if this wasn't bad enough, one of the umpires was overhead to say, "Now we know what a victory feels like", while boarding the plane back to Melbourne, referring to St.Kilda's loss earlier that day. His "comment" was overheard by  one passenger and a TV reporter. 
The A.F.L thoroughly (? )investigated the incident but the bloody little white maggots were exonerated... (and <i>yes</i>, I'm a St.Kilda supporter!)  
Unspoken retribution? Revenge? You decide.  
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<center><h2>The Last Word - 14 August update</h2></center>  
<A HREF="images_lastword/last-word01.jpg"><IMG SRC="images_lastword/last-word01_t.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="164" ALT="" align=right></A>
This clipping actually appeared in one of our two major daily newspapers called 'The Age' (it's a very good newspaper by the way) as part of a regular column and it was so eye-catching that I just had to cut it out...  
I can't help wondering how they got there. 
Is she into bondage - or what?  
Or was it a calculated stunt in order to obtain attention?
Either way, it worked for I've given her star billing here! :-)
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